pm#imaginary_spatial_entity__imaginaryspatialentity  e.g., a cartoon character
  supertype:  pm#imaginary_entity__imaginaryentity  an entity that has been imagined
  subtype:  #imaginary_place__imaginaryplace  a place said to exist in religious or fictional writings
     subtype:  #afterworld  the place where you are after you die
     subtype:  #cloud-cuckoo-land  a place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
     subtype:  #Cockaigne  (Medieval legend) an imaginary land of luxury and idleness
     subtype:  #wonderland  an imaginary realm of marvels or wonders
     subtype:  #fairyland__faerie__faery  the enchanted realm of fairies
     subtype:  #Heaven  the abode of God and the angels and the souls of those who have gained salvation
        subtype:  #Abraham's_bosom__bosom_of_Abraham  (in the Gospel of Luke 16:22); the place where the just enjoy the peace of heaven after death
        subtype:  #Celestial_City__City_of_God__Heavenly_City__Holy_City  other phrases used to refer to heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'"
        subtype:  #Promised_Land  the goal towards which Christians strive
        instance:  #Elysium__Elysian_Fields__Valhalla__paradise
     subtype:  #Hel__Hell__Hades__infernal_region__netherworld__Scheol__underworld  (in various religions) the world of the dead; "he didn't want to go to hell when he died"
     subtype:  #perdition__Hell__Inferno__infernal_region__nether_region__the_pit__thepit  (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment: "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"- John Milton; "a demon from the depths of the pit"
        subtype:  #hellfire__red_region__redregion  a place of eternal fire envisaged as punishment for the damned
        instance:  #Gehenna__Tartarus
     subtype:  #limbo  (theology) the abode of infants who die before baptism
     subtype:  #limbo.imaginary_place  an imaginary place for lost or neglected things
     subtype:  #never-never_land__neverneverland__dreamland__dreamworld  a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
     subtype:  #purgatory.imaginary_place  (theology) a place where Roman Catholics think those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins
     subtype:  #Ruritania  an imaginary kingdom somewhere in central Europe; a setting for romance and adventure
     subtype:  #spirit_world  any imaginary place where spiritual beings (demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide; "science has emptied the spirit world of its former inhabitants"
     instance:  #Annwfn__Annwn  #Asgard  #Garden_of_Eden__Eden  #El_Dorado__eldorado  #Lilliput  #Midgard  #Utopia__Zion__Sion
  subtype:  #imaginary_being__imaginarybeing__imaginary_creature__imaginarycreature  a creature of the imagination
     subtype:  #hypothetical_creature  a creature that has not been observed but is hypothesized to exist
        subtype:  #extraterrestrial_being__extraterrestrial__alien  a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere
     subtype:  #mythical_being  an imaginary being of myth or fable
        subtype:  #mythical_monster__mythical_creature  a monster renowned in folklore and myth
           subtype:  #legendary_creature__legendarycreature  unverifiable but popularly accepted as possibly factual
              subtype:  #abominable_snowman__yeti  large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas
              subtype:  #Bigfoot__Sasquatch  large hairy humanoid creature said to live in wilderness areas of the United States and Canada
              subtype:  #doppelganger  a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living counterpart
              subtype:  #Loch_Ness_monster__Nessie  large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland
              subtype:  #sea_serpent__seaserpent  huge creature of the sea resembling a snake or dragon
