#vaccine immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies supertype: immunogen__immunizingagent any substance or organism that provokes an immune response (produces immunity) when introduced into the body subtype: DPT_vaccine abbreviation for combination vaccine against diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus toxoids; usually given in a series of injections in early childhood subtype: pneumococcal_vaccine__Pneumovax vaccine (trade name Pneumovax) effective against the 23 most common strains of pneumococcus subtype: poliovirus_vaccine vaccine prepared from poliovirus to provide immunity to poliomyelitis subtype: Sabin_vaccine__oral_poliovirus_vaccine__OPV__trivalent_live_oral_poliomyelitis_vaccine__TOPV an oral poliovirus vaccine (containing live but weakened poliovirus) that is given to provide immunity to poliomyelitis subtype: Salk_vaccine__IPV a poliovirus vaccine consisting of inactivated polio virus that is injected subcutaneously to provide immunity to poliomyelitis
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