#indiscipline__undiscipline the trait of lacking discipline exclusion: #discipline.trait supertype: #trait a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature subtype: #self-indulgence__indulgence an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires subtype: #luxury__extravagance something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity subtype: #dissoluteness__incontinence__self-gratification indiscipline with regard to sensuous pleasures subtype: #rakishness the quality of a rake subtype: #unrestraint the quality of lacking restraint subtype: #intemperance the quality of being intemperate subtype: #gluttony habitual eating to excess subtype: #hoggishness__hoggishnes__greedines__piggishnes an excessive desire for food subtype: #rapaciousness__rapaciousnes__esurience__voracity__voraciousness__voraciousnes extreme gluttony subtype: #wantonness__abandon the trait of lacking restraint or control; freedom from inhibition or worry; "she danced with abandon" subtype: #sottishness__sottishnes lack of restraint in use of alcohol
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