           subtype:  #amphisbaena  (classical mythology) a serpent with a head at each end of its body
           subtype:  #basilisk.mythical_monster  (classical mythology) a serpent (or lizard or dragon) able to kill with its breath or glance
           subtype:  #centaur  (classical mythology) a mythical being that is half man and half horse
           subtype:  #cockatrice  monster hatched by a reptile from a cock's egg; able to kill with a glance
           subtype:  #firedrake__dragon  a creature of Teutonic mythology; usually represented as breathing fire and having a reptilian body and sometimes wings
              subtype:  #wyvern__wivern  a fire-breathing dragon used in medieval heraldry; had the head of a dragon and the tail of a snake and a body with wings and two legs
              instance:  #Fafnir
           subtype:  #Gorgon  (Greek mythology) any of three winged sister monsters having live snakes for hair; a glance turns the beholder to stone
              instance:  #Medusa  #Stheno  #Euryale
           subtype:  #gryphon__griffin  winged monster with an eagle-like head and body of a lion
           subtype:  #leviathan  monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil in the Old Testament
           subtype:  #manticore__mantichora__manticora__mantiger  a mythical monster having the head of man (with horns) and the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion
           subtype:  #roc  mythical bird of prey having enormous size and strength
           subtype:  #salamander.mythical_monster  reptilian creature supposed to live in fire
           subtype:  #troll  (Scandinavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains
           subtype:  #werewolf__wolfman__lycanthrope  a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf
           subtype:  #Fury__Eumenides__Erinyes  (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
              instance:  #Alecto  #Megaera  #Tisiphone
           instance:  #Cerberus  #Chimera__Chimaera  #Geryon  #Harpy  #Hydra  #Minotaur  #Nemean_lion  #Python  #Sphinx  #Typhoeus  #Typhon
        subtype:  #Hyperborean  (Greek mythology) one of a people that the ancient Greeks believed lived in a warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind
        subtype:  #houri  (in Muslim belief) one of the dark-eyed virgins of perfect beauty believed to live with the blessed in Paradise
        subtype:  #Valkyrie  (Norse mythology) one of the maidens of Odin who chose heroes to be slain in battle and conducted them to Valhalla
           instance:  #Brunhild__Brunnhilde__Brynhild
        subtype:  #Amazon  (Greek mythology) one of a nation of women warriors of Scythia (who burned off the right breast in order to use a bow and arrow more effectively)
        subtype:  #golem  (Jewish folklore) an artificially created human being that is given life by supernatural means
        subtype:  #hero.mythical_being  (classical mythology) a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits; often the offspring of a mortal and a god
        instance:  #Arjuna  #Scylla  #Dardanus  #Perseus.mythical_being__perseu  #Midas  #Sisyphus  #Narcissus  #Nibelung.mythical_being__nibelung  #Bellerophon  #Patroclus  #Pegasus__flying_horse  #Phoenix.mythical_being__phoenix  #Sarpedon  #Siegfried  #Sigurd  #Enkidu  #Gilgamish  #Sita  #Hero  #Leander  #Pygmalion  #Galatea  #Romulus  #Remus  #Daedalus  #Icarus  #Procrustes  #Eurydice  #Orion  #Orpheus  #Psyche  #Heracles__Hercules__Herakles__Alcides  #Pandora  #Fenrir  #Volund  #Yggdrasil__Ygdrasil  #Ymir  #Wayland_the_Smith__Wayland__Wieland  #Ajax  #Jason  #Medea  #Laertes  #Odysseus  #Ulysses  #Penelope  #Theseus  #Tantalus  #Achilles  #Aeneas  #Agamemnon  #Menelaus  #Clytemnestra  #Aegisthus  #Orestes  #Antigone  #Creon  #Jocasta  #Electra  #Laocoon  #Laius  #Myrmidon  #King_Oedipus__Oedipus__Oedipus_Rex  #Tiresias  #Peleus  #Hector  #Helen_of_Troy__Helen  #Leda  #Priam
