#huntsman__hunter someone who hunts game supertype: skilled_worker__skilledworker__trained_worker__trainedworker a worker who has acquired special skills instance: Nimrod subtype: deer_hunter hunter of deer subtype: duck_hunter hunter of ducks subtype: falconer__hawker a person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry subtype: fowler someone who hunts wild birds for food subtype: huntress a woman hunter subtype: lion-hunter someone who hunts lions subtype: pothunter someone who hunts for food (not for sport) subtype: snarer someone who sets snares for birds or small animals subtype: stalker someone who stalks game subtype: tracker someone who tracks down game subtype: trapper someone who sets traps for animals (usually to obtain their furs) subtype: coureur_de_bois a French Canadian trapper
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