#improperness__impropriety an improper demeanor exclusion: #propriety supertype: #demeanor__demeanour__behavior__behaviour__conduct__deportment behavioral attributes subtype: #incorrectness__incorrectnes lack of conformity to social expectations subtype: #political_incorrectness__politicalincorrectnes the use of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult groups who are socially disadvantaged or discriminted against subtype: #inappropriateness.improperness__inappropriatenes__wrongnes inappropriate conduct subtype: #indelicacy.improperness the trait of being indelicate and offensive subtype: #gaminess__raciness__ribaldry__spiciness__spicines behavior or language bordering on indelicacy subtype: #indecorousness__indecorum a lack of decorum subtype: #unseemliness a lack of consideration for others subtype: #unbecomingness the quality of being unbecoming subtype: #indecency the quality of being indecent subtype: #immodesty the trait of being vain and conceited subtype: #outrageousness__enormity the quality of being outrageous subtype: #lewdness__obscenity__bawdiness__bawdines__salaciousnes the trait of behaving in an obscene manner subtype: #smuttiness__dirtiness__dirtines obscenity in speech or writing
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