     subtype:  #Death  the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"
        subtype:  #grim_reaper__reaper  Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe
     subtype:  #mermaid  half woman and half fish; lives in the sea
     subtype:  #merman  half man and half fish; lives in the sea
     subtype:  #Martian  imaginary people who live on the planet Mars
     subtype:  #giant  an imaginary figure of superhuman size and strength; appears in folklore and fair tales
        subtype:  #giantess  a female giant
        subtype:  #ogre  (folklore) a giant who likes to eat human beings
           subtype:  #ogress  a female ogre
        instance:  #Argus  #Cyclops  #Jotun__Jotunn  #Mimir
     subtype:  #Humpty_Dumpty  an egg-shaped character in a nursery rhyme who fell off a wall and could not be put back together again (late 17th century)
     subtype:  #monster  an imaginary creature usually having various human and animal parts
        subtype:  #bogeyman__bugbear__bugaboo__boogeyman__booger  an imaginary monster used to frighten children
        subtype:  #mythical_monster__mythical_creature  a monster renowned in folklore and myth
     subtype:  #witch  a being (usually female) imagined to have special powers derived from the devil
        subtype:  #pythoness__pythones  a witch with powers of divination
        subtype:  #warlock  a male witch or demon
     subtype:  #fictional_character__fictionalcharacter__fictitious_character__character  an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"
        subtype:  #Argonaut  (Greek mythology) one of the heroes who sailed with Jason on the Argo in search of the Golden Fleece
        subtype:  #Emile  the boy whose upbringing was described by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
        subtype:  #protagonist  the principal character in a work of fiction
           subtype:  #antihero  a protagonist who lacks the characteristics that would make him a hero (or her a heroine)
        subtype:  #Houyhnhnm  one of a race of intelligent horses who ruled the Yahoos in Swift's Gulliver's Travels
        subtype:  #Little_John  legendary follower of Robin Hood; noted for his size and strength
        subtype:  #Little_Red_Ricing_Hood  a girl in a fairy tale who meets a wolf while going to visit her grandmother
        subtype:  #Rodya_Raskolnikov__Raskolnikov  a fictional character in Dostoevsky's novel `Crime and Punishment'; he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds of good or evil
        subtype:  #Robin_Hood  legendary English outlaw of the 12th century; said to have robbed the rich to help the poor
        subtype:  #Robinson_Crusoe  the hero of Daniel Defoe's novel about a shipwrecked English sailor who survives on a small tropical island
        subtype:  #Rumpelstiltskin  a dwarf in one of the fairy stories of the brothers Grimm; tells a woman he will not hold her to a promise if she can guess his name and when she discovers it he is so furious that he destroys himself
        subtype:  #Shylock__shylock  a merciless usurer in a play by Shakespeare
        subtype:  #Tristan__Tristram  (medieval legends) the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall who fell in love with his uncle's bride (Iseult) after they mistakenly drank a love potion that left them eternally in love with each other
        subtype:  #Iseult  (medieval legends) the bride of King Mark of Cornwall who fell in love with the king's nephew (Tristan) after they mistakenly drank a love potion that left them eternally in love with each other
        subtype:  #Scaramouch__Scaramouche  a stock character in commedia dell'arte depicted as a boastful coward
        subtype:  #Sweeney_Todd__Todd  fictional character in a play by George Pitt; a barber who murdered his customers
