#military_quarters living quarters for personnel on a military post supertype: #living_quarters__livingquarter__quarters housing available for people to live in; "he found quarters for his family"; "I visited his bachelor quarters" part of: #military_post subtype: #barrack a building used to house military personnel subtype: #casern military barracks in a garrison town subtype: #encampment__camp__cantonment__bivouac temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers; "wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling" subtype: #boot_camp camp for training military recruits subtype: #hutment an encampment of huts (chiefly military) subtype: #laager__lager (South African) a camp defended by a circular formation of wagons subtype: #gun_room__gunroom military quarters of midshipmen and junior officers on a British warship subtype: #wardroom military quarters for dining and recreation for officers of a warship (except the captain)
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