#order_Ericales__Ericales Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; Monotropaceae supertype: #plant_order__plantorder the order of plants subtype: #family_Ericaceae heathers member of: #subclass_Dilleniidae member: #family_Clethraceae__Clethraceae__white-alder_family__whitealderfamily coextensive with the genus Clethra member: #genus_Clethra__Clethra type and sole genus of the Clethraceae; deciduous shrubs or small trees: white alder, summer-sweet member: #family_Diapensiaceae__Diapensiaceae__diapensia_family__diapensiafamily north temperate low evergreen plants; in some classifications placed in its own order Diapensiales member: #genus_Diapensia type genus of Diapensiaceae member: #diapensia any boreal low-growing evergreen plant of the genus Diapensia member: #genus_Galax evergreen herbs of southeastern United States member: #galax__galaxy__cold's_foot__wandflower__beetleweed__Galax_urceolata tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall member: #genus_Pyxidanthera__Pyxidanthera 1 species: pyxie; the eastern United States member: #pyxie__pixie__pixy__Pyxidanthera_barbulata creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas member: #genus_Shortia evergreen perennial herbs of North America and eastern Asia: oconee bells member: #shortia any plant of the genus Shortia; evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers member: #family_Epacridaceae__Epacridaceae__epacris_family__epacrisfamily Australasian shrubs or small trees member: #Australian_heath any heathlike plant of the family Epacridaceae; most are of the Australian region member: #genus_Epacris type genus of the Epacridaceae: Australian heath member: #epacris__epacri any heathlike evergreen shrub of the genus Epacris grown for their showy and crowded spikes of small bell-shaped or tubular flowers member: #genus_Astroloma__Astroloma evergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania member: #native_cranberry__groundberry__cranberryheath__Astroloma_humifusum__Styphelia_humifusum small prostrate or ascending shrub having scarlet flowers and succulent fruit resembling cranberries; sometimes place in genus Styphelia member: #genus_Richea__Richea evergreen trees or shrubs of mountains of Australia and Tasmania member: #Richea_dracophylla__Australian_grass_tree stout Australian shrub with narrow leaves crowded at ends of branches and terminal clusters of white or pink flowers member: #tree_heath__grass_tree__grasstree__Richea_pandanifolia gaunt Tasmanian evergreen shrubby tree with slender tapering leaves 3 to 5 feet long member: #genus_Styphelia__Styphelia Australian heathlike shrubs member: #pink_fivecorner__Styphelia_triflora heathlike shrub of southwestern Australia grown for its sharply scented foliage and pink flowers followed by pentagonal fruit member: #family_Lennoaceae__Lennoaceae family of fleshy parasitic herbs lacking green foliage and having heads of small flowers; California and Mexico member: #family_Pyrolaceae__Pyrolaceae__wintergreen_family__wintergreenfamily evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola; Chimaphila; Moneses; Orthilia member: #genus_Pyrola short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions: wintergreen; shinleaf member: #wintergreen__pyrola any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola member: #genus_Orthilia__Orthilia a shrubby perennial rhizomatous evergreen herb; grows in damp coniferous woodlands in northern temperate regions member: #genus_Chimaphila__Chimaphila small genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North America; Europe; east Asia member: #pipsissewa__prince's_pine any of several plants of the genus Chimaphila member: #genus_Moneses__Moneses 1 species: one-flowered wintergreen; sometimes included in genus Pyrola member: #one-flowered_wintergreen__one-flowered_pyrola__Moneses_uniflora__Pyrola_uniflora delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola member: #family_Monotropaceae__Monotropaceae used in some classification for saprophytic herbs sometimes included in the family Pyrolaceae: genera Monotropa and Sarcodes member: #genus_Monotropa__Monotropa leafless fleshy saprophytic plants; in some classifications placed in the family Pyrolaceae member: #Indian_pipe__waxflower__Monotropa_uniflora small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower; turns black with age member: #pinesap__false_beachdrops__Monotropa_hypopithys fleshy tawny or reddish saprophytic herb resembling the Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America; in some classifications placed in a separate genus Hypopitys member: #genus_Hypopitys__Hypopitys term used in some classifications for the pinesaps, which are usually included in the genus Monotropa member: #genus_Sarcodes__Sarcodes snow plant; in some classifications placed in family Pyrolaceae member: #snow_plant__Sarcodes_sanguinea a fleshy bright red saprophytic plant of the mountains of western North America that appears in early spring while snow is on the ground
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