#interoception sensitivity to stimuli originating inside of the body supertype: #sensitivity.sentiency__sensitiveness__sensitivenes (physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli: "sensitivity to pain" subtype: #proprioception the ability to sense the position and location and orientation and movement of the body and its parts subtype: #kinesthesis__kinesthesi__kinaesthesis__kinesthesia__kinesthetics__muscle_sense__sense_of_movement the ability to feel movements of the limbs and body subtype: #kinanesthesia inability to sense movement subtype: #sense_of_equilibrium__equilibrium__labyrinthine_sense__vestibular_sense__sense_of_balance a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head subtype: #somesthesis__somesthesi__somesthesia__somaesthesis__somatesthesia__somatatesthesis__somatatesthesi__somatosensory_system__somatosensorysystem__somatic_sensory_system__somaticsensorysystem__somatic_sense__somaticsense the faculty of bodily perception; sensory systems associated with the body; includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs subtype: #tactual_sensation__tactualsensation__tactility__touchperception__skinperceptivenes the faculty of perceiving (via the skin) pressure or heat or pain subtype: #kinesthesia__feeling_of_movement the perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc
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