#woman__adult_female__adultfemale  an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"
  exclusion:  #adult_man  #man.lover
  supertype:  #female_person__female  a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies
  instance:  #Eve
  part:  #woman's_body
  subtype:  #Black_woman  a woman who is Black
  subtype:  #white_woman__whitewoman  a woman who is White
  subtype:  #yellow_woman  offensive term for an Oriental woman
  subtype:  #amazon.woman__virago  a large strong and aggressive woman
  subtype:  #maenad  (Greek mythology) a woman participant in the orgiastic rites of Dionysus
  subtype:  #baggage  a worthless or immoral woman
  subtype:  #B-girl__bar_girl__bargirl  a woman employed by a bar to act as a companion to men customers
  subtype:  #bluestocking__bas_bleu__basbleu  a woman having literary or intellectual interests
  subtype:  #bridesmaid  a woman who attends the bride at a wedding
  subtype:  #broad  slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"
  subtype:  #female_gossiper__cat  a spiteful woman gossip; "what a cat she is!"
  subtype:  #Cinderella.woman__cinderella  a woman whose merits were not been recognized but who then achieves sudden success and recognition
  subtype:  #coquette__flirt__vamp__vamper__minx__tease__prickteaser  a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men
  subtype:  #madam__dame__ma'am__lady__gentlewoman  a woman of refinement
     subtype:  #grande_dame  a woman of great prestige or ability
     subtype:  #madame  title used for a married Frenchwoman
  subtype:  #debutante__deb  a young woman making her debut into society
  subtype:  #divorcee__grass_widow__grasswidow  a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband
     instance:  #Wallis_Warfield_Simpson__Simpson__Mrs._Simpson__Wallis_Warfield_Windsor__Duchess_of_Windsor
  subtype:  #exwife__ex  a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife; "all his exes live in Texas"
  subtype:  #dominatrix  a dominating woman (especially one who plays that role in a sadomasochistic sexual relationship)
  subtype:  #donna  an Italian woman of rank
  subtype:  #temptress__temptres__enchantres__Delilah__femme_fatale__femmefatale  a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
  subtype:  #eyeful.woman  a strikingly beautiful woman; "she was a statuesque redheaded eyeful"
  subtype:  #geisha_girl__geisha  a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing
  subtype:  #missy__girl__miss__young_lady__younglady__young_woman__youngwoman__fille  a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
     subtype:  #baby.missy__sister  (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
     subtype:  #bachelor_girl  an unmarried girl who lives alone
     subtype:  #belle  a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals; "she was the belle of the ball"
     subtype:  #bimbo  a young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men
     subtype:  #colleen  an Irish girl
     subtype:  #dame__doll__wench__skirt__chick__bird  informal terms for a (young) woman
     subtype:  #flapper  a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress
     subtype:  #gal  (informal) alliterative term for girl (or woman)
     subtype:  #Gibson_girl  the idealized American girl of the 1890s as pictured by C. D. Gibson
     subtype:  #lass__lassie__young_girl__younggirl__jeune_fille__jeunefille  a girl or young woman who is unmarried
        subtype:  #bobbysoxer__bobbysocker  an adolescent girl wearing bobby socks (common in the 1940s)
     subtype:  #maiden__maid  an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
        subtype:  #damsel__demoiselle__damoiselle__damosel__damozel  a young unmarried woman
        instance:  #Io.maiden__io
     subtype:  #May_queen__queen_of_the_May  the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival
     subtype:  #mill-girl  a girl who works in a mill
     subtype:  #party_girl__partygirl  an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men
     subtype:  #peri.missy  a beautiful and graceful girl
     subtype:  #rosebud.missy  (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl
     subtype:  #shop_girl  a young female shop assistant
     subtype:  #soubrette.missy  a pert or flirtatious young girl
     subtype:  #sweater_girl__sweatergirl  a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters
     subtype:  #tomboy__romp__hoyden  a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
     subtype:  #working_girl__workinggirl  a young woman who is employed
  subtype:  #girl  a friendly informal reference to a grown woman; "Mrs. Smith was just one of the girls"
  subtype:  #lady_friend__girlfriend__girl  a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved; "his girlfriend kicked him out"
  subtype:  #girlfriend  any female friend; "Mary and her girlfriend organized the party"
  subtype:  #gold_digger  a woman who associates with or marries a rich man in order to get valuables from him through gifts or a divorce settlement
  subtype:  #gravida  a pregnant woman
     subtype:  #primigravida__gravida_I  (obstetrics) a woman who is pregnant for the first time
     subtype:  #secundigravida__gravida_II  a woman who is pregnant for the second time
     subtype:  #tertigravida__gravida_III  a woman who is pregnant for the third time
  subtype:  #heroine.woman  a woman possessing heroic qualities
     subtype:  #Judith  (Apocrypha) Jewish heroine in one of the books of the Apocrypha; she saved her people by decapitating the Assyrian general Holofernes
  subtype:  #inamorata  a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
  subtype:  #jezebel  a shameless impudent scheming woman
  subtype:  #jilt  a woman who jilts a lover
  subtype:  #lady  a polite name for any woman
     subtype:  #begum  a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan
  subtype:  #maenad.woman  an unnaturally frenzied or distraught woman
  subtype:  #head_nurse__matron  a woman in charge of nursing in a medical institution
  subtype:  #mestiza  a woman of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry)
  subtype:  #kept_woman__mistress__fancy_woman__fancywoman  an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
     subtype:  #concubine__courtesan__doxy__odalisque__paramour  a woman who cohabits with an important man
     instance:  #Eva_Braun__Braun  #Delilah
  subtype:  #nanny__nursemaid__nurse  a woman who is the custodian of children
     subtype:  #dry_nurse__drynurse  a nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant
     subtype:  #mammy  an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S.
