#matrix a rectangular array of elements (or entries) set out by rows and columns supertype: #array an orderly arrangement: "an array of troops in battle order" subtype: #correlation_matrix__correlationmatrix a matrix giving the correlations between all pairs of data sets subtype: #dot_matrix__dotmatrix a rectangular matrix of dots from which written characters can be formed subtype: #square_matrix a matrix with the same number of rows and columns subtype: #diagonal_matrix__diagonalmatrix a square matrix with all off-diagonal elements equal to zero subtype: #scalar_matrix a diagonal matrix in which all of the diagonal elements are equal subtype: #identity_matrix__unit_matrix a scalar matrix in which all of the diagonal elements are unity subtype: #determinant a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations subtype: #Latin_square a square matrix of n rows and columns; cells contain n different symbols so arranged that no symbol occurs more than once in any row or column subtype: #magic_square__magicsquare a square matrix of n rows and columns; the first n-squared integers are arranged in the cells of the matrix is such a way that the sum of any row or column or diagonal is the same subtype: #nonsingular_matrix__nonsingularmatrix a square matrix whose determinant is not zero subtype: #singular_matrix a square matrix whose determinant is zero subtype: #real_matrix a matrix whose elements are all real numbers
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