#order_Heterosomata__Heterosomata__order_Pleuronectiformes flatfishes: halibut; sole; flounder; plaice; turbot; tonguefishes supertype: #animal_order the order of animals member of: #superorder_Acanthopterygii member: #flatfish any of several families of fishes having flattened bodies that swim along the sea floor on one side of the body with both eyes on the upper side member: #family_Pleuronectidae__Pleuronectidae righteye flounders member: #righteye_flounder__righteyed_flounder__righteyedflounder flounders with both eyes on the right side of the head member: #genus_Pleuronectes__Pleuronectes type genus of the Pleuronectidae member: #Pleuronectes_platessa__plaice large European food fish member: #genus_Platichthys__Platichthys a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #European_flatfish__Platichthys_flesus important food fish of Europe member: #genus_Limanda__Limanda a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #Limanda_ferruginea__yellowtail_flounder American flounder having a yellowish tail member: #genus_Pseudopleuronectes__Pseudopleuronectes a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #genus_Microstomus__Microstomus a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #Microstomus_kitt__lemon_sole__lemonsole European flatfish highly valued as food member: #genus_Hippoglossoides__Hippoglossoides a genus of Pleuronectidae member: #genus_Hippoglossus__Hippoglossus halibuts member: #family_Bothidae__Bothidae a family of fish of the order Heterosomata member: #lefteye_flounder__lefteyeflounder__lefteyed_flounder flatfishes with both eyes on the left side of the head member: #genus_Paralichthys__Paralichthys a genus of Bothidae member: #southern_flounder__Paralichthys_lethostigmus flounder of southern United States member: #summer_flounder__Paralichthys_dentatus flounder of eastern coast of North America member: #genus_Etropus__Etropus a genus of Bothidae member: #gray_flounder__Etropus_rimosus flounder found from North Carolina to Florida and the eastern Gulf of Mexico member: #genus_Citharichthys__Citharichthys a genus of Bothidae member: #whiff.lefteye_flounder a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil member: #sand_dab small food fishes of the Pacific coast of North America member: #genus_Scophthalmus__Scophthalmus a genus of Bothidae member: #Scophthalmus_aquosus__windowpane very thin translucent flounder of the Atlantic coast of North America member: #genus_Psetta__Psetta a genus of Bothidae member: #Psetta_maxima__turbot a large brownish European flatfish member: #family_Cynoglossidae__Cynoglossidae tonguefishes member: #tonguefish left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value member: #family_Soleidae__Soleidae soles member: #sole.flatfish right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European member: #genus_Solea__Solea type genus of the Soleidae member: #European_sole__Solea_solea highly valued as food member: #Solea_lascaris__lemon_sole__lemonsole small European sole member: #genus_Parophrys__Parophrys a genus of Soleidae member: #Parophrys_vitulus__English_sole__lemon_sole__lemonsole popular pale brown food flatfish of the Pacific coast of North America member: #genus_Psettichthys__Psettichthys a genus of Soleidae member: #sand_sole__Psettichthys_melanostichus common flatfish of North American Pacific coast member: #genus_Trinectes__Trinectes a genus of Soleidae member: #hogchoker__Trinectes_maculatus useless as food; in coastal streams from Maine to Texas and Panama
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