        subtype:  #Walter_Mitty  fictional character created by James Thurber who daydreams about his adventures and triumphs
        subtype:  #Yahoo  one of a race of brutes resembling men but subject to the Houyhnhnms in Swift's Gulliver's Travels
        instance:  #Aladdin  #Babar  #Beatrice  #Beowulf  #Bluebeard  #James_Bond__Bond  #Paul_Bunyan__Bunyan  #John_Henry  #Cheshire_cat  #Chicken_Little  #Cinderella  #Colonel_Blimp  #Dracula  #Don_Quixote  #El_Cid  #Fagin  #Sir_John_Falstaff__Falstaff  #Father_Brown  #Faust__Faustus  #Frankenstein  #Frankenstein's_monster__Frankenstein  #Goofy  #Gulliver  #Hamlet  #Captain_Horatio_Hornblower__Horatio_Hornblower  #Iago  #Inspector_Maigret__Commissaire_Maigret  #Kilroy  #King_Lear__Lear  #Lilliputian  #Philip_Marlowe__Marlowe  #Wilkins_Micawber__Micawber  #Mother_Goose  #Mr._Moto  #Othello  #Pangloss  #Pantaloon  #Perry_Mason  #Peter_Pan  #Pierrot  #Pluto.fictional_character__pluto  #Huckleberry_Finn__Huck_Finn  #Tarzan_of_the_Apes__Tarzan  #Tom_Sawyer  #Uncle_Tom  #Uncle_Sam  #Sherlock_Holmes__Holmes  #Simon_Legree  #Sinbad_the_Sailor__Sinbad  #Snoopy  #Ali_Baba  #King_Arthur__Arthur  #Sir_Galahad__Galahad  #Sir_Gawain__Gawain  #Guinevere__Guenevere  #Sir_Lancelot__Lancelot  #Merlin
     subtype:  #psychopomp  a conductor of souls to the afterworld; "Hermes was their psychopomp"
     subtype:  #sylph  an elemental being believed to inhabit the air
     subtype:  #Tom_Thumb.imaginary_being__tomthumb  English folklore: an imaginary hero who was no taller than his father's thumb
     subtype:  #unicorn  an imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead
     instance:  #Jack_Frost  #Mammon
  subtype:  #spiritual_being__spiritualbeing__supernatural_being  an incorporeal being believed to have powers to affect the course of human events
     subtype:  #deity__divinity__god  any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force
        subtype:  #Demogorgon  (Greek mythology) a mysterious and terrifying deity of the underworld
        subtype:  #demigod__daemon  a person who is part mortal and part god
           instance:  #Adonis
        subtype:  #sea-god  a deity believed to live in or to control the sea
        subtype:  #sun-god__sungod  a god associated with the sun
        subtype:  #Celtic_deity  a deity worshipped by the Celts
           instance:  #Amaethon  #Ana  #Angus_Og__Aengus__Oengus__Angus  #Arawn  #Arianrhod__Arianrod  #Boann  #Brigit  #Dagda  #Danu__Dana  #Don.Celtic_deity__don  #Dylan  #Epona  #Fomor__Fomorian  #Gwydion  #Gwyn  #Lir__Ler  #Llew_Llaw_Gyffes  #LLud  #Llyr  #Lug  #Manannan  #Manawydan__Manawyddan  #Morrigan__Morrigu__morrigu  #Tuatha_De_Danann__Tuatha_de_Danann__Tuatha_De
        subtype:  #Egyptian_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Egyptians
           instance:  #Amen__Amon  #Amen-Ra__Amon-Ra  #Anubis  #Bast  #Geb__Keb  #Horus  #Isis  #Khepera  #Min  #Nephthys  #Nut  #Osiris  #Ptah  #Ra__Re  #Sekhet__Eye_of_Ra  #Set__Seth  #Thoth
        subtype:  #Semitic_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Semites
           instance:  #Adad  #Adapa  #Anshar  #Antum  #Anu  #Anunnaki__Enuki  #Apsu  #Aruru  #Ashur__Ashir  #Ashtoreth  #Astarte  #Ishtar__Mylitta  #Baal  #Bel  #Dagon  #Dagan  #Damkina__Damgalnunna  #Dumuzi__Tammuz  #Ea  #Enki  #Enlil__En-lil  #Ereshkigal__Eresh-kigal__Ereshkigel  #Girru  #Gula  #Igigi  #Inanna  #Ki  #Kishar  #Lilith  #Mama  #Marduk__Merodach__Baal_Merodach__Bel-Merodach  #Molech__Moloch  #Nabu__Nebo  #Nammu  #Namtar__Namtaru  #Nanna  #Nergal  #Nina  #Ningal  #Ningirsu  #Ningishzida  #Ninkhursag__Ninhursag__Ninkharsag  #Ninurta__Ninib  #Nusku  #Ramman  #Sarpanitu__Zirbanit__Zarpanit  #Shamash  #Sin  #Tashmit__Tashmitum  #Tiamat  #Utnapishtim  #Utu__Utug  #Zu__Zubird
        subtype:  #Hindu_deity  a deity worshipped by the Hindus
