#learning__acquisition the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; "the child's acquisition of language" supertype: basic_cognitive_process__basiccognitiveproces cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge subtype: study__work applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design" subtype: internalization__internalisation__incorporation learning (of values or attitudes etc.) that is incorporated within yourself subtype: introjection (psychology) unconscious internalization of aspects of the world (especially aspects of persons) within the self in such a way that the internalized representation takes over the psychological functions of the external objects subtype: introjection.internalization (psychoanalysis) the internalization of the parent figures and their values; leads to the formation of the superego subtype: imprinting a learning process in early life whereby species specific patterns of behavior are established subtype: language_learning learning to use a language subtype: audio_lingual_acquisition__audiolingualacquisition system of language acquisition focusing intensively on listening and speaking subtype: memorization__memorisation__committal_to_memory learning so as to be able to remember verbatim; "the actor's memorization of his lines" subtype: rote_learning__rote memorization by repetition subtype: developmental_learning__developmentallearning learning that takes place as a normal part of cognitive development subtype: accommodation.developmental_learning in the theories of Jean Piaget: the modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality subtype: assimilation in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance subtype: transfer_of_training__transfer__carry-over__carryover__generalization__generalisation generalization of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation subtype: education.learning the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's" subtype: acculturation__assimilation the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure subtype: mastering.education becoming proficient in the use of something; having mastery of; "his mastering the art of cooking took a long time" subtype: self-education__self-cultivation the process of educating yourself subtype: school.education__schooling the process of being formally educated at a school; "what will you do when you finish school?" subtype: special_education__specialeducation education of physically or mentally handicapped children whose needs cannot be met in an ordinary classroom subtype: vocational_training__vocational_education training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade subtype: conditioning a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment subtype: aversive_conditioning conditioning to avoid an aversive stimulus subtype: classical_conditioning__classicalconditioning conditioning that pairs a neutral stimulus with a stimulus that evokes a reflex; the stimulus that evokes the reflex is given whether or not the conditioned response occurs until eventually the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the reflex subtype: operant_conditioning__operantconditioning conditioning in which an operant response is brought under stimulus control by virtue of presenting reinforcement contingent upon the occurrence of the operant response subtype: instrumental_conditioning operant conditioning that pairs a response with a reinforcement in discrete trials; reinforcement occurs only after the response is given subtype: experimental_extinction__extinction a learning process in which the reinforcer is removed and a conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus subtype: learning subtype: face-to-face_learning subtype: distance_learning subtype: e-learning__elearning__electronic_learning__electroniclearning subtype: web-based_learning__webbasedlearning subtype: e-learning_with_highly_embedded_devices subtype: pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning subtype: ubiquitous-learning subtype: e-learning_with_not_highly_embedded_devices subtype: desktop_learning__desktoplearning subtype: mobile_learning subtype: e-learning_with_highly_mobile_devices subtype: mobile_learning subtype: ubiquitous-learning subtype: RTRP_e-learning__right_time_right_place_e-learning subtype: ATAP_e-learning__any_time_any_place_e-learning subtype: e-learning_with_not_highly_mobile_devices subtype: desktop_learning__desktoplearning subtype: pervasive_learning__pervasivelearning subtype: blended_learning__blendedlearning subtype: adaptive_learning
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