#weight.artifact an artifact that is heavy supertype: #artifact__artefact a man-made object taken as a whole subtype: #bob.weight a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string subtype: #kite_tail a bob on a kite to provide balance subtype: #plumb_bob__plumbbob__plumb__plummet the metal bob of a plumb line subtype: #sounding_lead a metal bob at the end of a sounding line subtype: #counterweight__counterbalance__counterpoise__balance__equalizer__equaliser an equivalent counterbalancing weight subtype: #sash_weight a counterweight for a sliding sash subtype: #tare counterweight consisting of an empty container that is used as a counterbalance to obtain net weight subtype: #load.weight__loading__burden weight to be borne or conveyed subtype: #burthen a variant of `burden' subtype: #dead_load a constant load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) due to the weight of the supported structure itself subtype: #live_load__superload a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic subtype: #millstone.load any load that is difficult to carry subtype: #overload.load__overburden an excessive burden subtype: #overload an electrical load that exceeds the available electrical power subtype: #makeweight a weight added to the scale to reach a required weight subtype: #paperweight a weight used to hold down a stack of papers subtype: #sinker.weight a weight that sinks (as to hold nets or fishing lines under water)
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