           subtype:  #avatar  the manifestation of a Hindu deity (especially Vishnu) in human or superhuman or animal form; "the Buddha is considered an avatar of the god Vishnu"
              subtype:  #Rama  avatar of Vishnu; any of three incarnations: Ramachandra or Parashurama or Balarama
                 instance:  #Ramachandra  #Balarama  #Parashurama
              instance:  #Jagannath__Jagannatha__Jagganath__Juggernaut  #Kalki  #Krishna
           instance:  #Aditi  #Aditya  #Agni  #Asura  #Ahura  #Asvins  #Bhaga  #Brahma  #Brihaspati  #Bhumi_Devi  #Devi  #Chandi  #Dharma  #Durga  #Dyaus-pitar__Dyaus  #Ganesa__Ganesha__Ganesh__Ganapati  #Garuda  #Gauri  #Hanuman  #Indra  #Ka  #Kali  #Kama  #Mara  #Kartikeya__Karttikeya  #Lakshmi  #Marut  #Mitra  #Parjanya  #Parvati__Anapurna__Annapurna  #Prajapati  #Pushan  #Rahu  #Ribhus__Rhibhus  #Rudra  #Sarasvati  #Savitar  #Shakti__Sakti  #Siva__Shiva  #Skanda  #Soma  #Surya  #Uma  #Ushas  #Vajra  #Varuna  #Vayu  #Vishnu  #Yama
        subtype:  #Persian_deity  a deity worshiped by the ancient Persians
           instance:  #Mithras__Mithra  #Ormazd__Ormuzd__Ahura_Mazda  #Ahriman
        subtype:  #Bodhisattva__Boddhisatva  Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others
           subtype:  #Avalokitesvara__Avalokiteshvara  a male Bodhisattva; widely associated with various gods and people
           instance:  #Maitreya
        subtype:  #Arhat__Arhant__lohan  a Buddhist who has attained nirvana
        subtype:  #Chinese_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Chinese
           subtype:  #Kwan-yin__Kuan_Yin  (Buddhism) a female Bodhisattva; often called Goddess of Mercy and considered an aspect of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara; identified with Japanese Kwannon
           instance:  #Chang_Kuo-lao__Chang_Kuo  #Wen_Ch'ang__Wen-Ti  #Taoist_Trinity  #Tien-pao__Heavenly_Jewel  #Ling-pao__Mystic_Jewel  #Shen-pao__Spiritual_Jewel
        subtype:  #Japanese_deity  a deity worshipped by the Japanese
           instance:  #Amaterasu_Omikami__Amaterasu  #Hachiman  #Hotei  #Izanagi  #Izanami  #Kami  #Kwannon  #Ninigi__Ninigino-Mikoto
        subtype:  #goddess__goddes  a female deity
           subtype:  #earth-goddess__earthgoddes  a goddess of fertility and vegetation
              subtype:  #earth_mother__earthmother  the earth conceived of as the female principle of fertility
        subtype:  #earth-god__earthgod  a god of fertility and vegetation
        subtype:  #demiurge  a subordinate deity, in some philosophies the creator of the universe
        subtype:  #Greco-Roman_deity__Graeco-Roman_deity  a deity of classical mythology
           subtype:  #nymph  (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden; "the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water"
              subtype:  #Oread  (Greek mythology) one of the mountain nymphs
              subtype:  #Asterope__Sterope  (Greek mythology) one of the 7 Pleiades
              subtype:  #water_nymph__waternymph  (Greek mythology) any nymph of the water
                 subtype:  #sea_nymph__seanymph  (Greek mythology) a water nymph who was the daughter of Oceanus or Nereus
                    subtype:  #Nereid  (Greek mythology) any of the 50 sea nymphs who were daughters of the sea god Nereus
                       instance:  #Thetis
                    subtype:  #Siren  a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
                       subtype:  #Lorelei  a siren of German legend who lured boatmen in the Rhine to destruction
                    instance:  #Calypso  #Oceanid
                 subtype:  #naiad  (Greek mythology) a nymph of lakes and springs and rivers and fountains
              subtype:  #dryad__woodnymph  a deity or nymph of the woods
                 subtype:  #hamadryad  the nymph or spirit of a particular tree
