#net.trap a trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects supertype: #trap a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned subtype: #fishnet__fishing_net a net that will enclose fish when it is pulled in subtype: #drift_net__driftnet a large fishnet supported by floats; it drifts with the current subtype: #gill_net a flat fishnet suspended vertically in the water to entangle fish by their gills subtype: #landing_net a bag-shaped fishnet on a long handle to take a captured fish from the water subtype: #seine a large fishnet that hangs vertically, with floats at the top and weights at the bottom subtype: #purse_seine__purseseine a seine designed to be set by two boats around a school of fish and then closed at the bottom by means of a line subtype: #trammel_net__trammelnet__trammel a fishing net with three layers; the outer two are coarse mesh and the loose inner layer is fine mesh subtype: #trawl_net__trawlnet__trawl__dragnet a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths
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