#order_Primulales__Primulales Primulaceae; Theophrastaceae; Myrsinaceae; and (in some classifications) Plumbaginaceae supertype: #plant_order__plantorder the order of plants member of: #class_Dicotyledones member: #family_Primulaceae__Primulaceae__primrose_family a dicotyledonous family of the order Primulales with a regular flower; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere member: #genus_Primula very large and important genus of plants of temperate Europe and Asia having showy flowers member: #primrose__primula any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads member: #genus_Anagallis__Anagallis chiefly Old World herbs member: #pimpernel any of several plants of the genus Anagallis member: #genus_Centunculus__Centunculus a dicotyledonous genus of the family Primulaceae member: #chaffweed__bastard_pimpernel__bastardpimpernel__false_pimpernel__falsepimpernel weedy plant having short dry chafflike leaves member: #genus_Cyclamen genus of widely cultivated flowering Eurasian herbs with centrally depressed rounded tubers and rounded heart-shaped leaves member: #cyclamen__Cyclamen_purpurascens Mediterranean plant widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy dark green leaves splotched with silver and nodding white or pink to reddish flowers with reflexed petals member: #sowbread__Cyclamen_hederifolium__Cyclamen_neopolitanum common wild European cyclamen with pink flowers member: #genus_Glaux__Glaux sea milkwort member: #sea_milkwort__seamilkwort__sea_trifoly__seatrifoly__black_saltwort__blacksaltwort__Glaux_maritima a small fleshy herb common along North American seashores and in brackish marshes having pink or white flowers member: #genus_Hottonia__Hottonia aquatic herbs member: #featherfoil a plant of the genus Hottonia member: #genus_Lysimachia__Lysimachia loosestrife: a cosmopolitan genus found in damp or swampy terrain having usually yellow flowers; inclined to be invasive member: #loosestrife any of various herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lysimachia member: #genus_Samolus__Samolus genus of herbs usually growing in salt marshes: water pimpernels member: #water_pimpernel__waterpimpernel a white-flowered aquatic plant of the genus Samolus member: #family_Myrsinaceae__Myrsinaceae__myrsine_family__myrsinefamily family of Old World tropical trees and shrubs; some in Florida member: #genus_Myrsine__Myrsine evergreen trees and shrubs having aromatic foliage; Africa; Asia: New Zealand member: #genus_Ardisia__Ardisia tropical evergreen subshrubs (some climbers) to trees of Asia and Australasia to Americas member: #spiceberry__coralberry__Ardisia_crenata shrub with coral-red berries; Japan to northern India member: #marlberry__Ardisia_escallonoides__Ardisia_paniculata tropical American shrub or small tree with brown wood and dark berries member: #order_Plumbaginales__Plumbaginales coextensive with the family Plumbaginaceae; usually included in order Primulales member: #family_Plumbaginaceae__Plumbaginaceae__leadwort_family__sea-lavender_family perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas; cosmopolitan especially in salt-water areas member: #genus_Plumbago shrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions: leadwort member: #plumbago any plumbaginaceous plant of the genus Plumbago member: #leadwort__Plumbago_europaea plant with lead-blue flowers member: #genus_Armeria__Armeria shrubby or herbaceous low-growing evergreen perennials member: #thrift any of numerous sun-loving low-growing evergreens of the genus Armeria having round heads of pink or white flowers member: #genus_Limonium__Limonium sea lavender member: #sea_lavender__sealavender__marsh_rosemary__marshrosemary__statice any of various plants of the genus Limonium of temperate salt marshes having spikes of whit or mauve flowers member: #family_Theophrastaceae__Theophrastaceae family of mainly tropical American trees and shrubs similar to those of the Myrsinaceae; often included in the Myrsinaceae member: #genus_Jacquinia__Jacquinia sometimes placed in family Myrsinaceae member: #bracelet_wood__Jacquinia_armillaris small West Indian shrub or tree with hard glossy seeds patterned yellow and brown that are used to make bracelets member: #barbasco__joewood__Jacquinia_keyensis West Indian shrub or small tree having leathery saponaceous leaves and extremely hard wood
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