#rhinoceros__rhino massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout supertype: #odd-toed_ungulate__perissodactyl__perissodactyl_mammal__perissodactylmammal placental mammals having hooves with an odd number of toes on each foot subtype: #Indian_rhinoceros #woolly_rhinoceros #white_rhinoceros #black_rhinoceros member of: #family_Rhinocerotidae__Rhinocerotidae__rhinoceros_family rhinoceroses member of: #order_Perissodactyla__Perissodactyla nonruminant ungulates: horses; tapirs; rhinoceros; extinct forms member of: #subclass_Eutheria__Eutheria all mammals except monotremes and marsupials member of: #class_Mammalia__Mammalia warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female member of: #subphylum_Vertebrata__Vertebrata__Craniata__subphylum_Craniata fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals member of: #phylum_Chordata__Chordata comprises true vertebrates and animals having a notochord member of: #kingdom_Animalia__Animalia__animal_kingdom taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
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