                 instance:  #Napaea__Napea
              instance:  #Echo  #Hesperides__Atlantides  #Hyades  #Pleiades.nymph__pleiade  #Daphne  #Salmacis
           instance:  #Aesculapius  #Bacchus  #Priapus  #Leto__Latona
        subtype:  #Greek_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Greeks
           subtype:  #Grace  (Greek mythology) one of three sisters who were the givers of beauty and charm; a favorite subject for sculptors
              instance:  #Aglaia  #Euphrosyne  #Thalia
           subtype:  #forest_god__satyr  one of a class of woodland deities; attendant on Bacchus; identified with Roman fauns
              instance:  #Silenus
           subtype:  #silenus__silenu  any of the minor woodland deities who were companions of Dionysus (similar to the satyrs)
           subtype:  #Olympic_god__Olympian  a classical Greek god after the overthrow of the Titans
           subtype:  #Muse  in ancient Greek mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne; protector of an art or science
              instance:  #Calliope  #Clio  #Erato  #Euterpe  #Melpomene  #Polyhymnia  #Terpsichore  #Thalia.Muse__thalia  #Urania
           subtype:  #Titan  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth)
              instance:  #Cronus  #Hyperion  #Oceanus  #Cocus  #Crius  #Iapetus  #Atlas  #Epimetheus  #Prometheus
           subtype:  #Titaness  (Greek mythology) any of the primordial giant goddesses who were offspring of Uranus (heaven) and Gaea (earth) in ancient mythology
              instance:  #Thea__Theia  #Rhea  #Themis  #Mnemosyne  #Phoebe  #Tethys
           instance:  #Aeolus  #Aether  #Phoebus_Apollo__Apollo__Phoebus  #Aphrodite__Cytherea  #Ares  #Eris  #Thanatos  #Nyx  #Artemis__Cynthia  #Boreas  #Ate  #Pallas_Athena__Athena__Athene__Pallas__Pallas_Athene  #Chaos  #Demeter  #Dionysus  #Doris  #Erebus  #Eros  #Gaea__Gaia__Ge  #Hebe  #Helios  #Hecate  #Hephaestus__Hephaistos  #Hermes  #Hermaphroditus  #Hygeia  #Hera__Here  #Hestia  #Hymen  #Minos  #Ariadne  #Moirai__Moirae  #Clotho  #Lachesis  #Atropos  #Momus__Momos  #Nemesis  #Nereus  #Nike  #Ouranos__Uranus  #Pan__the_goat_god  #Pasiphae  #Pontos__Pontus  #Poseidon  #Proteus  #Persephone__Despoina__Kore__Cora  #Phaethon  #Hades__Pluto__Aides__Aidoneus  #Pythia__Pythoness  #Rhadamnathus  #Selene  #Eos  #Triton  #Tyche  #Zephyr  #Zeus
        subtype:  #Roman_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Romans
           subtype:  #faun  ancient Italian deity in human shape, with horns, pointed ears and a goat's tail; equivalent to Greek satyr
           instance:  #Venus.Roman_deity__venu__Urania  #Mors  #Mars  #Diana  #Minerva  #Saturn.Roman_deity__saturn  #Ceres.Roman_deity__cere  #Nox__Night  #Cupid__Amor  #Sol  #Vulcan  #Mercury.Roman_deity__mercury  #Janus  #Juno  #Vesta.Roman_deity__vesta  #Parcae  #Nona  #Decuma  #Morta  #Victoria.Roman_deity__victoria  #Faunus  #Neptune  #Proserpina__Proserpine  #Dis__Orcus  #Luna  #Aurora  #Tellus  #Fortuna  #Jove__Jupiter  #Ops  #Sylvanus__Silvanus
        subtype:  #Norse_deity  a deity worshipped by the ancient Norsemen
           subtype:  #Aesir  (Norse mythology) the chief race of gods living at Asgard
           subtype:  #Vanir  (Norse mythology) race of ancient gods sometimes in conflict with the Aesir
           subtype:  #Norn  any of the three Fates or goddesses of destiny; identified with Anglo-Saxon Wyrd; similar to Greek Moirae and Roman Parcae
              instance:  #Urd__Urth  #Verdandi__Verthandi  #Skuld
           instance:  #Balder__Baldr  #Bragi__Brage  #Elli  #Forseti  #Frey__Freyr  #Freya__Freyja  #Frigg__Frigga  #Heimdall__Heimdal__Heimdallr  #Hela__Hel  #Hoenir  #Hoth__Hothr__Hoder__Hodr  #Idun__Ithunn  #Loki  #Nanna.Norse_deity__nanna  #Njord__Njorth  #Odin  #Sif  #Sigyn  #Thor  #Tyr__Tyrr  #Ull__Ullr  #Vali  #Vitharr__Vithar__Vidar
