Semantic Classification of Word Processors

This document represents information about Word Processors in the FL notation. For now, the source is Wikipedia's page titled "Comparison of word processors".

The representations below have been loaded into the WebKB-2 knowledge base. Statements are in the courier font. They are enclosed within the XHTML marks <KR> and </KR> to permit WebKB-2 to distinguish them from regular text.   To search the categories the categories below, you can use this automatically generated search menu or copy-paste a category identifier (term with '#' inside) into the following textbox. Then, use the search options at the end of each displayed page.

Table of contents

user is;  //"is" is the default author of the relations below
isUnprefixedIdentsAllowed:= true; 
default creator: pm wn; //"pm" is the creator for the unprefixed relation names below

is#software_company  subtype of: #company,
 subtype: is#Software602_Company   is#SourceGear_Corporation
          is#Ability_Software  is#Apple_Computer  is#Applixware
          is#Ashampoo  is#Rising_Sun_Solutions_Inc  is#E-Press_Corp
          is#Evermore_Software is#The_Andrew_Consortium  is#Adobe 
          is#Gobe_Software  is#GNU_Project  is#James_Clark  is#Haansoft 
          is#KDE  is#IBM's_Lotus_Software  is#The_LyX_Project  is#RedleX
          is#Microsoft  is#Nisus_Software  is#Nota_Bene_Inc  is#SoftMaker
          is#Sun_Microsystems  is#Apple_Computer  is#R.O.M._Logicware  
          is#PolySoft_Solutions  is#Richard_Salsbury  is#Mark_de_Does
          is#MicroVision_Development_Inc  is#Byron_Software  is#Corel;

is#word_processor_task  subtype of: #task,
  subtype: is#grammar_check   is#graphic_editing  is#mail_merging  is#spell_check

 subtype:  {is#Unix_style_OS  is#Microsoft_Windows}
           is#BeOS/YellowTAB_ZETA  is#MorphOS  is#OpenVMS  is#ReactOS  is#SkyOS;

   subtype: #UNIX is#Mac_OS_X; 
    #UNIX  subtype: {(is#BSD_Unix__Berkeley_Software_Distribution is#non_BSD_Unix)};
     is#non_BSD_Unix  subtype: is#Linux  is#traditional_Unix;

  is#BeOS/YellowTAB_ZETA  subtype: is#BeOS  is#YellowTAB_ZETA;

 subtype: is#602PC_Suite  is#AbiWord  is#Ability_Write  is#Apple_Works
          is#Applix_Word  is#Ashampoo_Office  is#Atlantis_Word_Processor  is#EasyWord
          is#Evermore_Integrated_Office  is#EZ_Word  is#FrameMaker  is#GoBeProducive 
          is#GNU_TeXmacs  is#Groff  is#Han/Gul  is#KWord  is#Lotus_Word_Pro  is#LyX
          is#Mellel  is#Microsoft_Word  is#Microsoft_Works  is#Nisus_Writer
          is#Nota_Bene  is#OpenOffice.org_Writer  is#Pages  is#Papyrus  is#PolyEdit 
          is#RoughDraft  is#StarOffice  is#Ted  is#TextEdit  is#Text_Maker  
          is#WordExpress  is#WordFile4ME  is#WordPad  is#WordPerfect;

[any #word_processor (^$(no inheritance)$^),
  may have for pm#creator: a is#software_company (^$(explore)$^),
  may have for pm#version_id: a pm#string,
  may have for pm#first_release: a pm#time_measure,
  may have for #price: several #monetary_unit (^$(explore)$^),
  may have for #license: a is#software_license (^$(explore)$^),
  may be support of: a is#word_processor_task (^$(explore)$^),
  may have for support: a #operating_system (^$(explore)$^),
  may have for pm#url: a pm#URL


[any is#602PC_Suite,
 creator: is#Software602_Company,  pm#latest_stable_version: "4.2",
 #price: 39.95 USD,  is#software_license: a is#shareware_license];

[any is#AbiWord,
 creator: is#SourceGear_Corporation,  pm#latest_stable_version: "2.4.5",
 pm#first_release: 19/05/1999,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#GNU_general_public_license];

[any is#Ability_Write,
 creator: is#Ability_Software,  pm#latest_stable_version: "4",
 pm#first_release: 1985,  #price: 29.99 USD];

