#subclass_Teleostei__Teleostei large diverse group of bony fishes; includes most living species supertype: #class__clas (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders member of: #class_Osteichthyes member: #superorder_Malacopterygii__Malacopterygii an extensive group of teleost fishes having fins supported by flexible cartilaginous rays member: #soft-finned_fish__malacopterygian any fish of the superorder Malacopterygii member: #whitebait the edible young of especially herrings and sprats and smelts member: #order_Cypriniformes__Cypriniformes an order of animals including almost entirely freshwater fishes: characins; loaches; carp; suckers; sometimes classified as a suborder of Ostariophysi member: #cypriniform_fish__cypriniformfish a soft-finned fish of the order Cypriniformes member: #family_Cobitidae__Cobitidae loaches member: #loach slender freshwater fishes of Eurasia and Africa resembling catfishes member: #family_Cyprinidae__Cyprinidae a family of fish including: carp; tench; roach; rudd; dace member: #cyprinid_fish__cyprinid soft-finned mainly freshwater fishes typically having toothless jaws and cycloid scales member: #carp any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae member: #genus_Cyprinus__Cyprinus type genus of the family Cyprinidae: carp member: #domestic_carp__Cyprinus_carpio large Old World freshwater bottom-feeding fish introduced into Europe from Asia; inhabits ponds and sluggish streams and often raised for food; introduced into United States where it has become a pest member: #genus_Abramis__Abramis European fishes member: #European_bream__Abramis_brama European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food member: #genus_Tinca__Tinca tench member: #tench__Tinca_tinca freshwater dace-like game fish of Europe and western Asia noted for ability to survive outside water member: #genus_Leuciscus__Leuciscus a genus of fish including: dace, chub member: #dace__Leuciscus_leuciscus small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body member: #chub__Leuciscus_cephalus European freshwater game fish with a thick spindle-shaped body member: #genus_Notropis__Notropis shiners member: #common_shiner__silversides__Notropis_cornutus the common North American shiner member: #genus_Notemigonus__Notemigonus golden shiners member: #genus_Rutilus__Rutilus roaches member: #Rutilus_rutilus__roach European freshwater food fish having a greenish back member: #genus_Scardinius__Scardinius rudds member: #rudd__Scardinius_erythrophthalmus European freshwater fish resembling the roach member: #genus_Phoxinus__Phoxinus minnows member: #minnow__Phoxinus_phoxinus very small European freshwater fish common in gravelly streams member: #genus_Gobio__Gobio true gudgeons member: #gudgeon__gobiogobio small slender European freshwater fish often used as bait by anglers member: #genus_Carassius__Carassius goldfish member: #goldfish__Carassius_auratus small golden or orange-red freshwater fishes of Eurasia used as pond or aquarium fishes member: #crucian_carp__cruciancarp__Carassius_carassius__Carassius_vulgaris European carp closely resembling wild goldfish member: #family_Electrophoridae__Electrophoridae small family comprising the electric eels member: #genus_Electrophorus__Electrophorus type genus of the family Electrophoridae; electric eels member: #electric_eel__Electrophorus_electric eel-shaped freshwater fish of South America having electric organs in its body member: #family_Catostomidae__Catostomidae suckers; closely related to the family Cyprinidae member: #catostomid a cypriniform fish of the family Catostomidae member: #sucker mostly North American freshwater fishes with a thick-lipped mouth for feeding by suction; related to carps member: #genus_Catostomus__Catostomus type genus of the family Catostomidae member: #genus_Ictiobus__Ictiobus buffalo fishes member: #black_buffalo__blackbuffalo__Ictiobus_niger fish of the lower Mississippi member: #genus_Hypentelium__Hypentelium a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae member: #genus_Maxostoma__Maxostoma a genus of fish in the family Catostomidae member: #redhorse_sucker__redhorse North American sucker with reddish fins member: #family_Cyprinodontidae__Cyprinodontidae large family of small soft-finned fishes; killifishes; flagfishes; swordtails; guppies member: #cyprinodont any member of the family Cyprinodontidae member: #genus_Fundulus__Fundulus killifish member: #mummichog__Fundulus_heteroclitus silver-and-black killifish of saltwater marshes along the United States Atlantic coast member: #striped_killifish__stripedkillifish__mayfish__fundulusmajali black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of United States Atlantic and Gulf coasts member: #genus_Rivulus killifish member: #rivulus__rivulu found in small streams of tropical America; often kept in aquariums; usually hermaphroditic member: #genus_Jordanella__Jordanella flagfishes member: #American_flagfish__flagfish__Jordanella_floridae flagfish with a dark-blue back and whitish sides with red stripes; found in swamps and streams of Florida member: #genus_Xyphophorus__Xyphophorus swordtails member: #swordtail__helleri__Xyphophorus_helleri freshwater fish of Central America having a long swordlike tail; popular aquarium fish member: #genus_Lebistes__Lebistes guppies member: #family_Poeciliidae__Poeciliidae topminnows member: #topminnow__poeciliid_fish__poeciliidfish__poeciliid__live-bearer small usually brightly-colored viviparous surface-feeding fishes of fresh or brackish warm waters; often used in mosquito control member: #genus_Gambusia__Gambusia mosquitofish member: #mosquitofish__Gambusia_affinis silvery topminnow with rows of black spots of tropical North America and West Indies; important in mosquito control member: #genus_Platypoecilus__Platypoecilus platys member: #platy__Platypoecilus_maculatus small stocky Mexican fish; popular aquarium fish member: #genus_Mollienesia__Mollienesia mollies member: #mollie__molly popular aquarium fish member: #family_Characidae__Characidae tropical freshwater fishes of Africa and S and Central America member: #characin_fish__characin__characid any freshwater fish of the family Characinidae member: #genus_Hemigrammus__Hemigrammus tetras member: #tetra brightly colored tropical freshwater fishes member: #genus_Paracheirodon__Paracheirodon a genus of Characidae member: #cardinal_tetra__Paracheirodon_axelrodi small bright red and blue aquarium fish from streams in Brazil and Columbia member: #genus_Serrasalmus__Serrasalmus piranhas member: #piranha__pirana__caribe small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals member: #order_Siluriformes__Siluriformes an order of fish belonging to the superorder Malacopterygii including catfishes member: #siluriform_fish__catfish any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America with barbels like whiskers around the mouth member: #family_Siluridae__Siluridae Old World catfishes member: #silurid_fish__siluridfish__silurid Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin member: #genus_Silurus__Silurus type genus of the Siluridae: catfishes member: #European_catfish__sheatfish__Silurus_glanis large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe member: #genus_Malopterurus__Malopterurus electric catfish member: #electric_catfish__Malopterurus_electricus freshwater catfish of the Nile and tropical central Africa having an electric organ member: #family_Ameiuridae__Ameiuridae North American catfishes member: #genus_Ameiurus__Ameiurus type genus of the Ameiuridae: bullhead catfishes member: #bullhead any of several common freshwater catfishes of the United States member: #genus_Ictalurus__Ictalurus channel catfishes member: #genus_Pylodictus__Pylodictus flathead catfishes member: #flathead_catfish__mudcat__goujon__shovelnose_catfish__spoonbill_catfish__spoonbillcatfish__Pylodictus_olivaris large catfish of central United States having a flattened head and projecting jaw member: #family_Laricariidae__Laricariidae armored catfish member: #armored_catfish South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates member: #family_Ariidae__Ariidae sea catfishes member: #sea_catfish any of numerous marine fishes most of which are mouthbreeders; not used for food member: #genus_Arius__Arius type genus of the Ariidae: sea catfishes member: #crucifix_fish catfish of the Caribbean area member: #order_Gadiformes__Gadiformes cods, haddocks, grenadiers; in some classifications considered equivalent to the order Anacanthini member: #family_Gadidae__Gadidae large family of important mostly marine food fishes member: #gadoid_fish__gadoid a soft-finned fish of the family Gadidae member: #genus_Gadus__Gadus type genus of the Gadidae: the typical codfishes member: #cod__codfish major food fish of arctic and cold-temperate waters member: #genus_Merlangus__Merlangus whitings member: #Merlangus_merlangus__whiting__Gadus_merlangus a food fish of European Atlantic waters resembling the cod; sometimes placed in genus Gadus member: #genus_Lota__Lota burbot member: #genus_Melanogrammus__Melanogrammus haddock member: #Melanogrammus_aeglefinus__haddock important food fish on both sides of the Atlantic; related to cod but usually smaller member: #genus_Pollachius__Pollachius pollack