        subtype:  #Teutonic_deity  (Teutonic mythology) a deity worshipped by the ancient Teutons
           instance:  #Donar  #Nerthus__Hertha  #Wotan
        subtype:  #Anglo-Saxon_deity  (Anglo-Saxon mythology) a deity worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons
           instance:  #Tiu  #Woden__Wodan  #the_Weird_Sisters__the_Three_Weird_Sisters  #Wyrd__Weird
        subtype:  #Phrygian_deity  deity of the ancient Phrygians of west central Asia Minor
           instance:  #Cybele__Dindymene__Great_Mother__Magna_Mater__Mater_Turrita
        subtype:  #Quetzalcoatl  an Aztec deity represented as a plumed serpent
        subtype:  #saint  a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
           subtype:  #patron_saint  a saint who is considered to be a defender of some group or nation
              subtype:  #Santa_Claus__Kriss_Kringle__Father_Christmas__Saint_Nick__St_Nick  the legendary patron saint of children
              instance:  #Saint_Bridget__Bridget__St_Bridget__Brigid__Saint_Brigid__St_Brigid__Bride__Saint_Bride__St_Bride  #St_Christopher__Christopher__Saint_Christopher
           instance:  #Saint_Crispin__Crispin__St_Crispin  #Saint_David__David__St_David  #Saint_Francis_of_Assisi__Francis_of_Assisi__St_Francis_of_Assisi__Saint_Francis__St_Francis__Giovanni_di_Bernardone  #Saint_Nicholas__Nicholas__St_Nicholas
        subtype:  #war_god__god_of_war  a god worshipped as giving victory in war
        subtype:  #snake_god__snakegod__zombi__zombie  a god of voodoo cults of African origin worshipped especially in West Indies
        instance:  #Hypnos  #Morpheus  #the_Fates__Fates
     subtype:  #God__Supreme_Being  the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions
        subtype:  #Godhead__Lord__Creator__Maker__Divine__God_Almighty__Almighty__Jehovah  the Judeo-Christian God
           subtype:  #Blessed_Trinity__Trinity__Holy_Trinity  the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead
           subtype:  #hypostasis  any of the three persons of the Godhead constituting the Trinity especially the person of Christ in which divine and human natures are united
              subtype:  #Father-God__Father  God when considered as the first person in the Trinity; "hear our prayers, Heavenly Father"
              subtype:  #Son__Word__Logos  the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)
                 subtype:  #Messiah.Son__messiah  Jesus Christ; considered by Christians to be the promised deliverer
                 instance:  #Jesus_of_Nazareth__Jesus__Jesus_Christ__Christ__Savior__Saviour__Good_Shepherd__Redeemer__Deliverer
              subtype:  #Holy_Ghost__Holy_Spirit  the third person in the Trinity; Jesus promised the Apostles that he would send the Holy Spirit after his Crucifixion and Resurrection; it came on Pentecost
        subtype:  #Yahweh__YHWH__Yahwe__Yahveh__YHVH__Yahve__Wahvey__Jahvey__Jahweh__Jehovah__JHVH  a name for the Old Testament God as transliterated from the Hebrew YHVH
        subtype:  #Allah  Muslim name for God
     subtype:  #eon  (in Gnosticism) a divine power or nature emanating from the Supreme Being and playing various roles in the operation of the universe
     subtype:  #angel  spiritual being attendant upon God
        subtype:  #archangel  an angel ranked above the highest rank in the Celestial Hierarchy
           instance:  #Gabriel  #Michael  #Raphael
        subtype:  #cherub  an angel of the second order whose gift is knowledge; usually portrayed as a winged child
        subtype:  #seraph  an angel of the first order; usually portrayed as the winged head of a child
        subtype:  #guardian_spirit__guardian_angel  an angel believed to have special affection for a particular individual
           subtype:  #genius_loci  the guardian spirit of a place
           subtype:  #eudemon__good_spirit  (Greek) a benevolent spirit
