#hole an opening deliberately made in or through something supertype: opening.artifact a vacant or unobstructed space; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door" subtype: air_hole__airhole a hole that allows the passage of air subtype: armhole a hole through which you put your arm and where a sleeve can be attached subtype: bunghole a hole in a barrel or cask; used to fill or empty it subtype: buttonhole__button_hole a hole through which buttons are pushed subtype: countersink a hole (usually in wood) with the top part enlarged so that a screw or bolt will fit into it and lie below the surface subtype: cup.hole the hole (or metal container in the hole) on a golf green; "he swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away"; "put the flag back in the cup" subtype: ear_hole__earhole a hole (as in a helmet) for sound to reach the ears subtype: eye.hole a small hole or loop (as in a needle); "the thread wouldn't go through the eye" subtype: eyelet a small hole (usually round and finished around the edges) in cloth or leather for the passage of a cord subtype: finger_hole a hole for inserting a finger subtype: thumbhole a finger hole made to fit the thumb (as in a bowling ball) subtype: finger_hole.hole__fingerhole one of a series of holes in a woodwind instrument; pitch changes when a finger covers it subtype: hawse__hawsehole__hawsepipe the hole that an anchor rope passes through subtype: keyhole the hole where a key is inserted subtype: loophole.hole a small hole in a fortified wall; for observation or discharging weapons subtype: lubber's_hole hole in a platform on a mast through which a sailor can climb without going out on the shrouds subtype: manhole a hole (usually with a flush cover) through which a person can gain access to an underground structure subtype: mortise__mortice a square hole made to receive a tenon and so to form a joint subtype: mouth_hole__mouthhole a hole (as in a ski mask) for the mouth subtype: nail_hole a hole left after a nail is removed subtype: peephole__spyhole a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep subtype: judas__juda a one-way peephole in a door subtype: perforation_line__perforationline__perforation a line of small holes for tearing at a particular place subtype: plughole (British) a hole into which a plug fits (especially a hole where water drains away) subtype: posthole__post_hole a hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post subtype: puncture.hole a small hole made by a sharp object subtype: pinhole a small puncture that might have been made by a pin subtype: pinprick small puncture (as if made by a pin) subtype: sound_hole__soundhole a hole in a soundboard (as of a violin) designed to resonate with the tones subtype: thumbhole.hole the hole in a woodwind that is closed and opened with the thumb subtype: venthole__vent__blowhole a hole for the escape of gas or air subtype: smoke_hole__smokehole a vent (as in a roof) for smoke to escape
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