#sure_thing__certainty something that is certain; "his victory is a certainty" exclusion: #uncertainness supertype: #quality an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare subtype: #cert (British slang) an absolute certainty; "it's a dead cert" subtype: #inevitability__inevitableness the quality of being unavoidable subtype: #surety something clearly established subtype: #indisputability__unquestionability__unquestionableness the quality of being beyond question or dispute or doubt subtype: #incontrovertibility__incontrovertibleness the quality of being undeniable and not worth arguing about subtype: #demonstrability__provability capability of being demonstrated or logically proved subtype: #givenness__givennes the quality of being granted as a supposition; of being acknowledged or assumed subtype: #predictability the quality of being predictable subtype: #determinateness__determinatenes__definitenes the quality of being predictable with great confidence subtype: #finality__conclusiveness__decisiveness the quality of being final or definitely settled: "the finality of death"
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