#spread.condiment__paste a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers supertype: #condiment a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment: "mustard and ketchup are condiments" subtype: #margarine__margarin__oleo__oleomargarine__marge a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter subtype: #nut_butter__nutbutter ground nuts blended with a little butter subtype: #peanut_butter a spread made from ground peanuts subtype: #marshmallow_fluff__marshmallowfluff a very sweet white spread resembling marshmallow candy subtype: #onion_butter__onionbutter butter blended with minced onion subtype: #pimento_butter__pimentobutter butter blended with mashed pimento subtype: #shrimp_butter butter blended with chopped shrimp or seasoned with essence from shrimp shells subtype: #lobster_butter__lobsterbutter butter blended with chopped lobster or seasoned with essence from lobster shells subtype: #cheese_spread spread made of cheese mixed with butter or cream or cream cheese and seasonings subtype: #anchovy_butter__anchovybutter butter blended with mashed anchovies subtype: #fishpaste a paste of fish or shellfish subtype: #garlic_butter butter seasoned with mashed garlic subtype: #pate liver or meat or fowl finely minced or ground and variously seasoned subtype: #duck_pate a pate made from duck liver subtype: #pate_de_foie_gras__foie_gras a pate made from goose liver (marinated in cognac) and truffles subtype: #tapenade a spread consisting of capers and black olives and anchovies made into a puree with olive oil
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