#tubing__tube conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct liquids or gases supertype: conduit__channel a passage for water (or other fluids) subtype: gun_barrel__gunbarrel__barrel a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired subtype: blowgun__blowpipe__blowtube__blow_tube a tube through which darts can be shot by blowing subtype: cannula a small flexible tube inserted into a body cavity for draining off fluid or introducing medication subtype: capillary_tubing__capillarytubing__capillary__capillary_tube__capillarytube a tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid by capillary action subtype: catheter a thin flexible tube inserted into the body to permit introduction or withdrawal of fluids or to keep the passageway open subtype: endotracheal_tube a catheter that is inserted into the trachea through the mouth or nose in order to maintain an open air passage or to deliver oxygen or to permit the suctioning of mucus or to prevent aspiration of the stomach contents subtype: nasotracheal_tube a tube inserted into the trachea through the nose and pharynx; used to deliver oxygen subtype: cigarette_holder__cigaretteholder a tube that holds a cigarette while it is being smoked subtype: coil.tubing tubing that is wound in a spiral subtype: condenser a hollow coil that condenses by abstracting heat subtype: chromatography_column__column a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands subtype: drain.tubing tube inserted into a body cavity (as during surgery) to remove unwanted material subtype: hosepipe__hose a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas subtype: airline__air_hose__airhose a hose that carries air under pressure subtype: fire_hose a large hose that carries water from a fire hydrant to the site of the fire subtype: garden_hose a hose used for watering a lawn or garden subtype: radiator_hose a flexible hose between the radiator and the engine block subtype: water_cannon__watercannon__watercannon a hose (carried on a truck) that fires water under high pressure to disperse crowds (especially crowds of rioters) subtype: inner_tube__innertube an inflatable rubber tube that fits inside the casing of a pneumatic tire subtype: mouthpiece.tubing the tube of a pipe or cigarette holder that a smoker holds in the mouth subtype: pea_shooter__peashooter a straight narrow tube through which pellets (as dried peas) can be blown at a target subtype: pipe__pipage__piping a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc. subtype: chimneypot a short earthenware pipe on the top of a chimney to increase the draft subtype: discharge_pipe__dischargepipe a pipe through which fluids can be discharged subtype: hydrant a discharge pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from the mains of waterworks subtype: fireplug__fire_hydrant__plug an upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire subtype: drainpipe__drain__waste_pipe__wastepipe a pipe through which liquid is carried away subtype: culvert a transverse and totally enclosed drain under a road or railway subtype: scupper drain that allows water on the deck of a vessel to flow overboard subtype: sewerage__sewer__cloaca a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water subtype: soil_pipe drain that conveys liquid waste from toilets, etc. subtype: trap.drainpipe drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas subtype: drilling_pipe a series of tube (joined by screwed collars) that connects a drilling platform to the drilling bit; rotates the bit and supplies drilling mud subtype: elbow.pipe a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it subtype: exhaust_pipe__exhaustpipe a pipe through which burned gases travel from the exhaust manifold to the muffler subtype: fuel_line__gas_line__gasline a pipe that carries gasoline from a tank to a gasoline engine; "the car wouldn't start because dirt clogged the gas line" subtype: main a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage subtype: electric_main a main that distributes electricity subtype: gas_main__gasmain a main that distributes gas subtype: sewer_main__sewermain__sewer_line__sewerline a main in a sewage system subtype: water_main__watermain main (a pipe or conduit) for conveying water subtype: manifold a pipe that has several lateral outlets to or from other pipes subtype: exhaust_manifold__exhaustmanifold a manifold that receives exhaust gases from the cylinders and conducts them to the exhaust pipe subtype: inlet_manifold__inletmanifold manifold that carries vaporized fuel from the carburetor to the inlet valves of the cylinders subtype: intake_manifold a manifold consisting of a pipe to carry fuel to each cylinder in an internal-combustion engine subtype: pipeline__line a pipe used to transport liquids or gases; "a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport" subtype: Alaskan_pipeline__trans-Alaska_ppipeline an oil pipeline that runs 800 miles from wells at Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez subtype: gas_line__gasline a pipeline used to transport natural gas; "the workmen broke through the gas line" subtype: oil_pipeline__oilpipeline a pipeline used to transport oil subtype: standpipe a vertical pipe subtype: steam_line__steamline__steam_pipe__steampipe a pipe conducting steam subtype: tailpipe a pipe carrying fumes from the muffler to the rear of a car subtype: tobacco_pipe__tobaccopipe__pipe a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco subtype: briar_pipe__briarpipe__briar a pipe made from the root (briarroot) of the tree heath subtype: calumet__peace_pipe__peacepipe__pipe_of_peace a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Amerindians; smoked on ceremonial occasions (especially as a token of peace) subtype: clay_pipe a pipe made of clay subtype: dudeen a clay pipe with a short stem subtype: hookah__hubble-bubble__kalian__narghile__water_pipe__waterpipe a pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water subtype: meerschaum a pipe having a bowl made of meerschaum subtype: silencer short tube attached to the muzzle of a gun the deaden the sound of firing subtype: siphon__syphon a tube running from the liquid in a vessel to a lower level outside the vessel so that atmospheric pressure forces the liquid through the tube subtype: speaking_tube a tube for conveying the sound of a voice from one room to another subtype: stem the tube of a tobacco pipe subtype: drinking_straw__straw a thin paper or plastic tube used to such liquids into the mouth subtype: test_tube glass tube closed at one end subtype: torpedo_tube__torpedotube a tube near the waterline of a vessel through which a torpedo is fired subtype: venturi a tube with a constriction; used to control fluid flow (as in the air inlet of a carburetor) subtype: well_point__wellpoint a perforated tube driven into the ground to collect water from the surrounding area
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