member: #Pollachius_pollachius__pollack important food and game fish of northern seas especially North Atlantic; related to cod member: #genus_Merluccius__Merluccius hakes member: #genus_Urophycis__Urophycis hakes member: #ling American hakes member: #genus_Molva__Molva ling member: #Molva_molva__ling elongated marine food fish of Greenland and northern Europe; often salted and dried member: #Brosmius__genus_Browmius cusk member: #family_Macrouridae__Macrouridae__Macruridae__family_Macruridae grenadiers member: #rattail__grenadier__rattail_fish__rattailfish deep-sea fish with a large head and body and long tapering tail member: #order_Anacanthini__Anacanthini at least partially equivalent to the order Gadiformes in some classifications member: #order_Anguilliformes__Anguilliformes__order_Apodes elongate fishes with pelvic fins and girdle absent or reduced member: #eel voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins member: #family_Anguillidae__Anguillidae eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to the sea to spawn member: #genus_Anguilla__Anguilla type genus of the Anguillidae: eels member: #common_eel__freshwater_eel eels that live in fresh water as adults but return to sea to spawn; found in Europe and America; marketed both fresh and smoked member: #family_Muraenidae__Muraenidae marine eels member: #moray_eel__morayeel__moray family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters; generally nonaggressive to humans but larger species are dangerous if provoked member: #family_Congridae__Congridae marine eels member: #conger_eel__conger large somber-colored scaleless marine eel found in temperate and tropical coastal waters; some used for food member: #order_Isospondyli__Isospondyli most primitive teleost fishes; all are soft-finned: salmon; trout; herring; shad; sardines; anchovies; whitefish; smelts; tarpon member: #family_Gonorhynchidae__Gonorhynchidae coextensive with the genus Gonorhynchus member: #genus_Gonorhynchus__Gonorhynchus slender cylindrical marine fishes lacking air bladders and teeth member: #beaked_salmon__sandfish__Gonorhynchus_gonorhynchus fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand member: #family_Clupeidae__Clupeidae herrings; shad; sardines; etc. member: #clupeid_fish__clupeidfish__clupeid any of numerous soft-finned schooling food fishes of shallow waters of northern seas member: #genus_Alosa__Alosa shad member: #shad herring-like food fishes that migrate from the sea to freshwater to spawn member: #Alosa_pseudoharengus__alewife__Pomolobus_pseudoharengus shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn; often salted or smoked; sometimes placed in genus Pomolobus member: #genus_Pomolobus__Pomolobus genus to which the alewife is sometimes assigned member: #genus_Brevoortia__Brevoortia menhaden member: #menhaden__Brevoortia_tyrannis shad-like North American marine fishes used for fish meal and oil and fertilizer member: #genus_Clupea__Clupea type genus of the Clupeidae: typical herrings member: #Clupea_harangus__herring commercially important food fish of northern waters of both Atlantic and Pacific member: #Atlantic_herring__Clupea_harengus_harengus important food fish; found in enormous shoals in North Atlantic member: #Pacific_herring__Clupea_harengus_pallasii important food fish of the north Pacific member: #Clupea_sprattus__brisling__sprat small herring processed like a sardine member: #genus_Sardina__Sardina__genus_Sardinia pilchards member: #Sardina_pilchardus__pilchard__sardine small fishes found in great schools along coasts of Europe; smaller and rounder than herring member: #genus_Sardinops__Sardinops pilchards member: #Pacific_sardine__Sardinops_caerulea small pilchards common off the pacific coast of North America member: #family_Engraulidae__Engraulidae anchovies member: #anchovy small herring-like plankton-feeding fishes often canned whole or as paste; abundant in tropical waters worldwide member: #family_Salmonidae__Salmonidae salmon and trout member: #salmonid soft-finned fishes of cold and temperate waters member: #salmon any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters; usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn member: #genus_Salmo__Salmo type genus of the Salmonidae: salmon and trout member: #Salmo_salar__Atlantic_salmon found in northern coastal Atlantic waters or tributaries; adults do not die after spawning member: #brown_trout__browntrout__salmon_trout__Salmo_trutta speckled trout of European rivers; introduced in North America member: #Salmo_gairdneri__rainbow_trout__rainbowtrout found in Pacific coastal waters and streams from lower California to Alaska member: #genus_Onchorynchus__Onchorynchus sockeye salmon; chinook salmon; coho salmon member: #blueback_salmon__sockeye__sockeyesalmon__redsalmon__Onchorynchus_nerka small salmon with red flesh; found in rivers and tributaries of the north Pacific and valued as food; adults die after spawning member: #quinnat_salmon__quinnatsalmon__chinook__chinooksalmon__king_salmon__Onchorynchus_tshawtscha large Pacific salmon valued as food; adults die after spawning member: #blue_jack__coho__cohoe__coho_salmon__silver_salmon__Onchorynchus_kisutch small salmon of north Pacific coasts and the Great Lakes member: #genus_Salvelinus__Salvelinus brook trout member: #Salvelinus_namaycush__lake_trout__salmon_trout large fork-tailed trout of lakes of Canada and the northern United States member: #Salvelinus_fontinalis__brook_trout__speckled_trout North American freshwater trout; introduced in Europe member: #char any of several small-scaled trout member: #family_Coregonidae__Coregonidae soft-finned fishes comprising the freshwater whitefishes; formerly included in the family Salmonidae member: #whitefish silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere member: #genus_Coregonus__Coregonus type genus of the Coregonidae: whitefishes member: #lake_whitefish__Coregonus_clupeaformis found in Great Lakes and north to Alaska member: #Coregonus_artedi__cisco__lake_herring important food fish of cold deep lakes of North America member: #genus_Prosopium__Prosopium whitefishes member: #round_whitefish__Menominee_whitefish__Prosopium_cylindraceum bronze-backed whitefish of northern North America and Siberia member: #Rocky_Mountain_whitefish__Prosopium_williamsonii whitefish of the western United States and Canada member: #family_Osmeridae__Osmeridae smelts member: #smelt small trout-like silvery marine or freshwater food fishes of cold northern waters member: #genus_Osmerus__Osmerus type genus of the Osmeridae member: #rainbow_smelt__rainbowsmelt__Osmerus_mordax important marine and landlocked food fish of eastern North America and Alaska member: #Osmerus_eperlanus__sparling__European_smelt the common smelt of Europe member: #genus_Mallotus__Mallotus capelins member: #capelin__capelan__caplin very small northern fish; forage for sea birds and marine mammals and other fishes member: #family_Elopidae__Elopidae tarpons and ladyfishes member: #genus_Tarpon tarpons member: #tarpon__Tarpon_atlanticus large silvery game fish of warm Atlantic coastal waters especially off Florida member: #genus_Elops__Elops type genus of the Elopidae: tenpounder member: #ladyfish__tenpounder__Elops_saurus game fish resembling the tarpon but smaller member: #family_Albulidae__Albulidae bonefish member: #genus_Albula__Albula type and sole genus of the family Albulidae member: #bonefish__Albula_vulpes slender silvery marine fish found in tropical mud flats and mangrove lagoons member: #family_Argentinidae__Argentinidae small marine soft-finned fishes with long silvery bodies; related to salmons and trouts member: #genus_Argentina__Argentina type genus of the Argentinidae: argentines member: #argentine any of various small silver-scaled salmon-like marine fishes member: #family_Myctophidae__Myctophidae deep-sea fishes comprising the lantern fishes member: #lanternfish small fish having rows of luminous organs along each side; some surface at night member: #family_Synodontidae__Synodontidae soft-finned bottom-dwelling fishes member: #lizardfish__snakefish tropical fishes with large mouths in lizard-like heads; found worldwide member: #family_Chlorophthalmidae__Chlorophthalmidae small family of soft-finned bottom-livers with large eyes; relatives of lizardfishes member: #greeneye bottom-livers having large eyes with metallic green luster member: #family_Lampridae__Lampridae opahs member: #genus_Lampris__Lampris type genus of the Lampridae member: #opah__moonfish__Lampris_regius large elliptical brightly colored deep-sea fish of Atlantic and Pacific and Mediterranean member: #New_World_opah__Lampris_guttatus from Nova Scotia to West Indies and Gulf of Mexico member: #family_Trachipteridae__Trachipteridae ribbonfishes member: #ribbonfish marine fish having a long compressed ribbon-like body member: #genus_Trachipterus__Trachipterus type genus of the Trachipteridae member: #dealfish__Trachipterus_arcticus deep-sea ribbonfish member: #family_Regalecidae__Regalecidae ribbonfishes member: #Reglaecus__genus_Regalecus type genus of the Regalecidae member: #oarfish__king_of_the_herring__ribbonfish__Regalecus_glesne thin deep-water tropical fish 20 to 30 feet long having a red dorsal fin member: #order_Solenichthyes__Solenichthyes