#subclass_Zoomastigina__Zoomastigina in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista; holozoic or saprozoic flagellates supertype: #class__clas (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders member of: #class_Mastigophora member: #zoomastigote__zooflagellate flagellate protozoan lacking photosynthesis and other plant-like characteristics member: #order_Hypermastigina__Hypermastigina cellulose-producing flagellates member: #hypermastigote flagellate symbiotic in the intestines of e.g. termites member: #order_Polymastigina__Polymastigina small usually parasitic flagellates member: #polymastigote flagellates with several flagella member: #genus_Costia a genus of flagellate protoctista member: #costia__Costia_necatrix a flagellate that is the cause of the frequently fatal fish disease costiasis member: #genus_Giardia flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates member: #giardia a suspected cause of diarrhea in humans member: #genus_Chilomastix__Chilomastix flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates including humans member: #genus_Hexamita__Hexamita flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birds member: #genus_Trichomonas flagellates parasitic in alimentary or genitourinary tracts of vertebrates and invertebrates including humans member: #trichomonad cause of trichomoniasis in women and cattle and birds
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