     subtype:  #wet_nurse__wetnurse__amah  a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else
  subtype:  #nullipara  (obstetrics) a woman who has never give birth to a child
  subtype:  #nymph.woman__houri  a voluptuously beautiful young woman
  subtype:  #nymphet  a sexually attractive young woman
  subtype:  #old_woman__oldwoman  a woman who is old
     subtype:  #beldam__beldame  a woman of advanced age
     subtype:  #granny__matriarch  an old woman
     subtype:  #hag__beldame__crone  an ugly evil-looking old woman
     subtype:  #mother.old_woman  a term of address for an elderly woman
  subtype:  #prostitute__cocotte__whore__harlot__trollop__bawd__tart__cyprian__fancy_woman__fancywoman__working_girl__workinggirl__sporting_lady__lady_of_pleasure__woman_of_the_street  a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money
     subtype:  #call_girl  a female prostitute who can be hired by telephone
     subtype:  #camp_follower.prostitute__campfollower  a prostitute who provides service to military personnel
     subtype:  #demimondaine  a woman whose sexual promiscuity places her outside respectable society
     subtype:  #streetwalker__street_girl__hooker__hustler__floozy__floozie__slattern  a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets
     subtype:  #white_slave__whiteslave  a woman sold into prostitution
  subtype:  #shiksa__shikse  a derogatory term used by Jews to refer to non-Jewish women
  subtype:  #knockout__smasher__stunner__ravisher__sweetheart__peach__lulu__looker__mantrap__dish  a very attractive or seductive looking woman
  subtype:  #sylph.woman  a slender graceful young woman
  subtype:  #unmarried_woman__unmarriedwoman  a woman who is not married
     subtype:  #Senorita  a Spanish courtesy title for a girl or unmarried woman
     subtype:  #signorina  an Italian courtesy title for an unmarried woman; equivalent to Miss with used before a name
     subtype:  #spinster__old_maid__oldmaid  an elderly unmarried woman
  subtype:  #vestal  a chaste woman
  subtype:  #widow_woman__widowwoman__widow  a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried
     subtype:  #dowager  a widow holding property received from her deceased husband
     subtype:  #war_widow__warwidow  a woman whose husband has died in war
  subtype:  #wife__married_woman__marriedwoman  a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
     subtype:  #battle-axe__battle-ax  a sharp-tongued domineering wife
     subtype:  #crown_princess.wife  the wife of a crown prince
     subtype:  #first_lady__firstlady  the wife of a chief executive
     subtype:  #Frau  a married German woman; used as a title equivalent to Mrs. in English
     subtype:  #golf_widow  a wife who is left alone much of the time because her husband is playing golf
     subtype:  #housewife__homemaker__lady_of_the_house__woman_of_the_house  a wife who who manages a household while her husband earns the family income
     subtype:  #marchioness  the wife or widow of a marquis
     subtype:  #matron  a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified
     subtype:  #mayoress.wife  the wife of a mayor
     subtype:  #missus__missis  informal term of address for someone's wife
     subtype:  #old_lady__oldlady  your own wife; "meet my old lady"
     subtype:  #Senora  a Spanish title of respect for a married woman
     subtype:  #sheika__sheikha  the wife of a sheik
     subtype:  #signora  an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name
     subtype:  #uxor__ux  (legal terminology) the Latin word for wife
     subtype:  #vicereine  wife of a viceroy
     subtype:  #viscountess.wife__viscountes  a wife or widow of a viscount
     subtype:  #Mrs  a form of address for a married woman
     instance:  #Catherine_of_Aragon__Catherine  #Anne_Hathaway__Hathaway  #Rachel  #Rebecca__Rebekah  #Ruth.wife__ruth  #Sarah
  subtype:  #Ms.  a form of address for a woman that does not depend on her marital status
  subtype:  #wonder_woman  a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time

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