bellows fishes; shrimpfishes; cornetfishes; pipefishes; small order of chiefly tropical marine fishes of varied and bizarre form all having a small mouth at the end of a drawn-out tubular snout member: #family_Fistulariidae__Fistulariidae cornetfishes member: #genus_Fistularia__Fistularia type genus of the family Fistulariidae member: #cornetfish slender tropical fish with a long tubular snout and bony plates instead of scales member: #family_Gasterosteidae__Gasterosteidae sticklebacks member: #stickleback__prickleback small (2-4 inches) pugnacious mostly scaleless spiny-backed fishes of northern fresh and littoral waters having elaborate courtship; subjects of much research member: #Gasterosteus__genus_gasterosteus type genus of the family Gasterosteidae member: #three-spined_stickleback__Gasterosteus_aculeatus of rivers and coastal regions member: #ten-spined_stickleback__Gasterosteus_pungitius confined to rivers member: #family_Syngnathidae__Syngnathidae pipefishes member: #pipefish__needlefish fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates member: #genus_Syngnathus__Syngnathus type genus of the family Syngnathidae member: #dwarf_pipefish__dwarfpipefish__Syngnathus_hildebrandi small (4 inches) fish found off Florida gulf coast member: #genus_Cosmocampus__Cosmocampus a genus of fish in the family Syngnathidae member: #deepwater_pipefish__deepwaterpipefish__Cosmocampus_profundus 8 inches; from eastern Florida to western Caribbean member: #genus_Hippocampus__Hippocampus seahorses member: #seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse small fish with horselike heads bent sharply downward and curled tails; swim in upright position member: #family_Macrorhamphosidae__Macrorhamphosidae bellows fishes member: #snipefish__bellows_fish__bellowsfish small bottom-dwelling fish of warm seas having a compressed body and a long snout with a toothless mouth member: #family_Centriscidae__Centriscidae shrimpfishes member: #shrimpfish slender tropical shallow-water East Indian fish covered with transparent plates member: #family_Aulostomidae__Aulostomidae trumpetfishes member: #genus_Aulostomus__Aulostomus type genus of the Aulostomidae member: #trumpetfish__aulostomusmaculatu tropical Atlantic fish with a long snout; swims snout down member: #leptocephalus__leptocephalu slender transparent larva of eels and certain fishes member: #teleost_fish__teleostfish__teleost__teleostan a bony fish of the subclass Teleostei member: #genus_Alepisaurus__Alepisaurus slender scaleless predaceous tropical deep-sea fishes member: #lancetfish__lancet_fish__wolffish large elongate scaleless oceanic fishes with sharp teeth and a long sail-like dorsal fin member: #handsaw_fish__handsawfish a soft-finned fish of the genus Alepisaurus member: #order_Synentognathi__Synentognathi order of fishes having spineless fins; needlefishes; sauries; flying fishes; halfbeaks member: #family_Belonidae__Belonidae ferocious fishes of warm regions resembling but unrelated to the freshwater gars member: #needlefish__gar__billfish elongate European surface-dwelling predacious fishes with long toothed jaws; abundant in coastal waters member: #family_Exocoetidae__Exocoetidae flying fishes; closely related to the halfbeaks member: #flying_fish tropical marine fishes having enlarged winglike fins used for brief gliding flight member: #family_Hemiramphidae__Hemiramphidae halfbeaks; marine and freshwater fishes closely related to the flying fishes but not able to glide member: #halfbeak tropical and subtropical marine and freshwater fishes having an elongated body and long protruding lower jaw member: #family_Scomberesocidae__Scomberesocidae__Scombresocidae__family_Scombresocidae only sauries member: #genus_Scomberesox__Scomberesox__Scombresox__genus_Scombresox a genus of Scomberesocidae member: #saury__billfish__Scomberesox_saurus slender long-beaked fish of temperate Atlantic waters member: #superorder_Acanthopterygii__Acanthopterygii teleost fishes having fins with sharp bony rays member: #order_Berycomorphi__Berycomorphi an order of spiny-finned fish in the superorder Acanthopterygii member: #family_Holocentridae__Holocentridae squirrelfishes and soldierfishes member: #genus_Holocentrus__Holocentrus type genus of the family Holocentridae; squirrelfishes member: #reef_squirrelfish__Holocentrus_coruscus on reefs from Bermuda and Florida to northern South America member: #deepwater_squirrelfish__deepwatersquirrelfish__Holocentrus_bullisi a squirrelfish found from South Carolina to Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico member: #Holocentrus_ascensionis bright red fish of West Indies and Bermuda member: #squirrelfish very small brightly colored (especially red) nocturnal fishes of shallow waters of tropical reefs; they make sounds like a squirrel's bark member: #family_Anomalopidae__Anomalopidae a family of fish including: flashlight fishes member: #genus_Anomalops type genus of the family Anomalopidae member: #anomalops__anomalop__flashlight_fish fish having a luminous organ beneath eye; of warm waters of the western Pacific and Puerto Rico member: #genus_Krypterophaneron__Krypterophaneron a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae member: #genus_Photoblepharon__Photoblepharon a genus of fish in the family Anomalopidae member: #order_Zeomorphi__Zeomorphi dories member: #family_Zeidae__Zeidae a family of fish in the order Zeomorphi member: #dory marine fishes widely distributed in mid-waters and deep slope waters member: #genus_Zeus__Zeus type genus of the family Zeidae member: #John_dory__Zeus_faber European dory member: #family_Caproidae__Caproidae boarfishes member: #genus_Capros__Capros a genus of fish in the family Caproidae member: #Capros_aper__boarfish fish with a projecting snout member: #genus_Antigonia__Antigonia a genus of fish in the family Caproidae member: #boarfish fish with large eyes and long snouts member: #order_Pediculati__Pediculati anglers and batfishes; spiny-finned marine fishes having pectoral fins at the ends of armlike processes and a long movable spine on the dorsal fin to lure prey to the large mouth member: #family_Ogcocephalidae__Ogcocephalidae batfishes: sluggish bottom-dwelling spiny fishes member: #batfish bottom-dweller of warm western Atlantic coastal waters having a flattened scaleless body that crawls about on fleshy pectoral and pelvic fins member: #family_Lophiidae__Lophiidae large-headed marine fishes comprising the anglers member: #genus_Lophius__Lophius type genus of family Lophiidae member: #goosefish__angler__anglerfish__angler_fish__monkfish__lotte__allmouth__Lophius_Americanus fishes having large mouths with a wormlike filament attached for luring prey member: #family_Batrachoididae__Batrachoididae toadfishes; related to anglers and batfishes member: #toadfish__Opsanus_tau bottom-dwelling fish having scaleless slimy skin and a broad thick head with a wide mouth member: #family_Antennariidae__Antennariidae frogfishes; tropical spiny-finned marine fishes having large nearly vertical mouths; related to toadfishes and anglers member: #frogfish fish having a frog-like mouth with a lure on the snout member: #sargassum_fish__sargassumfish small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum member: #spiny-finned_fish__acanthopterygian a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays member: #order_Perciformes__Perciformes__Percomorphi__order_Percomorphi one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna member: #suborder_Percoidea__Percoidea in some classifications nearly or exactly equivalent to the Perciformes which are considered a suborder member: #family_Sillaginidae__Sillaginidae small family of small food fishes in shallow waters of the Pacific around Indonesia member: #genus_Sillago__Sillago type genus of the Sillaginidae member: #whiting.percoid_fish a small fish of the genus Sillago; excellent food fish member: #percoid_fish__percoidfish__percoid__percoidean any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of the order Perciformes member: #perch.percoid_fish any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of the order Perciformes member: #family_Percidae__Percidae active freshwater fishes; true perches and pike perches member: #perch_flesh__perch spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes member: #genus_Perca__Perca type genus of the Percidae member: #yellow_perch__Perca_flavescens North American perch member: #European_perch__Perca_fluviatilis a perch native to Europe member: #genus_Stizostedion__Stizostedion pikeperches member: #pikeperch__pike_perch any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family member: #genus_Percina__Percina a genus of Percidae member: #snail_darter__snaildarter__Percina_tanasi 3-inch snail-eating perch of the Tennessee River member: #family_Trichodontidae__Trichodontidae two species of elongate compressed scaleless large-eyed fishes that live in sand or mud member: #sandfish either of two small silvery scaleless fishes of the north Pacific that burrow into sand member: #family_Ophidiidae__Ophidiidae eel-like marine fishes member: #cusk-eel elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes member: #family_Brotulidae__Brotulidae chiefly deep-sea fishes related to the Ophidiidae