#labyrinthodont an amphibian of the superorder Labyrinthodontia supertype: amphibian cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form member of: superorder_Labyrinthodontia__Labyrinthodontia__Labyrinthodonta__superorder_Labyrinthodonta extinct amphibians typically resembling heavy-bodied salamanders or crocodiles and having a solid flattened skull and conical teeth; Devonian through Triassic member of: class_Amphibia__Amphibia frogs; toads; newts; salamanders; caecilians member of: subphylum_Vertebrata__Vertebrata__Craniata__subphylum_Craniata fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals member of: phylum_Chordata__Chordata comprises true vertebrates and animals having a notochord member of: kingdom_Animalia__Animalia__animal_kingdom taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
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