#nut_tree__nuttree tree bearing edible nuts supertype: #angiospermous_tree__angiospermoustree__flowering_tree__floweringtree any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary subtype: #kola_nut_tree__kola__kola_nut__goora_nut__gooranut__Cola_acuminata tree bearing large brown nuts containing e.g. caffeine; source of cola extract subtype: #macadamia_tree__macadamiatree__macadamia any tree of the genus Macadamia subtype: #Macadamia_integrifolia medium-sized tree of eastern Australia having creamy-white flowers subtype: #macadamia_nut_tree__macadamianuttree__macadamia_nut__macadamianut__Macadamia_ternifolia small Australian tree with racemes of pink flowers; widely cultivated (especially in Hawaii) for its sweet edible nuts subtype: #Queensland_nut__Macadamia_tetraphylla bushy tree with pink to purple flowers subtype: #hazelnut_tree__hazelnut__hazel any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk subtype: #American_hazel__Corylus_americana nut-bearing shrub of eastern North America subtype: #cobnut__filbert__Corylus_avellana__Corylus_avellana_grandis small nut-bearing tree much grown in Europe subtype: #beaked_hazelnut__Corylus_cornuta hazel of western United States with conspicuous beaklike involucres on the nuts subtype: #walnut_tree__walnut any of various trees of the genus Juglans subtype: #California_black_walnut__Juglans_californica medium-sized tree with somewhat aromatic compound leaves and edible nuts subtype: #butternut_tree__butternuttree__butternut__white_walnut__whitewalnut__juglanscinerea North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye subtype: #black_walnut_tree__black_walnut__blackwalnut__black_hickory__blackhickory__Juglans_nigra North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut subtype: #English_walnut_tree__English_walnut__Circassian_walnut__Persian_walnut__Juglans_regia Eurasian walnut valued for its large edible nut and its hard richly figured wood; widely cultivated subtype: #hickory_tree__hickorytree__hickory American hardwood tree bearing edible nuts subtype: #water_hickory__waterhickory__bitter_pecan__water_bitternut__waterbitternut__Carya_aquatica hickory of southern United States having many narrow leaflets and rather bitter nuts subtype: #pignut_hickory__pignut__brown_hickory__brownhickory__black_hickory__blackhickory__Carya_glabra an American hickory tree having bitter nuts subtype: #bitternut_hickory__bitternuthickory__bitternut__bitter_hickory__bitter_pignut__swamp_hickory__swamphickory__Carya_cordiformis hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with 7 or 9 leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts subtype: #big_shellbark_hickory__bigshellbarkhickory__big_shellbark__bigshellbark__big_shagbark__bigshagbark__king_nut__king_nut_hickory__Carya_laciniosa hickory of the eastern United States resembling the shagbark but having a much larger nut subtype: #nutmeg_hickory__Carya_myristicaeformis__Carya_myristiciformis hickory of southern United States and Mexico having hard nutmeg-shaped nuts subtype: #shagbark_hickory__shagbark__shellbark__shellbark_hickory__shellbarkhickory__Carya_ovata North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts subtype: #mockernut_hickory__mockernuthickory__mockernut__black_hickory__blackhickory__white-heart_hickory__whitehearthickory__big-bud_hickory__bigbudhickory__Carya_tomentosa smooth-barked North American hickory with 7 to 9 leaflets bearing a hard-shelled edible nut subtype: #pecan_tree__pecantree__pecan__Carya_illinoensis__Carya_illinoinsis tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts subtype: #wingnut any tree of the genus Pterocarya; fruit is a small winged nutlet; Caucasus to southeastern Asia subtype: #Caucasian_walnut__Pterocarya_fraxinifolia medium-sized Caucasian much-branched tree distinguished from other walnut trees by its winged fruit subtype: #brazil_nut__brazil-nut_tree__Bertholletia_excelsa tall South American tree bearing brazil nuts subtype: #cashew_tree__cashew__Anacardium_occidentale tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted subtype: #pistachio_tree__pistachiotree__pistachio__Pistacia_vera small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts
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