member: #brotula deep-sea fishes member: #family_Carapidae__Carapidae pearlfishes: related to the Brotulidae member: #pearlfish found living within the alimentary canals of e.g. sea cucumbers or between the shells of pearl oysters in or near shallow seagrass beds member: #family_Centropomidae__Centropomidae a family of fish or the order Perciformes including robolos member: #robolo a kind of percoid fish member: #genus_Centropomus__Centropomus type genus of the Centropomidae: snooks member: #snook large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike member: #family_Esocidae__Esocidae pikes; pickerels; muskellunges member: #genus_Esox__Esox type and only genus of the family Esocidae member: #pike any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere member: #family_Centrarchidae__Centrarchidae sunfish family member: #centrarchid__sunfish small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster: crappies; black bass; bluegills; pumpkinseed member: #genus_Pomoxis__Pomoxis crappies member: #crappie small sunfishes of central United States rivers member: #genus_Lepomis__Lepomis bream member: #pumpkinseed__Lepomis_gibbosus small brilliantly colored North American sunfish member: #bluegill__Lepomis_macrochirus important edible sunfish of eastern and central United States member: #spotted_sunfish__spottedsunfish__stumpknocker__Lepomis_punctatus inhabits streams from South Carolina to Florida; esteemed panfish member: #genus_Ambloplites__Ambloplites a genus of Centrarchidae member: #rock_bass__rock_sunfish__Ambloplites_rupestris game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes member: #freshwater_bass North American food and game fish member: #genus_Micropterus__Micropterus American freshwater black basses member: #black_bass widely distributed and highly prized American freshwater game fishes (sunfish family) member: #freshwater_bream__bream any of various usually edible freshwater percoid fishes having compressed bodies and shiny scales; especially (but not exclusively) of the genus Lepomis member: #family_Serranidae__Serranidae marine fishes: sea basses; sea perches; groupers; jewfish member: #serranid_fish__serranid marine food sport fishes mainly of warm coastal waters member: #genus_Morone__Morone carnivorous fresh and salt water fishes member: #white_perch__whiteperch__silver_perch__Morone_americana small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams member: #yellow_bass__Morone_interrupta North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass member: #sea_bass any of various food and sport fishes of the United States Atlantic coast having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin member: #genus_Synagrops__Synagrops a genus of Serranidae member: #blackmouth_bass__Synagrops_bellus small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity member: #genus_Centropristis__Centropristis sea basses member: #rock_sea_bass__rock_bass__Centropristis_philadelphica a kind of sea bass member: #black_sea_bass__black_bass__Centropistes_striata bluish black-striped sea bass of the Atlantic coast of the United States member: #genus_Roccus__Roccus a genus of Serranidae member: #Roccus_saxatilis__striped_bass__striper__rockfish marine food and game fish with dark longitudinal stripes; migrates upriver to spawn; sometimes placed in the genus Morone member: #genus_Polyprion__Polyprion wreckfish member: #stone_bass__wreckfish__Polyprion_americanus brown fish of the Atlantic and Mediterranean found around rocks and shipwrecks member: #genus_Serranus__Serranus type genus of the Serranidae: mostly small Pacific sea basses member: #belted_sandfish__Serranus_subligarius found in warm shallow waters of western Atlantic member: #genus_Epinephelus__Epinephelus genus of groupers or sea bass member: #Epinephelus_fulvus__coney black-spotted usually dusky-colored fish with reddish fins member: #hind.grouper any of several mostly spotted fishes that resemble groupers member: #rock_hind__Epinephelus_adscensionis found around rocky coasts or on reefs member: #genus_Paranthias__Paranthias a genus of Serranidae member: #creole-fish__Paranthias_furcifer deep-sea fish of tropical Atlantic member: #genus_Mycteroperca__Mycteroperca groupers member: #jewfish__mycteropercabonaci large dark grouper with a thick head and rough scales member: #genus_Rypticus__Rypticus a genus of fish of the family Serranidae, including soapfishes member: #soapfish fishes with slimy mucus-covered skin; found in warm American Atlantic coastal waters member: #family_Embiotocidae__Embiotocidae viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes member: #surfperch__surffish__surf_fish small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the North American Pacific coast member: #genus_Hipsurus__Hipsurus a genus of Embiotocidae member: #rainbow_seaperch__rainbowseaperch__rainbow_perch__rainbowperch__Hipsurus_caryi Pacific coast fish member: #family_Priacanthidae__Priacanthidae small carnivorous percoid fishes found worldwide in tropical seas member: #genus_Priacanthus__Priacanthus type genus of the Priacanthidae member: #bigeye red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales member: #catalufa__Priacanthus_arenatus brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters member: #family_Apogonidae__Apogonidae bright-colored marine fishes that incubate eggs in the mouth member: #cardinalfish small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters member: #genus_Apogon__Apogon type genus of the Apogonidae member: #genus_Astropogon__Astropogon a genus of fish of the family Apogonidae member: #family_Malacanthidae__Malacanthidae short-headed marine fishes; often brightly colored member: #genus_Lopholatilus__Lopholatilus large brightly colored food fish of deep Atlantic waters member: #tilefish__Lopholatilus_chamaeleonticeps yellow-spotted violet food fish of warm deep waters member: #family_Pomatomidae__Pomatomidae food and game fishes related to pompanos member: #genus_Pomatomus__Pomatomus type genus of the Pomatomidae member: #Pomatomus_saltatrix__bluefish bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters member: #family_Rachycentridae__Rachycentridae family of pelagic fishes containing solely the cobia member: #genus_Rachycentron__Rachycentron genus and family are coextensive and comprise only the cobia member: #cobia__Rachycentron_canadum__sergeant_fish large dark-striped tropical food and game fish related to remoras; found worldwide in coastal to open waters member: #family_Carangidae__Carangidae large family of narrow-bodied marine food fishes with widely forked tails; chiefly of warm seas member: #carangid_fish__carangid a percoid fish of the family Carangidae member: #genus_Caranx__Caranx type genus of the Carangidae member: #jack any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm-temperate seas member: #genus_Elagatis__Elagatis a genus of Carangidae member: #genus_Oligoplites__Oligoplites leatherjackets member: #leatherjack__leatherjacket any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales member: #genus_Alectis__Alectis a genus of Carangidae member: #threadfish__Alectis_ciliaris fish having greatly elongated front rays on dorsal and anal fins member: #genus_Selene__Selene a genus of Carangidae member: #genus_Seriola__Seriola a genus of Carangidae member: #amberjack__amberfish any of several amber to coppery fork-tailed warm-water carangid fishes member: #yellowtail__Seriola_dorsalis game fish of S California and Mexico having a yellow tail fin member: #banded_rudderfish__rudderfish__Seriola_zonata fish having the habit of following ships; found in North and South American coastal waters member: #genus_Trachinotus__Trachinotus a genus of Carangidae member: #pompano any of several deep-bodied food fishes of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico member: #genus_Naucrates__Naucrates a genus of Carangidae member: #pilotfish__Naucrates_ductor small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas member: #scad any of a number of fishes of the family Carangidae member: #genus_Trachurus__Trachurus scads especially horse mackerels member: #genus_Selar__Selar big-eyed scad member: #bigeye_scad__big-eyed_scad__goggle-eye__Selar_crumenophthalmus of Atlantic coastal waters; commonly used for bait member: #genus_Decapterus__Decapterus scads especially mackerel scad; cosmopolitan member: #mackerel_scad__mackerel_shad__Decapterus_macarellus small silvery fish; Nova Scotia to Brazil member: #round_scad__roundscad__cigarfish__quiaquia__Decapterus_punctatus small fusiform fish of western Atlantic member: #family_Coryphaenidae__Coryphaenidae large active pelagic percoid fish member: #mahimahi__dolphinfish__dolphin large slender food and game fish widely distributed in warm seas (especially around Hawaii) member: #family_Bramidae__Bramidae deep-bodied percoid fishes of the open seas member: #genus_Brama__Brama type genus of the Bramidae member: #pomfret__Brama_raii deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific; valued for food member: #family_Branchiostegidae__Branchiostegidae small family of marine fishes having covered gills member: #blanquillo__tilefish important marine food fishes member: #family_Cichlidae__Cichlidae cichlids member: #cichlid_fish__cichlidfish__cichlid freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes; some are food fishes; many small ones are popular in aquariums member: #genus_Tilapia__Tilapia a genus of Cichlidae member: #family_Lutjanidae__Lutjanidae snappers member: #snapper any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters member: #genus_Lutjanus__Lutjanus type genus of the Lutjanidae: snappers member: #Lutjanus_blackfordi__red_snapper esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in American Atlantic coastal waters and Gulf of Mexico member: #gray_snapper__mangrove_snapper__Lutjanus_griseus found in shallow waters off the coast of Florida member: #Lutjanus_apodus__schoolmaster food fish of warm Caribbean and Atlantic waters member: #genus_Ocyurus__Ocyurus snappers member: #yellowtail_snapper__yellowtail__Ocyurus_chrysurus superior food fish of the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean with broad yellow stripe along the sides and on the tail member: #family_Haemulidae__Haemulidae grunts member: #grunt medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter a grunting sound when caught member: #genus_Haemulon__Haemulon type genus of the Haemulidae member: #margate__Haemulon_album red-mouthed grunt found from Florida to Brazil member: #Spanish_grunt__Haemulon_macrostomum a kind of grunt member: #tomtate__Haemulon_aurolineatum found off the West Indies and Florida member: #cottonwick__Haemulon_malanurum of warm Atlantic waters member: #sailor's-choice__sailors_choice__sailorschoice__Haemulon_parra found from Florida to Brazil and Gulf of Mexico member: #genus_Anisotremus__Anisotremus a genus of Haemulidae member: #porkfish__Anisotremus_virginicus black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil member: #genus_Orthopristis__Orthopristis a genus of Haemulidae member: #pigfish__hogfish__Orthopristis_chrysopterus found from Long Island southward member: #family_Sparidae__Sparidae porgies; scups member: #sparid_fish__sparid spiny-finned food fishes of warm waters having well-developed teeth member: #genus_Pagrus__Pagrus a genus of Sparidae member: #red_porgy__redporgy__Pagrus_pagrus food fish of the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Europe and America member: #genus_Pagellus__Pagellus sea breams member: #European_sea_bream__Pagellus_centrodontus food fish of European coastal waters member: #genus_Archosargus__Archosargus a genus of Sparidae member: #Atlantic_sea_bream__Archosargus_rhomboidalis sea bream of warm Atlantic waters member: #sheepshead__Archosargus_probatocephalus large (up to 20 lbs) food fish of the eastern coast of the United States and Mexico member: #genus_Lagodon__Lagodon a genus of Sparidae member: #pinfish__sailor's-choice__squirrelfish__Lagodon_rhomboides similar to sea bream; small spiny-finned fish found in bays along the southeastern coast of the United States member: #Calamus__genus_Calamus a genus of Sparidae member: #sheepshead_porgy__Calamus_penna from Florida and Bahamas to Brazil member: #genus_Chrysophrys__Chrysophrys australian snapper member: #Chrysophrys_auratus__snapper Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots member: #black_bream__blackbream__Chrysophrys_australis important dark-colored edible food and game fish of Australia member: #genus_Stenotomus__Stenotomus scups member: #sea_bream__seabream__bream any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae member: #family_Sciaenidae__Sciaenidae warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout member: #sciaenid_fish__sciaenid widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound member: #genus_Equetus__Equetus drumfish member: #striped_drum__stripeddrum__Equetus_pulcher a kind of drumfish member: #jackknife-fish__jackknifefish__Equetus_lanceolatus black-and-white drumfish with an erect elongated dorsal fin member: #genus_Bairdiella__Bairdiella drumfish member: #silver_perch__mademoiselle__Bairdiella_chrysoura small silvery drumfish often mistaken for white perch; found along coasts of United States from New York to Mexico member: #genus_Sciaenops__Sciaenops a genus of Sciaenidae member: #red_drum__reddrum__channel_bass__redfish__Sciaenops_ocellatus large edible fish found off coast of United States from Massachusetts to Mexico member: #genus_Sciaena__Sciaena type genus of the Sciaenidae: croakers member: #mulloway__jewfish__sciaenaantarctica large important food fish of Australia; almost indistinguishable from the maigre member: #maigre__maiger__Sciaena_aquila large European marine food fish member: #genus_Micropogonias__Micropogonias croakers member: #Atlantic_croaker__Micropogonias_undulatus silvery-bodied with dark markings and tiny barbels member: #genus_Umbrina__Umbrina croakers member: #yellowfin_croaker__yellowfincroaker__surffish__surf_fish__Umbrina_roncador fish of North American Pacific coast member: #genus_Menticirrhus__Menticirrhus kingfishes; whiting member: #whiting any of several food fishes of North American coastal waters member: #kingfish any of several food and game fishes of the drum family indigenous to warm Atlantic waters of the North American coast member: #king_whiting__Menticirrhus_americanus whiting of the southeastern coast of North America member: #silver_whiting__Menticirrhus_littoralis a dull silvery whiting of southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States member: #genus_Genyonemus__Genyonemus a genus of Sciaenidae member: #chenfish__white_croaker__whitecroaker__kingfish__Genyonemus_lineatus small silvery marine food fish found off California member: #genus_Seriphus__Seriphus a genus of Sciaenidae member: #white_croaker__whitecroaker__queenfish__Seriphus_politus silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters member: #genus_Cynoscion__Cynoscion sea trout member: #Cynoscion_regalis__weakfish food and game fish of North American coastal waters with a mouth from which hooks easily tear out member: #spotted_weakfish__spottedweakfish__spotted_sea_trout__spottedseatrout__spotted_squeateague__spottedsqueateague__Cynoscion_nebulosus weakfish of southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States member: #family_Mullidae__Mullidae goatfishes or red mullets member: #mullet bottom-dwelling marine warm-water fishes with two barbels on the chin member: #genus_Mullus__Mullus type genus of the Mullidae: goatfishes member: #goatfish__red_mullet__redmullet__surmullet__Mullus_surmuletus brightly colored tropical fishes with chin barbels member: #red_goatfish__redgoatfish__mullusauratu body bright scarlet with 2 yellow to reddish strips on side member: #genus_Mulloidichthys__Mulloidichthys a genus of Mullidae member: #yellow_goatfish__Mulloidichthys_martinicus schooling goatfish; grayish with yellow stripe member: #suborder_Mugiloidea__Mugiloidea fishes distinguished by abdominal pelvic fins: families Mugilidae; Atherinidae; Sphyraenidae member: #family_Mugilidae__Mugilidae gray mullets member: #gray_mullet__mullet freshwater or coastal food fishes a spindle-shaped body; found worldwide member: #genus_Mugil__Mugil type genus of the Mugilidae: mullets member: #striped_mullet__stripedmullet__Mugil_cephalus most important commercial mullet in eastern United States member: #white_mullet__whitemullet__mugilcurema silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts member: #Mugil_liza__liza similar to the striped mullet and takes its place in the Caribbean region member: #family_Atherinidae__Atherinidae small spiny-finned fishes of both salt and fresh water member: #silverside__silversides small fishes having a silver stripe along each side; found along the Atlantic coast of the United States member: #genus_Atherinopsis__Atherinopsis a genus of Atherinidae member: #jacksmelt__Atherinopsis_californiensis large silversides of Pacific coast of North America member: #family_Sphyraenidae__Sphyraenidae monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters: barracuda member: #genus_Sphyraena__Sphyraena type and sole genus of the Sphyraenidae: barracuda member: #family_Kyphosidae__Kyphosidae sea chubs member: #sea_chub__seachub schooling fishes mostly of Indian and western Pacific oceans; two species in western Atlantic member: #genus_Kyphosus__Kyphosus type genus of the Kyphosidae member: #Bermuda_chub__rudderfish__Kyphosus_sectatrix food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow ships member: #family_Ephippidae__Ephippidae small family comprising the spadefishes member: #genus_Chaetodipterus__Chaetodipterus a genus of Ephippidae member: #spadefish__angelfish__Chaetodipterus_faber deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western Atlantic coastal waters member: #family_Chaetodontidae__Chaetodontidae butterfly fishes member: #butterfly_fish__butterflyfish small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies with large broad fins; found worldwide member: #genus_Chaetodon type genus of the Chaetodontidae member: #chaetodon any fish of the genus Chaetodon member: #genus_Pomacanthus__Pomacanthus angelfishes member: #angelfish a butterfly fish of the genus Pomacanthus member: #family_Pomacentridae__Pomacentridae damselfishes member: #damselfish__demoiselle small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs member: #genus_Pomacentrus__Pomacentrus type genus of the