[any is#Apple_Works,
 creator: is#Apple_Computer,  pm#latest_stable_version: "6.2.9",
 pm#first_release: 1984,  #price: 79.00 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Applix_Word,
 creator: is#Applixware,  pm#latest_stable_version: "6.0",
 pm#first_release: 1992,  is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Ashampoo_Office,
 creator: is#Ashampoo,  //pm#latest_stable_version: is#???_(Office_2005),
 #price: 69.99 USD,  is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Atlantis_Word_Processor,
 creator: is#Rising_Sun_Solutions_Inc,  pm#latest_stable_version: "",
 #price: 35.00 USD,  is#software_license: a is#shareware_license];

[any is#EasyWord,
 creator: is#E-Press_Corp,  //pm#latest_stable_version: ???_(2001),
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#freeware_license];

[any is#Evermore_Integrated_Office,
 creator: is#Evermore_Software,  //pm#latest_stable_version: ???(2004),
 pm#first_release: 10/2002,  #price: 149.00 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#EZ_Word,
 creator: is#The_Andrew_Consortium,  pm#first_release: "1985",
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#BSD_license];

[any is#FrameMaker,
 creator: is#Adobe,  pm#latest_stable_version: "7.2",
 pm#first_release: 1986,  #price: 799 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#GoBeProducive,
 creator: is#Gobe_Software,  pm#latest_stable_version: "3",
 pm#first_release: 08/1998,  #price: 49.95 USD];

[any is#GNU_TeXmacs,
 creator: is#GNU_Project,  pm#latest_stable_version: "1.0.6",
 pm#first_release: 1999,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#GNU_general_public_license];

[any is#Groff,
 creator: is#James_Clark,  pm#latest_stable_version: "1.19.2",
 pm#first_release: 06/1990,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#GNU_general_public_license];

[any is#Han/Gul,
 creator: is#Haansoft,  pm#latest_stable_version: "",
 pm#first_release: 1989,  #price: about 219 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#KWord,
 creator: is#KDE,  pm#latest_stable_version: "KWord_1.5.2_/_July_14_2006",
 pm#first_release: 1998,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#GNU_lesser_general_public_license];

[any is#Lotus_Word_Pro,
 creator: is#IBM's_Lotus_Software,  pm#latest_stable_version: "9.8",
 //#price: 0 as part of Lotus_SmartSuite,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#LyX,
 creator: is#The_LyX_Project,  pm#latest_stable_version: "1.4.2",
 pm#first_release: 1995,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#GNU_general_public_license];

[any is#Mellel,
 creator: is#RedleX,  pm#latest_stable_version: "2.1",
 #price: 49.00 USD,  is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Microsoft_Word,
 creator: is#Microsoft,  pm#latest_stable_version: "11.0_/_Office_2003",
 pm#first_release: 2/05/1983,  #price: about 229 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Microsoft_Works,
 creator: is#Microsoft,
 pm#latest_stable_version: "8.0",//_(replaced_in_later_versions_by_Word)
 #price: 49.95 USD,  is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Nisus_Writer,
 creator: is#Nisus_Software,  pm#latest_stable_version: "7.0_(Express)",
 #price: 69.95 USD];

[any is#Nota_Bene,
 creator: is#Nota_Bene_Inc,  pm#latest_stable_version: "8.0",
 pm#first_release: 1982,  #price: 399.00 USD];

[any is#OpenOffice.org_Writer,
 creator: is#Sun_Microsystems,  pm#latest_stable_version: "2.0.3",
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#GNU_lesser_general_public_license];

[any is#Pages,
 creator: is#Apple_Computer,  pm#latest_stable_version: "2.0.1v2",
 pm#first_release: 02/2005,  #price: 79 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

[any is#Papyrus,
 creator: is#R.O.M._Logicware,  pm#latest_stable_version: "12",
 #price: 99.00 USD];

[any is#PolyEdit,
 creator: is#PolySoft_Solutions,  pm#latest_stable_version: "5.0_(RC_Eschaton)",
 #price: 27.95 USD];

[any is#RoughDraft,
 creator: is#Richard_Salsbury,  pm#latest_stable_version: "3.0",
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#freeware_license];

[any is#StarOffice,
 creator: is#Sun_Microsystems,  pm#latest_stable_version: "8",
 pm#first_release: 1994,  #price: about 70 USD];

[any is#Ted,
 creator: is#Mark_de_Does,  pm#latest_stable_version: "2.17",
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#GNU_general_public_license];

