Introduction à SAGE (L2 MATHS+INFO S2MA304 ; 12*2h)

Enseignant des groupes de TP 1A et 1B : Philippe MARTIN
(9*2h ; à la suite des 3*2h de Jean-Paul MORILLON)

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Serveur Bloc-note Sage à utiliser pour les TPs :
    (accessible depuis les réseaux de l'université ou par VPN ;
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Page Web relative à Python dans le cours "Programmes et Algorithmes" (L1 IEEA S1IN102).

TP 5 - Sections 2 et 5 :
substractionGame_dictNextNodes= dict([(i, [i-1,i-2]) for i in range(2,24)])

def mex_complexAndInefficientVersion (arrayOfIntegers): 
  if len(arrayOfIntegers)==0: return 0
  nMax= max(arrayOfIntegers)  #or:  t= sorted(arrayOfIntegers); max=t[-1]   #gets the max 
  sortedArrayOfIntegers= [i for i in range(0,nMax+2)    #+2: +1 since range removes one +1
                           if i not in arrayOfIntegers] #    +1 since "mex: Minimum EXcluded"
  return sortedArrayOfIntegers[0] #the min element of sortedArrayOfIntegers: the first
def mex_simpleButInefficient (arrayOfIntegers):  
  min= 0  #the inefficiency comes from the fact that "in" (a loop) is called within the test 
  while min in arrayOfIntegers: min+= 1         #  a "while" (another loop) 
  return min

def mex (arrayOfIntegers):  
  min= 0
  for i in arrayOfIntegers:  #only 1 loop here
      if (i==min): min+= 1
  return min

print(mex([]))           #0
print(mex([0,0]))        #1
print(mex([0,1,2,3,5]))  #4

def grundy_simpleButInefficientVersion (game_dictNextNodes, nodeKey):  #nodeKey: "v" in the TP
  #for each game/rel and each nodeKey x in V=domain(R), 
  #  if x is a sink,  grundy(x) = 0  #this case is actually also covered in the next line
  #  else  grundy(x) = mex( {grundy(y) :  y ∈ V  and  x R y} )  
  nodeKey_nextNodes= game_dictNextNodes[nodeKey]
  arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode= [grundy_simpleButInefficientVersion(game_dictNextNodes,k)
                                 for k in nodeKey_nextNodes]  #[] if nodeKey_nextNodes==[] 
  return(mex(arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode))  #mex([])==0 so no need for a special case for sinks

Stock= {}  #every variable must be declared/initialized
                                                  #depth=0: first called with depth==0
def grundy_efficient (game_dictNextNodes, nodeKey, depth=0):  #grundy_archive
  global Stock  #Stock is a global variable used for storing the results of this 
                #  recursive function to re-calculating them again and again
  nodeKey_nextNodes= game_dictNextNodes[nodeKey]
  if depth==0: #if this is the first call of this function  then
    Stock= {}  #  1) empty/re-initialize Stock between each game simulation
    arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode= [grundy_efficient(game_dictNextNodes,k,depth+1) # 2) ... (needed later);
                                   for k in nodeKey_nextNodes]      # 2)   no need to store here since
  else:                                                             #       it will not be reused
    if nodeKey in Stock.keys(): #if an arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode has already been calculated and stored
      arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode= Stock[nodeKey] #then use the saved list instead of re-calculating it
    else:                       #else calculate this list and store it for future uses:
      Stock[nodeKey]= arrayOfGrundyOfEachNextNode= [grundy_efficient(game_dictNextNodes,k,depth+1)
                                                     for k in nodeKey_nextNodes]

print(grundy_efficient(substractionGame_dictNextNodes,5,0)) #",0" can be omitted: default value

def calcule_noyau (game_dictNextNodes):
  return [k for k in game_dictNextNodes.keys() if grundy_efficient(game_dictNextNodes,k,0)==0]