#order_Cuculiformes__Cuculiformes cuckoos; touracos; etc. supertype: #animal_order the order of animals member of: #class_Aves member: #cuculiform_bird birds having zygodactyl feet (except for the touracos) member: #family_Cuculidae__Cuculidae includes cuckoo; ani; roadrunner member: #cuckoo any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail member: #genus_Cuculus__Cuculus type genus of the Cuculidae member: #European_cuckoo__Cuculus_canorus common European cuckoo having a distinctive two-note call; lays eggs in the nests of other birds member: #genus_Coccyzus__Coccyzus a genus of Cuculidae member: #black-billed_cuckoo__Coccyzus_erythropthalmus North American cuckoo; builds a nest and rears its own young member: #genus_Geococcyx__Geococcyx roadrunners member: #roadrunner__chaparral_cock__chaparralcock__Geococcyx_californianus speedy largely terrestrial bird found from California and Mexico to Texas member: #genus_Crotophaga__Crotophaga ani member: #ani black tropical American cuckoo member: #genus_Centropus__Centropus a genus of Cuculidae member: #coucal Old World ground-living cuckoo having a long dagger-like hind claw member: #family_Musophagidae__Musophagidae touracos member: #genus_Musophaga__Musophaga type genus of the Musophagidae member: #touraco__turaco__turacou__turakoo large brightly crested bird of Africa
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