Pomacentridae: damselfishes member: #beaugregory__Pomacentrus_leucostictus blue-and-yellow damselfish of Bermuda Florida and West Indies member: #genus_Amphiprion__Amphiprion damsel fishes member: #anemone_fish__anemonefish live associated with sea anemones member: #clown_anemone_fish__clownanemonefish__Amphiprion_percula an anemone fish of the genus Amphiprion member: #genus_Abudefduf__Abudefduf damsel fishes member: #Abudefduf_saxatilis__sergeant_major large blue-gray black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide member: #family_Labridae__Labridae wrasses member: #genus_Achoerodus__Achoerodus a genus of Labridae member: #giant_pigfish__giantpigfish__pigfish__Achoerodus_gouldii found around the Great Barrier Reef member: #genus_Lachnolaimus__Lachnolaimus a genus of Labridae member: #genus_Halicoeres__Halicoeres a genus of Labridae member: #slippery_dick__Halicoeres_bivittatus small wrasse of tropical Atlantic member: #puddingwife__Halicoeres_radiatus bluish and bronze wrasse; found from Florida keys to Brazil member: #genus_Thalassoma__Thalassoma a genus of Labridae member: #bluehead__Thalassoma_bifasciatum small Atlantic wrasse the male of which has a brilliant blue head member: #genus_Hemipteronatus__Hemipteronatus razorfishes member: #razorfish any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean member: #pearly_razorfish__Hemipteronatus_novacula a kind of razorfish member: #genus_Tautoga__Tautoga tautogs member: #tautog__blackfish__Tautoga_onitis large dark-colored food fish of the Atlantic coast of North America member: #genus_Tautogolabrus__Tautogolabrus a genus of Labridae member: #cunner__bergall__Tautogolabrus_adspersus common in north Atlantic coastal waters of the United States member: #family_Scaridae__Scaridae parrotfishes member: #parrotfish__pollyfish gaudy tropical fishes with parrotlike beaks formed by fusion of teeth member: #family_Polynemidae__Polynemidae threadfins member: #threadfin mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays member: #genus_Polydactylus__Polydactylus a genus of Polynemidae member: #barbu__polydactylusvirginicu found along western Atlantic coast member: #family_Opisthognathidae__Opisthognathidae jawfishes member: #jawfish small large-mouthed tropical marine fishes common along sandy bottoms; males brood egg balls in their mouths; popular aquarium fishes member: #family_Uranoscopidae__Uranoscopidae stargazers member: #stargazer heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head member: #suborder_Blennioidea__Blennioidea blennies; butterfishes; gunnels member: #blennioid_fish__blennioidfish__blennioid elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins member: #family_Blenniidae__Blenniidae a family of fish including: combtooth blennies member: #combtooth_blenny__combtoothblenny__blenny small usually scaleless fishes with comb-like teeth living about rocky shores; territorial and hole-dwelling member: #genus_Blennius__Blennius type genus of the Blenniidae member: #shanny__Blennius_pholis European scaleless blenny member: #genus_Scartella__Scartella a genus of Blenniidae member: #Molly_Miller__Scartella_cristata inhabits both coasts of tropical Atlantic member: #family_Clinidae__Clinidae viviparous blennies of temperate and tropical seas member: #clinid_fish__clinid mostly small blennioid fishes of coral reefs and seagrass beds member: #genus_Chaenopsis__Chaenopsis a genus of fish of the family Clinidae including pikeblennies member: #pikeblenny tropical American fishes; males are aggressively defensive of their territory member: #bluethroat_pikeblenny__Chaenopsis_ocellata found from Florida to Cuba member: #family_Pholidae__Pholidae__family_Pholididae a family of fish of suborder Blennioidea member: #gunnel__bracketed_blenny__bracketedblenny small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the North Atlantic member: #genus_Pholis__Pholis type genus of the Pholidae: gunnels member: #rock_gunnel__butterfish__Pholis_gunnellus slippery scaleless food fish of North Atlantic coastal waters member: #family_Stichaeidae__Stichaeidae pricklebacks member: #genus_Lumpenus__Lumpenus a genus of Stichaeidae member: #snakeblenny__Lumpenus_lumpretaeformis found in Arctic and North Atlantic member: #eelblenny eellike fishes found in subarctic coastal waters member: #genus_Cryptacanthodes__Cryptacanthodes a genus of Stichaeidae member: #wrymouth__ghostfish__Cryptacanthodes_maculatus eellike Atlantic bottom fish with large almost vertical mouth member: #family_Anarhichadidae__Anarhichadidae wolffishes member: #genus_Anarhichas__Anarhichas type genus of the Anarhichadidae member: #wolffish__wolf_fish__catfish large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins member: #family_Zoarcidae__Zoarcidae eelpouts member: #eelpout__pout marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas member: #genus_Zoarces__Zoarces type genus of the Zoarcidae member: #viviparous_eelpout__Zoarces_viviparus an eelpout of northern Europe that is viviparous member: #genus_Gymnelis__Gymnelis a genus of Zoarcidae member: #fish_doctor__Gymnelis_viridis brightly colored scaleless Arctic eelpout member: #genus_Macrozoarces__Macrozoarces a genus of Zoarcidae member: #ocean_pout__oceanpout__Macrozoarces_americanus common along northeastern coast of North America member: #family_Ammodytidae__Ammodytidae sand lances member: #genus_Ammodytes__Ammodytes type genus of the Ammodytidae member: #sand_lance__sand_launce__sand_eel__launce very small silvery eellike schooling fishes that burrow into sandy beaches member: #family_Callionymidae__Callionymidae dragonets member: #dragonet small often brightly colored scaleless marine bottom-dwellers; found in tropical and warm-temperate waters of Europe and America member: #family_Gobiidae__Gobiidae gobies member: #goby__gudgeon small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker member: #genus_Periophthalmus__Periophthalmus a genus of Gobiidae member: #mudskipper__mudspringer found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins member: #family_Eleotridae__Eleotridae sleepers member: #sleeper_goby__sleepergoby__sleeper tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water member: #family_Percophidae__Percophidae percoid flatheads member: #flathead pallid bottom-dwelling flat-headed fish with large eyes and a duck-like snout member: #family_Toxotidae__Toxotidae archerfishes member: #genus_Toxotes__Toxotes type genus of the Toxotidae member: #archerfish__Toxotes_jaculatrix any of several small freshwater fishes that catch insects by squirting water at them and knocking them into the water; found in Indonesia and Australia member: #family_Microdesmidae__Microdesmidae wormfishes member: #wormfish poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies member: #family_Acanthuridae__Acanthuridae surgeonfishes member: #surgeonfish brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail member: #genus_Acanthurus__Acanthurus type genus of the Acanthuridae: doctorfishes member: #doctorfish__Acanthurus_chirurgus surgeon fish of the West Indies member: #family_Gempylidae__Gempylidae snake mackerels member: #gempylid snake mackerels; elongated marine fishes with oily flesh; resembles mackerels; found worldwide member: #genus_Gempylus__Gempylus type genus of the Gempylidae member: #snake_mackerel__snakemackerel__Gempylus_serpens predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth member: #genus_Lepidocybium__Lepidocybium a genus of Gempylidae member: #escolar__Lepidocybium_flavobrunneum large snake mackerel with rings like spectacles around its eyes member: #family_Trichiuridae__Trichiuridae cutlassfishes member: #cutlassfish__frost_fish__frostfish__hairtail long-bodied marine fishes having a long whiplike scaleless body and sharp teeth; closely related to snake mackerel member: #suborder_Scombroidea__Scombroidea mackerels; tunas; albacores; bonitos; swordfishes; sailfishes member: #scombroid_fish__scombroidfish__scombroid important marine food and game fishes found in all tropical and temperate seas; some are at least partially endothermic and can thrive in colder waters member: #family_Scombridae__Scombridae marine food fishes: mackerels; chub mackerels; tuna member: #mackerel any of various fishes of the family Scombridae member: #genus_Scomber__Scomber type genus of the Scombridae member: #common_mackerel__shiner__Scomber_scombrus important food fish of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean; its body is greenish-blue with dark bars and small if any scales member: #Scomber_colias__Spanish_mackerel medium-sized mackerel of temperate Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico member: #chub_mackerel__tinker__Scomber_japonicus small mackerel found nearly worldwide member: #genus_Acanthocybium__Acanthocybium wahoos member: #Acanthocybium_solandri__wahoo large fast-moving predacious food and game fish; found worldwide member: #genus_Scomberomorus__Scomberomorus Spanish mackerels member: #Spanish_mackerel any of several large marine food fishes of the genus Scomberomorus member: #king_mackerel__cavalla__cero__Scomberomorus_cavalla large mackerel with long pointed snout; important food and game fish of the eastern Atlantic coast south to Brazil member: #Scomberomorus_maculatus large