#suborder_Marginocephalia__Marginocephalia__marginocephalian includes bone-headed (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs supertype: #animal_order the order of animals member of: #order_Ornithischia member: #suborder_Pachycephalosaurus bone-headed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous member: #bone-headed_dinosaur bipedal herbivorous dinosaurs with bony crowns member: #suborder_Ceratopsia__Ceratopsia horned dinosaurs member: #ceratopsian__horned_dinosaur any of several four-footed herbivorous horned dinosaurs with enormous beaked skulls; of the late Cretaceous in North America and Mongolia member: #family_Ceratopsidae__familyceratopsidae__Ceratopsidae American ceratopsian dinosaurs member: #genus_Protoceratops small horned dinosaurs member: #genus_Triceratops genus of herbivorous horned dinosaurs member: #triceratops__triceratop huge ceratopsian dinosaur having three horns and the neck heavily armored with a very solid frill member: #genus_Styracosaurus genus of horned dinosaurs member: #styracosaur__styracosaurus__styracosauru an unusual ceratopsian dinosaur having many large spikes around the edge of its bony frill and a long nose horn; late Cretaceous member: #genus_Psittacosaurus most primitive genus of horned dinosaurs; early Cretaceous member: #psittacosaur__psittacosaurus primitive dinosaur actually lacking horns and having only the beginning of a frill; long hind and short front limbs; may have been bipedal
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