        subtype:  #divine_messenger  a messenger from God; "angel of death"
     subtype:  #faery__fairy__faerie__sprite  small, human in form, playful, having magical powers
        subtype:  #water_sprite__watersprite__waternymph  a fairy that inhabits water
           subtype:  #undine  any of various water spirits
        subtype:  #elf__hob__gremlin__pixie__pixy__brownie__imp  (folklore) fairies that are somewhat mischievous
           subtype:  #leprechaun  a mischievous elf in Irish folklore
        subtype:  #dwarf  a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
           subtype:  #Nibelung  (Teutonic mythology) any of the race of dwarfs who possessed a treasure hoard that was stolen by Siegfried
           instance:  #Andvari
        subtype:  #Puck__Robin_Goodfellow  a mischievous sprite of English folklore
        subtype:  #Titania  (medieval folklore) the queen of the fairies
        instance:  #Morgan_le_Fay
     subtype:  #spirit  any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
        subtype:  #control.spirit  a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
        subtype:  #evil_spirit  a spirit tending to cause harm
           subtype:  #bad_fairy__badfairy  a fairy that tends to cause harm
           subtype:  #bogie__bogey__bogy  an evil spirit
           subtype:  #daemon__devil__fiend__demon__daimon  one of the evil spirits of traditional Jewish and Christian belief
              subtype:  #incubus  a male demon believed to lie on sleeping persons and to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women
              subtype:  #succubus__succuba  a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men
              subtype:  #dybbuk__dibbuk  (Jewish folklore) a demon that enters the body of a living person and controls that body's behavior
           subtype:  #cacodemon__cacodaemon  (Greek) an evil spirit
           subtype:  #ghoul  an evil spirit or ghost
           subtype:  #goblin__hob__hobgoblin  (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that makes trouble for human beings
           subtype:  #kelpy__kelpie  (Scottish folklore) water spirit in the form of a horse that likes to drown its riders
           subtype:  #vampire__lamia  (folklore) a corpse that rises at night to drink the blood of the living
           instance:  #Mephistopheles
        subtype:  #banshee  (Irish folklore) a female spirit who wails to warn of impending death
        subtype:  #genie__jinni__jinnee__djinni__djinny  a spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals
           subtype:  #Eblis  the principal evil jinni in Islamic mythology
        subtype:  #familiar_spirit__familiar  a spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard
        subtype:  #peri  (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
        subtype:  #specter__phantom__spectre  a ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us"
           instance:  #Flying_Dutchman.specter__flyingdutchman
        subtype:  #presence.spirit  an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby
        subtype:  #numen  a spirit believed to inhabit an object or preside over a place (especially in ancient Roman religion)
        subtype:  #python.spirit  a soothsaying spirit or a person who is possessed by such a spirit
        subtype:  #sylvan__silvan  a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods
        subtype:  #thunderbird  (mythology) the spirit of thunder and lightning believed by some Native Americans to take the shape of a great bird
        subtype:  #zombi_spirit__zombispirit__zombi__zombie__zombie_spirit  (voodooism) a spirit or supernatural force that reanimates a dead body
     instance:  #Satan__Old_Nick__Devil__the_Devil__Lucifer__Beelzebub__the_Tempter__Prince_of_Darkness

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