#specie__coinage__mintage__metal_money__metalmoney coins collectively supertype: #currency the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used subtype: #coin a metal piece (usually a disc) used as money subtype: #change.coin coins of small denomination regarded collectively; "he had a pocketful of change" subtype: #bawbee an old Scottish coin of little value subtype: #bezant__bezzant__solidus a gold coin of the Byzantine Empire; widely circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages subtype: #ducat formerly a gold coin of various European countries subtype: #real an old small silver Spanish coin subtype: #piece_of_eight an old silver Spanish coin; worth 8 reales subtype: #shilling an English coin worth one twentieth of a pound subtype: #crown.coin an English coin worth 5 shillings subtype: #half_crown an English coin worth half a crown subtype: #dime a US coin worth one tenth of a dollar subtype: #nickel a US coin worth one twentieth of a dollar subtype: #quarter.coin a US coin worth one fourth of a dollar; "he fed four quarters into the slot machine" subtype: #half_dollar__fifty-cent_piece a US coin worth half of a dollar subtype: #halfpenny__ha'penny an English coin worth half a penny subtype: #penny.coin__cent__centime a coin worth one-hundredth of the value of the basic unit subtype: #copper.penny a copper penny subtype: #new_penny__newpenny a coin used in Great Britain since 1971 worth one hundredth of a pound subtype: #tenpence (Brit) UK decimal coin worth ten pennies subtype: #twopence__tuppence a former UK silver coin; UK bronze decimal coin worth two pennies subtype: #threepence (Brit) former cupronickel coin of UK equal to three pennies subtype: #fourpence__groat a former English silver coin worth four pennies subtype: #fivepence a five-cent piece subtype: #sixpence__tanner a small British coin worth six pennies; not minted since 1970 subtype: #eightpence a coin worth eight pennies subtype: #ninepence a coin worth nine pennies subtype: #dollar.coin a US coin worth one dollar; "the dollar coin has never been popular in the United States" subtype: #Susan_B_Anthony_dollar a US coin worth one dollar subtype: #silver_dollar__cartwheel a dollar made of silver subtype: #eagle.coin a former gold coin in US worth 10 dollars subtype: #half_eagle a former gold coin in US worth 5 dollars subtype: #guinea a former British gold coin worth 21 chillings subtype: #farthing a former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny subtype: #doubloon a former Spanish gold coin subtype: #louis_d'or__louisd'or a former French gold coin subtype: #medallion.coin any of various large ancient Greek coins subtype: #stater.coin any of the various silver or gold coins of ancient Greece subtype: #sou a former French coin of low denomination; often used of any small amount of money; "he hasn't a sou to his name"
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