#gymnosperm_genus a genus of gymnosperms supertype: #genus__genu (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species member of: #class_Gymnospermae subtype: #genus_Gnetum type genus of the Gnetaceae; small trees or shrubs usually with climbing jointed stems and terminal spikes of flowers with orange-red seeds clustered in rough cones subtype: #genus_Ephedra type and sole genus of Ephedraceae: tropical and subtropical evergreen shrubby or creeping plants native to dry and inhospitable regions subtype: #genus_Welwitschia__genus_Welwitchia type and sole genus of Welwitschiaceae subtype: #genus_Cycas__Cycas type genus of Cycadaceae: genus of widely distributed Old World evergreen tropical trees having pinnate leaves and columnar stems covered with persistent bases of old leaves subtype: #genus_Zamia genus of small evergreen tropical and subtropical American cycads subtype: #genus_Ceratozamia small genus of Mexican cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae subtype: #genus_Dioon small genus of arborescent cycads of Mexico and Central America; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae subtype: #genus_Encephalartos genus of arborescent African cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae subtype: #genus_Macrozamia genus of large evergreen Australian cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae subtype: #genus_Bennettitis__Bennettitis type of the Bennettitales subtype: #genus_Lyginopteris__Lyginopteris genus of fossil seed ferns of the Carboniferous subtype: #genus_Cordaites__Cordaites tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines; structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers subtype: #genus_Pinus__Pinus type genus of the Pinaceae: large genus of true pines subtype: #genus_Larix__Larix larches subtype: #genus_Pseudolarix__Pseudolarix one species: golden larch subtype: #genus_Abies__Abies true firs subtype: #genus_Cedrus__Cedrus true cedars subtype: #genus_Picea__Picea a genus of temperate and arctic evergreen trees (see spruce) subtype: #genus_Tsuga__Tsuga hemlock; hemlock fir; hemlock spruce subtype: #genus_Pseudotsuga__Pseudotsuga douglas fir; closely related to genera Larix and Cathaya subtype: #genus_Cathaya one species; related to Pseudotsuga and Larix subtype: #genus_Cupressus__Cupressus type genus of Cupressaceae subtype: #genus_Athrotaxis__Athrotaxis a genus of gymnosperm subtype: #genus_Austrocedrus__Austrocedrus one species; formerly included in genus Libocedrus subtype: #genus_Callitris__Callitris evergreen monoecious coniferous trees or shrubs: cypress pines subtype: #genus_Calocedrus__Calocedrus tall evergreens of western North America and eastern Asia; formerly included in genus Libocedrus subtype: #genus_Chamaecyparis__Chamaecyparis a genus of Chamaecyparis subtype: #genus_Cryptomeria__Cryptomeria Japanese cedar; sugi subtype: #genus_Juniperus__Juniperus junipers subtype: #genus_Libocedrus__Libocedrus cypresses that resemble cedars subtype: #genus_Metasequoia genus of deciduous conifers comprising both living and fossil forms; 1 extant species: dawn redwood of China; variously classified as member of Pinaceae or Taxodiaceae subtype: #genus_Sequoia redwoods; until recently considered a genus of a separate family Taxodiaceae subtype: #genus_Taxodium__Taxodium bald cypress; swamp cypress subtype: #genus_Tetraclinis__Tetraclinis sandarac tree subtype: #genus_Thuja__Thuja red cedar subtype: #genus_Thujopsis__Thujopsis one species; has close similarity to genus Thuja subtype: #genus_Keteleeria a genus of Keteleeria subtype: #genus_Araucaria a genus of Araucaria subtype: #genus_Agathis__Agathis kauri pine subtype: #genus_Cephalotaxus__Cephalotaxus the genus of Cephalotaxus (see plum-yews) subtype: #genus_Torreya__Torreya nutmeg-yews subtype: #genus_Phyllocladus__Phyllocladus celery pine subtype: #genus_Podocarpus__Podocarpus evergreen trees or shrubs; sometimes classified as member of the family Taxaceae subtype: #genus_Afrocarpus__Afrocarpus dioecious evergreen trees or shrubs; equatorial to southern and southeastern Africa: yellowwood; similar to trees or genus Podocarpus subtype: #genus_Dacrycarpus__Dacrycarpus evergreen coniferous shrubs or trees of New Zealand to Malaysia and Philippines subtype: #genus_Dacrydium__Dacrydium Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs subtype: #genus_Falcatifolium__Falcatifolium sickle pines: dioecious evergreen tropical trees and shrubs having sickle-shaped leaves; similar to Dacrycarpus in habit; Malaysia and Philippines to New Guinea and New Caledonia subtype: #genus_Halocarpus__Halocarpus dioecious trees or shrubs of New Zealand; similar in habit to Dacrydium subtype: #genus_Lagarostrobus__Lagarostrobus genus of dioecious evergreen trees of New Zealand and Tasmania; similar to genus Dacrydium subtype: #genus_Lepidothamnus__Lepidothamnus small usually shrubby conifers subtype: #genus_Microstrobos__Microstrobos 2 species of small evergreen shrubs of Australia and Tasmania subtype: #genus_Nageia__Nageia small genus of Asian evergreen trees having columnar crowns and distinguished by leaves lacking a midrib; eastern Asia including India and Philippines and New Guinea subtype: #genus_Parasitaxus__Parasitaxus 1 species: parasite yew subtype: #genus_Prumnopitys__Prumnopitys mostly dioecious evergreen conifers; leaves are softer than in Podocarpus subtype: #genus_Retrophyllum__Retrophyllum small genus of tropical evergreen dioecious shrubs or trees of Oceania and tropical South America subtype: #genus_Saxe-gothea__Saxe-gothea__Saxegothea__genus_Saxegothea 1 species: Prince Albert's yew subtype: #genus_Sundacarpus__Sundacarpus 1 species subtype: #genus_Sciadopitys__Sciadopitys type and sole genus of Sciadopityaceae; Japanese umbrella pines subtype: #genus_Taxus__Taxus yews subtype: #genus_Austrotaxus__Austrotaxus a gymnosperm genus having one species: New Caledonian yew subtype: #genus_Pseudotaxus__Pseudotaxus one species subtype: #genus_Ginkgo sole surviving genus of the Ginkgoaceae
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