#protein_molecule__proteinmolecule any large molecule containing chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds supertype: #molecule (physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound subtype: #gene a self-replicating protein molecule that occupies a fixed place on a chromosome; a unit of heredity subtype: #dominant_gene gene that produces the same phenotype in the organism whether or not its allele identical; "the dominant gene for brown eyes" subtype: #allele__allelomorph one of two alternative forms of a genes that can have the same locus on homologous chromosomes and are responsible for alternative traits subtype: #genetic_marker__geneticmarker a specific gene that produces a recognizable trait and can be used in family or population studies subtype: #lethal_gene any gene that has an effect that causes the death of the organism at any stage of life subtype: #linkage_group__linkagegroup__linked_genes any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together; "the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups" subtype: #modifier_gene__modifier a gene that modifies the effect produced by another gene subtype: #mutant_gene a gene that has changed so that the normal transmission and expression of a trait is affected subtype: #nonallele genes that are not competitors at the same locus subtype: #operator_gene a gene that activates the production of messenger RNA by adjacent structural genes subtype: #oncogene__transforming_gene a gene that causes normal cells to change into cancerous tumor cells subtype: #recessive_gene__recessivegene gene that produces its characteristic phenotype only when its allele is identical; "the recessive gene for blue eyes" subtype: #proto-oncogene__protooncogene a normal gene that has the potential to become an oncogene subtype: #regulatory_gene__regulator_gene__regulatorgene a gene that produces a repressor substance that inhibits an operator gene subtype: #repressor_gene__repressorgene gene that prevents a nonallele from being transcribed subtype: #structural_gene a gene that controls the production of a specific protein or peptide subtype: #suppressor_gene__suppressor__suppresser__suppresser_gene a gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene (especially of a mutant gene) subtype: #X-linked_gene a gene located on an X chromosome subtype: #Y-linked_gene__holandric_gene__holandricgene a gene located on a Y chromosome subtype: #genome one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; the full DNA sequence of an organism
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