#thrush songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast supertype: #oscine_bird__oscine passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus member of: #family_Turdidae subtype: #missel_thrush__mistle_thrush__mistletoe_thrush__mistletoethrush__Turdus_viscivorus large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries subtype: #song_thrush__mavis__mavi__throstle__Turdus_philomelos common Old World thrush noted for its song subtype: #fieldfare__snowbird__Turdus_pilaris medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter subtype: #redwing__Turdus_iliacus small European thrush having reddish flanks subtype: #European_blackbird__blackbird__merl__merle__ouzel__ousel__Turdus_merula common black European thrush subtype: #ring_ouzel__ring_blackbird__ring_thrush__Turdus_torquatus European thrush common in rocky areas; the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck subtype: #American_robin__robin__Turdus_migratorius large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen subtype: #clay-colored_robin__Turdus_grayi robin of Mexico and Central America subtype: #hermit_thrush__Hylocichla_guttata North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song subtype: #veery__Wilson's_thrush__Hylocichla_fuscescens tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song subtype: #wood_thrush__Hylocichla_mustelina large thrush common in eastern American woodlands; noted for its melodious song subtype: #nightingale__lusciniamegarhyncho European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song subtype: #bulbul nightingale spoken of in Persian poetry subtype: #thrush_nightingale__Luscinia_luscinia large nightingale of eastern Europe subtype: #Old_World_chat__chat songbirds having a chattering call subtype: #stonechat__Saxicola_torquata common European chat with black plumage and a reddish-brown breast subtype: #whinchat__Saxicola_rubetra brown-and-buff European songbird of grassy meadows subtype: #solitaire dull gray North American thrushes noted for its beautiful song subtype: #redstart__redtail European songbird with a reddish breast and tail; related to Old World robins subtype: #wheatear small songbird of northern America and Eurasia having a distinctive white rump subtype: #bluebird blue North American songbird subtype: #robin_redbreast__robinredbreast__robin__redbreast__Old_World_robin__Erithacus_rubecola small Old World songbird with a reddish breast subtype: #bluethroat__Erithacus_svecicus songbird of northern Europe and Asia
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