#tussah__tusseh__tussur__tussore__tusser__Antheraea_mylitta oriental moth that produces brownish silk supertype: #saturniid_moth__saturniidmoth__saturniid large brightly colored and usually tropical moth; larvae spin silken cocoons member of: #genus_Antheraea__Antheraea large moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality member of: #family_Saturniidae__Saturniidae important and widely distributed family of moths including some of the largest insects known member of: #order_Lepidoptera__Lepidoptera moths and butterflies member of: #class_Insecta__Insecta__Hexapoda__class_Hexapoda insects; about five-sixths of all known animal species member of: #phylum_Arthropoda__Arthropoda jointed-foot invertebrates: arachnids; crustaceans; insects; millipedes; centipedes member of: #kingdom_Animalia__Animalia__animal_kingdom taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
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