Relation dc#Type (?,pm#entity)  to specify the nature or genre of the content of a resource; SHOULD NOT BE USED IN WEBKB
  exclusion:  dc#Description
  supertype:  pm#binary_relation (pm)  in WebKB, most relation types are binary and some have a variable number of arguments (as in KIF), hence this type is currently only specialized by types that I do not want to see as direct subtypes of pm#relation
  subtype:  sumo#instance (?,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named instance_of; an object is an instance of a set_or_class if it is included in that set_or_class; an individual may be an instance of many classes, some of which may be subclasses of others; thus, there is no assumption in the meaning of instance about specificity or uniqueness
     subtype:  pm#kind__type___class___instance_of__instanceof (?,rdfs#class)  the '^' link in the FT notation
     subtype:  sumo#immediate_instance__immediateinstance (?,sumo#set_or_class)  if the common reading conventions of parameters had been respected, this type would have been named immediate_instance_of; an object is an immediate_instance of a set_or_class if it is an instance of the set_or_class and there does not exist a subclass of set_or_class such that it is an instance of the subclass

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