#needlework__needlecraft a creation created or assembled by needle and thread supertype: creation_result__creation an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone subtype: crochet__crocheting needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle subtype: knit__knitting__knitwork needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine subtype: sewing__stitchery needlework that involves sewing; "she put her sewing back in the basket" subtype: applique a decorative design made of one material sewn over another subtype: binding.sewing strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration subtype: fancywork__embroidery decorative needlework subtype: candlewick.fancywork loops of soft yarn are cut to give a tufted pattern subtype: crewelwork embroidery done with loosely twisted worsted yarn subtype: cross-stitch__crossstitch embroidery done in cross-stitch subtype: cutwork embroidery in which the design is outlined in a buttonhole stitch and the intervening material is cut away subtype: drawnwork ornamental needlework done by drawing threads to form lacelike patterns subtype: hemstitch embroidery similar to drawnwork subtype: needlepoint embroidery consisting of allover embroidered canvas resembling tapestry subtype: gros_point needlepoint done with large stitches subtype: petit_point__petitpoint needlepoint done with small stitches subtype: sampler a piece of embroidery demonstrating skill with various stitches subtype: smocking embroidery consisting of ornamental needlework on a garment that is made by gathering the cloth tightly in stitches subtype: gather.sewing__gathering sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching subtype: mend__patch sewing that repairs a worn or torn place in a garment subtype: patchwork sewing consisting of pieces of different materials sewn together in a pattern subtype: stitch sewing consisting of a link or loop or knot made by drawing a threaded needle through a fabric subtype: backstitch overlapping stitch made by starting next stitch at middle of preceding one subtype: bargello needlepoint stitch that produces zigzag lines subtype: baste__basting__tacking loose temporary stitches subtype: blanket_stitch__blanketstitch strong reinforcing stitch for edges of blanket and other thick material; similar to buttonhole stitch subtype: buttonhole_stitch reinforcing looped stitch for edges, as around a buttonhole subtype: crochet_stitch__crochetstitch a stitch made by pulling a loop of thread through another loop with a crochet needle subtype: chain_stitch.crochet_stitch__chainstitch a kind of crochet stitch subtype: double_crochet__double_stitch a kind of crochet stitch subtype: shell_stitch__shellstitch a crochet stitch subtype: single_crochet__single_stitch a crochet stitch subtype: cross-stitch.stitch__crossstitch two stitches forming a cross or X subtype: half_cross_stitch a single cross stitch at a diagonal subtype: French_knot stitch made by looping the thread several times around the needle before inserting it into the fabric subtype: gros_point.stitch__grospoint needlepoint stitch covering two horizontal and two vertical threads subtype: hemming-stitch__hemmingstitch a stitch used in sewing hems on skirts and dresses subtype: hemstitching__hemstitch stitch in which parallel threads are drawn and exposed threads are caught together in groups subtype: knitting_stitch__knittingstitch a stitch taken in knitting subtype: garter_stitch a knitting stitch that results in a pattern of horizontal ridges formed by knitting both sides (instead of purling one side) subtype: knit_stitch__knit__plain__plainstitch a basic knitting stitch subtype: purl_stitch__purl a basic knitting stitch subtype: stockinette_stitch__stockinettestitch knitting stitch having alternate rows of knit stitches and purl stitches, producing a fabric as for stockings subtype: lazy_daisy_stitch long chain stitches arranged in flower patterns subtype: sewing-machine_stitch__machine_stitch__machinestitch made by a sewing machine using two threads subtype: chain_stitch__chainstitch looped machine stitch resembling the links of a chain; used in embroidery and in machine stitching subtype: lockstitch machine stitch in which the top thread interlocks with the bobbin thread subtype: overcasting__overcast a long whip stitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling subtype: overhand_stitch a stitch passing over an edge vertically subtype: tent_stitch__petit_point__petitpoint a small diagonal needlepoint stitch subtype: picot an edging of small loops, as on lace or ribbon subtype: quilting.stitch stitching through layers of fabric and a filling so as to create a design subtype: running_stitch__runningstitch small even hand stitches run in and out subtype: saddle_stitch a decorative overcast or running stitch, especially in a contrasting color subtype: satin_stitch__satinstitch flat stitches worked so closely as to resemble satin subtype: slip_stitch loose stitch catching only a thread or two of fabric; designed to be invisible from the right side subtype: tailor's_tack loose looped stitch used to transfer marking for darts, etc., from a pattern to material subtype: whipstitch__whipping__whipstitching a stitch passing over an edge diagonally subtype: tatting needlework consisting of handmade lace made by looping and knotting a single thread on a small shuttle
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