  supertype:  #person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  subtype:  pm#single_person
  subtype:  #spouse__partner__marriedperson__better_half  a person's partner in marriage
     subtype:  #bigamist  someone who marries one person while already legally married to another
     subtype:  #consort  the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
        subtype:  #prince_consort  a prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign
           instance:  #Albert_Francis_Charles_Augustus_Emmanuel__Albert__Prince_Albert
        instance:  #Marquise_de_Maintenon__Maintenon__Francoise_d'Aubigne__Madame_de_Maintenon
     subtype:  #helpmate__helpmeet  a helpful partner
     subtype:  #husband__hubby__married_man__marriedman  a married man; a woman's partner in marriage
        subtype:  #benedick__benedict  a newly married man (especially one who has long been a bachelor)
        subtype:  #cuckold  a man whose wife committed adultery
        subtype:  #family_man  a man whose family is of major importance in his life
        subtype:  #house_husband__househusband  a husband who keeps house while his wife earns the family income
     subtype:  #monogamist__monogynist  someone who practices monogamy (one spouse at a time)
     subtype:  #newlywed__honeymooner  someone recently married
        subtype:  #bride  a woman who has recently been married
           subtype:  #war_bride__warbride  bride of a serviceman during wartime
        subtype:  #bridegroom__groom  a man who has recently been married
     subtype:  #polygamist  someone who is married to two or more people at the same time
        subtype:  #polyandrist  a woman with two or more husbands
        subtype:  #polygynist  a man with two or more wives
     subtype:  #wife__married_woman__marriedwoman  a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
        subtype:  #battle-axe__battle-ax  a sharp-tongued domineering wife
        subtype:  #crown_princess.wife  the wife of a crown prince
        subtype:  #first_lady__firstlady  the wife of a chief executive
        subtype:  #Frau  a married German woman; used as a title equivalent to Mrs. in English
        subtype:  #golf_widow  a wife who is left alone much of the time because her husband is playing golf
        subtype:  #housewife__homemaker__lady_of_the_house__woman_of_the_house  a wife who who manages a household while her husband earns the family income
        subtype:  #marchioness  the wife or widow of a marquis
        subtype:  #matron  a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified
        subtype:  #mayoress.wife  the wife of a mayor
        subtype:  #missus__missis  informal term of address for someone's wife
        subtype:  #old_lady__oldlady  your own wife; "meet my old lady"
        subtype:  #Senora  a Spanish title of respect for a married woman
        subtype:  #sheika__sheikha  the wife of a sheik
        subtype:  #signora  an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name
        subtype:  #uxor__ux  (legal terminology) the Latin word for wife
        subtype:  #vicereine  wife of a viceroy
        subtype:  #viscountess.wife__viscountes  a wife or widow of a viscount
        subtype:  #Mrs  a form of address for a married woman
        instance:  #Catherine_of_Aragon__Catherine  #Anne_Hathaway__Hathaway  #Rachel  #Rebecca__Rebekah  #Ruth.wife__ruth  #Sarah
  subtype:  pm#person_in_de_facto_relationship

1 statement is about a direct instance of pm#in_relationship_person: pm#graph1_on_person

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