#ketone any of a class of organic compounds having a carbonyl group linked to a carbon atom in each of two hydrocarbon radicals supertype: organic_compound__organiccompound any compound of carbon and another element or a radical substance of: nabumetone sulindac tolmetin_sodium subtype: acetone__propanone__dimethyl_ketone the simplest ketone; a highly inflammable liquid widely used as an organic solvent and as material for making plastics subtype: butanone__methyl_ethyl_ketone colorless soluble flammable liquid ketone used as a solvent for resins and as a paint remover and in lacquers and cements and adhesives and cleaning fluids and celluloid subtype: flavin a ketone that forms the nucleus of certain natural yellow pigments like riboflavin subtype: ketone_body__acetone_body__acetonebody a ketone that is an intermediate product of the breakdown of fats in the body; any of three compounds (acetoacetic acid, acetone, and/or beta-hydroxybutyric acid) found in excess in blood and urine of persons with metabolic disorders subtype: acetoacetic_acid__acetoaceticacid unstable acid found in abnormal amounts in the blood and urine n some cases of impaired metabolism (as diabetes mellitus or starvation) subtype: beta-hydroxybutyric_acid beta derivative of hydroxybutyric acid that is found in the blood and urine in some cases of impaired metabolism
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