commercially important mackerel of American Atlantic coastal waters member: #cero__pintado__kingfish__Scomberomorus_regalis large edible mackerel of temperate United States coastal Atlantic waters member: #genus_Thunnus__Thunnus tunas: warm-blooded fishes member: #tuna__tunny any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus; related to mackerel; chiefly of warm waters member: #horse_mackerel__horsemackerel__bluefin__bluefin_tuna__bluefintuna__Thunnus_thynnus largest tuna; to 1500 pounds; of mostly temperate seas: feed in polar regions but breed in tropics member: #yellowfin_tuna__yellowfintuna__yellowfin__Thunnus_albacares may reach 400 pounds; worldwide in tropics member: #genus_Sarda__Sarda bonitos member: #bonito any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas member: #skipjack__Atlantic_bonito__Sarda_sarda medium-sized tuna-like food fish of warm Atlantic and Pacific waters; less valued than tuna member: #Chile_bonito__Chilean_bonito__Sarda_chiliensis common bonito of Pacific coast of the Americas; its dark oily flesh cans well member: #Pacific_bonito__Sarda_lineolata__sardalineolata probably a northern strain of Chile bonito member: #genus_Euthynnus__Euthynnus a genus of Scombridae member: #skipjack_tuna__skipjack__Euthynnus_pelamis oceanic schooling tuna of considerable value in Pacific but less in Atlantic; reaches 75 pounds; very similar to if not the same as oceanic bonito member: #genus_Katsuwonus__Katsuwonus oceanic bonitos; in some classifications placed in its own family Katsuwonidae member: #oceanic_bonito__oceanicbonito__bonito__Katsuwonus_pelamis fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna member: #Katsuwonidae__family_Kasuwonidae in some classifications considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos member: #family_Xiphiidae__Xiphiidae comprising the common swordfishes member: #genus_Xiphias__Xiphias type genus of the Xiphiidae member: #Xiphias_gladius__swordfish large toothless marine food fish with a long swordlike upper jaw; not completely cold-blooded i.e. they are able to warm their brains and eyes: worldwide in warm waters but feed on cold ocean floor coming to surface at night member: #family_Istiophoridae__Istiophoridae sailfishes; spearfishes; marlins member: #sailfish large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long sail-like dorsal fin member: #genus_Istiophorus__Istiophorus type genus of the Istiophoridae member: #Atlantic_sailfish__Istiophorus_albicans a kind of sailfish member: #billfish giant warm-water game fish having a prolonged and rounded toothless upper jaw member: #genus_Makaira__Makaira marlins member: #marlin__spearfish large long-jawed oceanic sport fishes; related to sailfishes and spearfishes; not completely cold-blooded i.e. able to warm their brains and eyes member: #genus_Tetrapturus__Tetrapturus a genus of Istiophoridae member: #spearfish any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced; worldwide but rare member: #family_Luvaridae__Luvaridae louvars member: #genus_Luvarus__Luvarus type genus of the Luvaridae member: #louvar__Luvarus_imperialis large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton member: #family_Stromateidae__Stromateidae butterfishes: harvest fishes; dollar fishes member: #stromateid_fish__butterfish__stromateid small marine fish with a short smooth-scaled compressed body and feeble spines member: #genus_Poronotus__Poronotus a genus of Stromateidae member: #dollarfish__Poronotus_triacanthus small food fish of Atlantic coast member: #genus_Palometa a genus of Stromateidae member: #palometa__California_pompano__Palometa_simillima smaller than Florida pompano; common in West Indies member: #genus_Paprilus__Paprilus a genus of Stromateidae member: #harvestfish__Paprilus_alepidotus butterfish up to a foot long of Atlantic waters from Chesapeake Bay to Argentina member: #genus_Psenes__Psenes a genus of Stromateidae member: #driftfish small (6 inches) tropical butterfishes found worldwide member: #genus_Ariomma__Ariomma a genus of Stromateidae member: #driftfish.stromateid_fish larger driftfishes of eastern Atlantic from the New York area to the northern Gulf of Mexico member: #genus_Tetragonurus__Tetragonurus a genus of Stromateidae member: #squaretail sluggish square-tailed fish armored with tough bony scales; of deep warm waters member: #genus_Hyperoglyphe__Hyperoglyphe a genus of Stromateidae member: #barrelfish__black_rudderfish__blackrudderfish__Hyperglyphe_perciformis blackish fish of New England waters member: #family_Gobiesocidae__Gobiesocidae clingfishes member: #genus_Gobiesox__Gobiesox type genus of the Gobiesocidae member: #clingfish very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc. member: #family_Lobotidae__Lobotidae tripletails member: #genus_Lobotes__Lobotes type genus of the Lobotidae member: #tripletail large food fish of warm waters worldwide having long anal and dorsal fins that with caudal fin suggest a three-lobed tail member: #family_Gerreidae__Gerreidae__Gerridae__family_Gerridae mojarras member: #mojarra small silvery schooling fishes with protrusible mouths found in warm coastal waters member: #genus_Gerres__Gerres type genus of the Gerreidae member: #yellowfin_mojarra__yellowfinmojarra__Gerres_cinereus popular panfish from Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico to Brazil member: #genus_Eucinostomus__Eucinostomus a genus of Gerreidae member: #silver_jenny__Eucinostomus_gula silvery mojarra found along sandy shores of the western Atlantic member: #order_Discocephali__Discocephali small order of fishes comprising the remoras member: #family_Echeneididae__Echeneididae__family_Echeneidae fishes having a sucking disk on the head for clinging to other fishes and to ships member: #remora__suckerfish__sucking_fish__suckingfish marine fishes with a flattened elongated body and a sucking disk on the head for attaching to large fish or moving objects member: #genus_Echeneis__Echeneis type genus of the Echeneididae: typical remoras member: #sharksucker__Echeneis_naucrates remoras found attached to sharks member: #genus_Remilegia__Remilegia a genus of Echeneididae member: #whalesucker__Remilegia_australis large blue Pacific remora that attaches to whales and dolphins member: #order_Scleroparei__Scleroparei scorpionfishes; sculpins; gurnards; greenlings; flying gurnards member: #family_Agonidae__Agonidae poachers member: #sea_poacher__seapoacher__poacher__sea_poker__seapoker small slender fish (to 8 inches) with body covered by bony plates; chiefly of deeper north Pacific waters member: #genus_Agonus__Agonus type genus of the Agonidae member: #pogge__armed_bullhead__armedbullhead__Agonus_cataphractus North Atlantic sea poacher member: #genus_Aspidophoroides__Aspidophoroides alligatorfishes member: #alligatorfish__Aspidophoroides_monopterygius small very elongate sea poachers member: #family_Hexagrammidae__Hexagrammidae greenlings member: #greenling food fish of the northern Pacific member: #genus_Hexagrammos__Hexagrammos type genus of the Hexagrammidae member: #kelp_greenling__Hexagrammos_decagrammus common food and sport fish of western coast of North America member: #genus_Oxylebius__Oxylebius a genus of Hexagrammidae member: #painted_greenling__paintedgreenling__convictfish__Oxylebius_pictus greenling with whitish body marked with black bands member: #family_Dactylopteridae__Dactylopteridae flying gurnards member: #genus_Dactylopterus__Dactylopterus a genus of Dactylopteridae member: #flying_gurnard__flying_robin__butterflyfish tropical fish with huge fanlike pectoral fins for underwater gliding; unrelated to searobins member: #suborder_Scorpaenoidea__Scorpaenoidea mail-cheeked fishes: scorpionfishes; gurnards member: #family_Ophiodontidae__Ophiodontidae fishes closely related to greenlings member: #genus_Ophiodon__Ophiodon a genus of Ophiodontidae member: #Ophiodon_elongatus__lingcod food fish of Northern Pacific waters related to greenlings member: #scorpaenoid_fish__scorpaenoidfish__scorpaenoid fishes having the the head armored with bony plates member: #family_Cottidae__Cottidae sculpins member: #genus_Cottus__Cottus type genus of the Cottidae: sculpins member: #bullhead.sculpin freshwater sculpin with a large flattened bony-plated head with hornlike spines member: #miller's-thumb small freshwater sculpin of Europe and North America member: #sculpin any of numerous spiny large-headed broad-mouthed usually scaleless scorpaenoid fishes member: #genus_Hemitripterus__Hemitripterus sea ravens member: #sea_raven__searaven__Hemitripterus_americanus large sculpin of western Atlantic; inflates itself when caught member: #genus_Myxocephalus__Myxocephalus grubby member: #grubby__Myxocephalus_aenaeus small sculpin of the coast of New England member: #family_Cyclopteridae__Cyclopteridae lumpfishes member: #genus_Cyclopterus__Cyclopterus type genus of the Cyclopteridae: lumpfishes member: #lumpfish__Cyclopterus_lumpus clumsy soft thick-bodied North Atlantic fish with pelvic fins fused into a sucker; edible roe used for caviar member: #family_Liparididae__Liparididae__Liparidae__family_Liparidae snailfishes member: #Liparis__genus_Liparis type genus of the Liparididae: snailfishes member: #snailfish__seasnail__sea_snail__seasnail__Liparis_liparis small tadpole-shaped