#natural_virtue__naturalvirtue (scholasticism) one of the four virtues (prudence and justice and fortitude and temperance) derived from nature supertype: #cardinal_virtue one of the seven preeminent virtues subtype: #justness__justice the quality of being just or fair subtype: #fairness__equity conformity with rules or standards; "the judge recognized the fairness of my claim" subtype: #non-discrimination__nondiscrimination fairness in treating people without prejudice subtype: #sportsmanship fairness in following the rules of the game subtype: #rightfulness__right anything in accord with principles of justice; "he feels he is in the right"; "the rightfulness of his claim" subtype: #temperance.restraint__moderation the trait of avoiding excesses subtype: #sobriety moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or drugs subtype: #abstemiousness moderation in eating and drinking subtype: #prudence discretion in practical affairs subtype: #providence.prudence the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources subtype: #foresightedness__foresightednes__foresightfulness providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future subtype: #frugality__frugalness prudence in avoiding waste subtype: #parsimony__parsimoniousness__thrift__penny-pinching__pennypinching extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily subtype: #thriftiness__thriftines frugality in the expenditure of money or resources; "the Scots are famous for their economy" subtype: #fortitude strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage subtype: #grit__backbone__guts__moxie__sand__gumption (informal) fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
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