[any is#TextEdit,
 creator: is#Apple_Computer,  pm#latest_stable_version: "1.4_(220)",
 #price: 0 USD,  is#software_license: a is#bundled_with_Mac_OS_X_license];

[any is#Text_Maker,
 creator: is#SoftMaker,  //pm#latest_stable_version: is#???_(2006),
 #price: 49.95 USD];

[any is#WordExpress,
 creator: is#MicroVision_Development_Inc,  #price: 49.95 USD];

[any is#WordFile4ME,
 creator: is#Byron_Software,  #price: 15.00 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#shareware_license];

[any is#WordPad,
 creator: is#Microsoft,  #price: 0 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#bundled_with_Microsoft_Windows_license];

[any is#WordPerfect,
 creator: is#Corel,  pm#latest_stable_version: "X3/January_2006",
 pm#first_release: 1982,  #price: 299.99 USD,
 is#software_license: a is#proprietary_software_license];

Supported tasks

[any is#602PC_Suite,
 support of: no is#grammar_check, support of: a is#graphic_editing,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#AbiWord,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: a is#graphic_editing, support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Apple_Works,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,   support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Applix_Word, support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Atlantis_Word_Processor,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Evermore_Integrated_Office,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#EZ_Word,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#FrameMaker,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#GNU_TeXmacs,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Groff,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Han/Gul,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#KWord,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,   support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Lotus_Word_Pro,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#LyX,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Mellel,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#graphic_editing,
 support of: no is#mail_merging,  support of: a is#spell_check
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Microsoft_Word,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#graphic_editing,
 support of: a is#mail_merging,   support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Microsoft_Works,  support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Nisus_Writer,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#OpenOffice.org_Writer,
 support of: no is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#graphic_editing,
 support of: a is#mail_merging,  support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Pages,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#graphic_editing,
 support of: a is#mail_merging,  support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#PolyEdit,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#RoughDraft,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#StarOffice,  support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Ted,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#TextEdit,
 support of: no is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#mail_merging,
 support of: a is#spell_check, support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#Text_Maker,  support of: a is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#WordFile4ME,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#WordPad,  support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

[any is#WordPerfect,
 support of: a is#grammar_check,  support of: a is#spell_check,
 support of: a is#graphic_editing,  support of: a is#mail_merging,
 support of: no is#OpenDocument_handling];

Operating System Compatibility

[any is#602PC_Suite,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#AbiWord,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,
 support: most is#BeOS/YellowTAB_ZETA, support: most is#ReactOS,
 support: most is#SkyOS,  support: most #Unix_style_OS];

[any is#Ability_Write,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#Apple_Works,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Applix_Word,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows, support: most is#Linux];

[any is#Ashampoo_Office,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#Atlantis_Word_Processor, support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#EasyWord,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#Evermore_Integrated_Office,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows, support: most is#Linux];

[any is#EZ_Word,  support: most is#non_BSD_Unix];

[any is#FrameMaker,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#GoBeProducive,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#GNU_TeXmacs,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows, support: most is#Mac_OS_X,
 support: most is#BSD_Unix, support: most is#Linux];

[any is#Groff,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,
 support: most is#Linux,  support: most is#BSD_Unix];

[any is#Han/Gul,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#KWord,
 support: no is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X,
 support: most is#Linux,  support: most is#BSD_Unix];

[any is#Lotus_Word_Pro,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#LyX,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X,
 support: most is#Linux,  support: most is#traditional_Unix];

[any is#Mellel,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Microsoft_Word,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Microsoft_Works,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Nisus_Writer,
 support: no is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Nota_Bene,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#OpenOffice.org_Writer,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Unix_style_OS];

[any is#Pages,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Papyrus, support: most is#MorphOS];

[any is#PolyEdit, support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#RoughDraft,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#StarOffice,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows, support: most is#Linux];

[any is#Ted,  support: most is#Linux];

[any is#TextEdit, support: most is#Mac_OS_X];

[any is#Text_Maker,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows, 
 support: most is#Linux,  support: most is#BSD_Unix];

[any is#WordExpress,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#WordFile4ME,  support: most is#Microsoft_Windows];

[any is#WordPerfect,
 support: most is#Microsoft_Windows,  support: most is#Mac_OS_X,
 support: most is#Linux,  support: most #traditional_Unix];