#moss_genus a genus of mosses supertype: #genus__genu (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species member of: #division_Bryophyta subtype: #genus_Anthoceros__Anthoceros hornworts subtype: #genus_Andreaea__Andreaea brown or blackish Alpine mosses having a dehiscent capsule with 4 longitudinal slits subtype: #genus_Dicranum__Dicranum type genus of Dicranaceae subtype: #genus_Bryum__Bryum type genus of the Bryaceae: mosses distinguished by mostly erect and tufted gametophytes and symmetrical short-necked capsules subtype: #genus_Mnium__Mnium mosses similar to those of genus Bryum but larger subtype: #genus_Sphagnum a large genus constituting the order Sphagnales: atypical mosses of temperate bogs with leaves that can hold much water subtype: #genus_Marchantia__Marchantia type genus of Marchantiaceae; liverworts that reproduce asexually by gemmae and have stalked antheridiophores subtype: #genus_Sphaerocarpus__Sphaerocarpus__Sphaerocarpos__genus_Sphaerocarpos type genus of Sphaerocarpaceae; liverworts with small many-lobed usually orbicular thallus
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