#responsibleness__responsiblenes a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one's conduct; "he holds a position of great responsibility" exclusion: #irresponsibility supertype: #trustworthiness__trustworthines__trustines the trait of deserving trust and confidence part of: #fibre subtype: #fault responsibility for a bad situation or event; "it was John's fault" subtype: #accountability__answerability__answerableness responsibility to someone or for some activity subtype: #dependability__dependableness__reliability__reliableness the trait of being dependable or reliable subtype: #infallibility the quality of never making an error subtype: #inerrancy (Christianity) exemption from error; "biblical inerrancy" subtype: #Papal_infallibility belief of the Roman Catholic Church that God protects the Pope from error when he speaks about faith or morality subtype: #reproducibility__duplicability the quality of being reproducible
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