cold-water fishes with pelvic fins forming a sucker; related to lumpfish member: #family_Platycephalidae__Platycephalidae scorpaenoid flatheads member: #flathead.scorpaenoid_fish food fish of the Indonesian region of the Pacific; resembles gurnards member: #family_Triglidae__Triglidae in some classifications restricted to the gurnards and subdivided into the subfamilies Triglinae (true sea robins) and Peristediinae (armored sea robins) member: #gurnard bottom-dwelling coastal fishes with spiny armored heads and fingerlike pectoral fins used for crawling along the sea bottom member: #genus_Triga__Triga type genus of the Triglidae member: #tub_gurnard__tubgurnard__yellow_gurnard__Trigla_lucerna a kind of gurnard member: #subfamily_Triglinae__Triglinae in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising searobins having ordinary scales and no barbels (true searobins) member: #genus_Prionotus__Prionotus a genus of Triglidae member: #northern_sea_robin__Prionotus_carolinus large searobin; found from Nova Scotia to Florida member: #subfamily_Peristediinae__Peristediinae in some classifications considered a subfamily of Triglidae comprising the armored searobins member: #genus_Peristedion__Peristedion in some classifications the type genus of the subfamily Peristediinae: armored sea robins member: #armored_searobin__armoredsearobin__armored_sea_robin__armoredsearobin__Peristedion_miniatum sea robins having bony scutes on the body and barbels on the chin; found mostly on the continental slope member: #order_Plectognathi__Plectognathi__order_Tetraodontiformes boxfishes; filefishes; globefishes; ocean sunfishes; triggerfishes; puffers member: #plectognath_fish__plectognathfish__plectognath tropical marine fishes having the teeth fused into a beak and thick skin covered with bony plates or spines member: #family_Balistidae__Balistidae triggerfishes member: #triggerfish any of numerous compressed deep-bodied tropical fishes with sandpapery skin and erectile spines in the first dorsal fin member: #genus_Balistes__Balistes type genus of the Balistidae member: #queen_triggerfish__queentriggerfish__Bessy_cerca__oldwench__oldwife__balistesvetula tropical Atlantic fish member: #filefish narrow flattened warm-water fishes with leathery skin and a long file-like dorsal spine member: #family_Monocanthidae__Monocanthidae filefishes member: #genus_Monocanthus__Monocanthus type genus of the Monocanthidae member: #leatherfish__leatherjacket any of several brightly colored tropical filefishes member: #family_Ostraciidae__Ostraciidae__family_Ostraciontidae boxfishes member: #boxfish__trunkfish any of numerous small tropical fishes having body and head encased in bony plates member: #genus_Lactophrys__Lactophrys a genus of Ostraciidae member: #cowfish__Lactophrys_quadricornis trunkfish having hornlike spines over the eyes member: #family_Tetraodontidae__Tetraodontidae puffers member: #puffer__blowfish__globefish any of numerous marine fishes whose elongated spiny body can inflate itself with water or air to form a globe; several species contain a potent nerve poison; closely related to spiny puffers member: #family_Diodontidae__Diodontidae spiny puffers member: #spiny_puffer__spinypuffer puffers having rigid or erectile spines member: #genus_Diodon__Diodon type genus of the Diodontidae member: #porcupinefish__porcupine_fish__porcupinefish__Diodon_hystrix spines become erect when the body is inflated; worldwide in warm waters member: #balloonfish__Diodon_holocanthus similar to but smaller than porcupinefish member: #genus_Chilomycterus__Chilomycterus burrfishes member: #burrfish any of several fishes having rigid flattened spines member: #family_Molidae__Molidae ocean sunfishes member: #genus_Mola type genus of the Molidae member: #ocean_sunfish__oceansunfish__sunfish__headfish among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters member: #order_Heterosomata__Heterosomata__order_Pleuronectiformes flatfishes: halibut; sole; flounder; plaice; turbot; tonguefishes member: #flatfish any of several families of fishes having flattened bodies that swim along the sea floor on one side of the body with both eyes on the upper side member: #family_Pleuronectidae__Pleuronectidae righteye flounders member: #righteye_flounder__righteyed_flounder__righteyedflounder flounders with both eyes on the right side of the head member: #genus_Pleuronectes__Pleuronectes type genus of the Pleuronectidae member: #Pleuronectes_platessa__plaice large European food fish member: #genus_Platichthys__Platichthys a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #European_flatfish__Platichthys_flesus important food fish of Europe member: #genus_Limanda__Limanda a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #Limanda_ferruginea__yellowtail_flounder American flounder having a yellowish tail member: #genus_Pseudopleuronectes__Pseudopleuronectes a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #genus_Microstomus__Microstomus a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #Microstomus_kitt__lemon_sole__lemonsole European flatfish highly valued as food member: #genus_Hippoglossoides__Hippoglossoides a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #genus_Hippoglossus__Hippoglossus halibuts member: #family_Bothidae__Bothidae a family of fish of the order Heterosomata member: #lefteye_flounder__lefteyeflounder__lefteyed_flounder flatfishes with both eyes on the left side of the head member: #genus_Paralichthys__Paralichthys a genus of Bothidae member: #southern_flounder__Paralichthys_lethostigmus flounder of southern United States member: #summer_flounder__Paralichthys_dentatus flounder of eastern coast of North America member: #genus_Etropus__Etropus a genus of Bothidae member: #gray_flounder__Etropus_rimosus flounder found from North Carolina to Florida and the eastern Gulf of Mexico member: #genus_Citharichthys__Citharichthys a genus of Bothidae member: #whiff.lefteye_flounder a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil member: #sand_dab small food fishes of the Pacific coast of North America member: #genus_Scophthalmus__Scophthalmus a genus of Bothidae member: #Scophthalmus_aquosus__windowpane very thin translucent flounder of the Atlantic coast of North America member: #genus_Psetta__Psetta a genus of Bothidae member: #Psetta_maxima__turbot a large brownish European flatfish member: #family_Cynoglossidae__Cynoglossidae tonguefishes member: #tonguefish left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value member: #family_Soleidae__Soleidae soles member: #sole.flatfish right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European member: #genus_Solea__Solea type genus of the Soleidae member: #European_sole__Solea_solea highly valued as food member: #Solea_lascaris__lemon_sole__lemonsole small European sole member: #genus_Parophrys__Parophrys a genus of Soleidae member: #Parophrys_vitulus__English_sole__lemon_sole__lemonsole popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America member: #genus_Psettichthys__Psettichthys a genus of Soleidae member: #sand_sole__Psettichthys_melanostichus common flatfish of North American Pacific coast member: #genus_Trinectes__Trinectes a genus of Soleidae member: #hogchoker__Trinectes_maculatus useless as food; in coastal streams from Maine to Texas and Panama member: #family_Pempheridae__Pempheridae sweepers member: #sweeper little-known nocturnal fish of warm shallow seas with an oblong compressed body member: #order_Ganoidei__Ganoidei a group of mostly extinct primitive bony fishes characterized by armor-like bony scales member: #ganoid_fish__ganoid primitive fishes having thick bony scales with a shiny covering member: #family_Amiidae__Amiidae only the bowfins member: #genus_Amia__Amia type genus of the Amiidae member: #bowfin__grindle__Amia_calva primitive long-bodies carnivorous freshwater fish with a very long dorsal fin; found in sluggish waters of North America member: #family_Polyodontidae__Polyodontidae paddlefishes member: #genus_Polyodon__Polyodon type genus of the Polyodontidae member: #paddlefish__duckbill__Polyodon_spathula primitive fish of the Mississippi valley having a long paddle-shaped snout member: #genus_Psephurus__Psephurus a genus of Polyodontidae member: #Chinese_paddlefish__Psephurus_gladis fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish member: #family_Acipenseridae__Acipenseridae sturgeons member: #sturgeon large primitive fishes valued for their flesh and roe; widely distributed in north temperate zone member: #genus_Acipenser__Acipenser type genus of the Acipenseridae: sturgeons member: #Pacific_sturgeon__white_sturgeon__whitesturgeon__Sacramento_sturgeon__Acipenser_transmontanus food and game fish of marine and fresh waters of northwestern coast of North America member: #beluga__hausen__white_sturgeon__whitesturgeon__Acipenser_huso valuable source of caviar and isinglass; found in Black and Caspian seas member: #family_Lepisosteidae__Lepisosteidae comprises the genus Lepisosteus member: #genus_Lepisosteus__Lepisosteus type genus of the Lepisosteidae: freshwater gars member: #gar__garfish__garpike__billfish__Lepisosteus_osseus primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth
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