#ridge a long narrow natural elevation or striation supertype: #natural_elevation__naturalelevation__elevation a raised or elevated geological formation subtype: #bank.ridge a long ridge or pile; "a huge bank of earth" subtype: #bluff a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion) subtype: #sandbank a submerged bank of sand near a shore or in a river; can be exposed at low tide subtype: #shoal a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide subtype: #bar.ridge a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore subtype: #sandbar__sand_bar a bar of sand subtype: #sand_dune__dune a ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes and oceans subtype: #ledge__shelf a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under water subtype: #reef a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the surface of the water subtype: #coral_reef__coralreef a reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone subtype: #atoll an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a lagoon instance: #Kwajalein #Eniwetok.atoll__eniwetok #Kwajalein.atoll__kwajalein #Midway_Islands subtype: #barrier_reef__barrierreef a long coral reef near and parallel to the shore subtype: #Florida_keys__key__cay a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida subtype: #ripple_mark one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind
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