#joining__connection__connexion the act of bringing two things into contact; "the joining of hands around the table" supertype: change_of_integrity the act of changing the unity or wholeness of something subtype: intersection the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path) subtype: bringing_close_together__approximation the act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissue subtype: concatenation the act of linking together as in a series or chain subtype: converging__convergence the act of converging (coming closer) subtype: merging__coming_together the act of joining together as one; "the merging of the two groups occurred quickly"; "there was no meeting of minds" subtype: concourse.merging__confluence a coming together of people subtype: coming_upon__encounter a casual meeting with a person of thing subtype: articulation.joining the act of joining things in such a way that motion is possible subtype: adjunction__junction an act of joining or adjoining things subtype: fastening__attachment the act of fastening things together subtype: soldering__bonding fastening firmly together subtype: doweling fastening by dowels subtype: grounding__earthing fastening electrical equipment to earth subtype: linkage the act of linking things together subtype: tying the act of tying things together subtype: ligation tying a duct or blood vessel with a ligature (as in surgery to prevent bleeding) subtype: tubal_ligation__tuballigation a sterilization procedure with women; both Fallopian tubes are tied in two places and the tubes removed in between the ligations subtype: welding fastening two pieces of metal together by softening with heat and applying pressure subtype: butt_welding creating a butt joint by welding subtype: flash_welding__flashwelding__flash_butt_welding butt welding by creating an electric arc between the two pieces which melts and joins them; used for joining segments of metal pipe
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