#suborder_Euronithopoda__Euronithopoda__euronithopod__Ornithopoda__suborder_Ornithopoda widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs; trachodon; iguanodon) supertype: #animal_order the order of animals member of: #order_Ornithischia member: #ornithopod_dinosaur__ornithopod bipedal herbivorous dinosaur member: #family_Hadrosauridae__Hadrosauridae duck-billed dinosaurs; upper Cretaceous member: #hadrosaur__hadrosaurus__hadrosauru__duck-billed_dinosaur any of numerous large bipedal ornithischian dinosaurs having a horny duck-like bill and webbed feet; may have been partly aquatic member: #genus_Anatotitan genus of large duck-billed dinosaurs; late Cretaceous member: #anatotitan one of the largest and most famous duck-billed dinosaurs member: #genus_Corythosaurus genus of duck-billed dinosaurs of late Cretaceous member: #corythosaur__corythosaurus__corythosauru duck-billed dinosaur with nasal passages that expand into a crest like a hollow helmet member: #genus_Edmontosaurus duck-billed dinosaurs of Canada member: #edmontosaurus__edmontosauru duck-billed dinosaur from Canada found as a fossilized mummy with skin member: #genus_Trachodon a reptile genus of the suborder Euronithopoda member: #trachodon__trachodont large duck-billed dinosaur of the Upper Cretaceous member: #family_Iguanodontidae__Iguanodontidae iguanodons member: #genus_Iguanodon type genus of the Iguanodontidae member: #iguanodon massive herbivorous bipedal dinosaur with a long heavy tail; common in Europe and North Africa; early Cretaceous
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