#grass__gras narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay supertype: #gramineous_plant__graminaceous_plant cosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and narrow long-bladed leaves subtype: #beach_grass__beachgras tough grasses with strong roots that can grow on exposed sandy shores subtype: #bunchgrass__bunch_grass__bunchgras any of various grasses of many genera that grow in tufts or clumps rather than forming a sod or mat; chiefly of western United States subtype: #midgrass any of various grasses of moderate height which covered the undisturbed prairie in the United States; includes most of the forage grasses of the temperate zone subtype: #shortgrass any of various grasses that are short and can tolerate drought conditions; common on the dry upland plains just east of the Rocky Mountains subtype: #sword_grass__swordgras any of various grasses or sedges having sword-shaped leaves with sharp edges subtype: #tallgrass__tallgras any of various grasses that are tall and that flourish with abundant moisture subtype: #goat_grass__Aegilops_triuncalis European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock subtype: #wheatgrass a grass of the genus Agropyron subtype: #crested_wheatgrass__crested_wheat_grass__crestedwheatgras__fairwaycrestedwheatgras__Agropyron_cristatum Eurasian grass grown in United States great plains area for forage and erosion control subtype: #dog_grass__doggras__couch_grass__couchgras__quackgrass__quack_grass__quackgras__quickgras__witch_grass__witchgrass__Agropyron_repens European grass spreading rapidly by creeping rhizomes; naturalized in North America as a weed subtype: #bearded_wheatgrass__Agropyron_subsecundum a wheatgrass with straight terminal awns on the flowering glumes subtype: #western_wheatgrass__bluestem_wheatgrass__Agropyron_smithii valuable forage grass of western United States subtype: #intermediate_wheatgrass__Agropyron_intermedium__Elymus_hispidus Asiatic grass introduced into United States rangelands for pasture and fodder subtype: #slender_wheatgrass__Agropyron_trachycaulum__Agropyron_pauciflorum__Elymus_trachycaulos North American grass cultivated in western United States as excellent forage crop subtype: #bent_grass__bent__bentgrass__bentgras grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens subtype: #velvet_bent_grass__velvet_bent__brown_bent__brownbent__Rhode_Island_bent__dog_bent__dogbent__Agrostis_canina common grass with slender stems and narrow leaves subtype: #cloud_grass__cloudgras__Agrostis_nebulosa Spanish grass with light feathery panicles grown for dried bouquets subtype: #creeping_bent__creeping_bentgrass__Agrostis_palustris common pasture or lawn grass spread by long runners subtype: #broom_grass__broomgras any of several grasses of the genus Andropogon; used in broom making subtype: #broom_sedge__broomsedge__Andropogon_virginicus tall tufted grass of southeastern United States subtype: #broom_beard_grass__broombeardgras__prairiegras__wiregras__andropogonscopariu__Schizachyrium_scoparium handsome hardy North American grass with foliage turning pale bronze in autumn subtype: #tall_oat_grass__tall_meadow_grass__evergreen_grass__evergreengras__false_oat__falseoat__French_rye__Arrhenatherum_elatius coarse perennial Eurasian grass resembling oat; found on roadside verges and rough grassland and in hay meadows; introduced in North America for forage subtype: #brome__bromegrass any of various woodland and meadow grasses of the genus Bromus; native to temperate regions subtype: #awnless_bromegrass__Bromus_inermis drought-resistant perennial with awns lacking or very short and long creeping rhizomes; Europe and temperate Asia subtype: #chess__ches__Bromus_secalinus weedy annual native to Europe but widely distributed as a weed especially in wheat subtype: #downy_brome__downybrome__downy_bromegrass__downy_cheat__downycheat__downy_chess__downyches__cheatgrass__drooping_brome__Bromus_tectorum annual or winter annual grass with softly hairy leaves of the Mediterranean subtype: #field_brome__fieldbrome__Bromus_arvensis annual grass of Europe and temperate Asia subtype: #Japanese_brome__Japanese_chess__Bromus_japonicus grass of Mediterranean and temperate Asia subtype: #grama_grass__gramagras__grama__gramma__gramma_grass pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America subtype: #blue_grama__Bouteloua_gracilis of western North America subtype: #black_grama__Bouteloua_eriopoda especially of western coastal regions of North America subtype: #buffalo_grass__buffalogras__Buchloe_dactyloides short grass growing on dry plains of central United States (where buffalo roam) subtype: #reed_grass any of various tall perennial grasses of the genus Calamagrostis having feathery plumes; natives of marshland fens and wet woodlands of temperate northern hemisphere subtype: #feather_reed_grass__feathertop__Calamagrostis_acutiflora a variety of reed grass subtype: #Australian_reed_grass__Calamagrostic_quadriseta tall Australian reedlike grass sometimes used for hay subtype: #burgrass__bur_grass__burgras a grass of the genus Cenchrus subtype: #buffel_grass__Cenchrus_ciliaris__Pennisetum_cenchroides erect tussock-forming perennial bur grass used in especially in South Africa and Australia for pasture and forage subtype: #field_sandbur__fieldsandbur__sandbur__Cenchrus_tribuloides grass of the eastern United States and tropical America having spikelets enclosed in prickly burs subtype: #finger_grass any grass of the genus Chloris; occurs in short grassland especially on waste ground or poor soils subtype: #Rhodes_grass__Chloris_gayana perennial grass of South Africa introduced into United States; cultivated as forage grass in dry regions subtype: #creeping_windmill_grass__windmill_grass__star_grass__Chloris_truncata perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill subtype: #pampas_grass__Cortaderia_selloana tall perennial grass of pampas of South America having silvery plumes and growing in large dense clumps subtype: #plumed_tussock__toe_toe__toetoe__Cortaderia_richardii__Arundo_richardii tall grass of New Zealand grown for plumelike flower heads subtype: #Bermuda_grass__devil_grass__Bahama_grass__kweek__scutch_grass__star_grass__Cynodon_dactylon trailing grass native to Europe now cosmopolitan in warm regions; used for lawns and pastures especially in southern United States and India subtype: #giant_star_grass__Cynodon_plectostachyum perennial grass having stems 3 to 4 feet high; used especially in Africa and India for pasture and hay subtype: #orchard_grass__orchardgras__cocksfoot__cockspur__Dactylis_glomerata widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass subtype: #crabgrass__crabgras__crabgras__fingergras grasses with creeping stems that root freely; a pest in lawns subtype: #Egyptian_grass__crowfoot_grass__Dactyloctenium_aegypticum a creeping grass with spikes like fingers subtype: #smooth_crabgrass__Digitaria_ischaemum a weed subtype: #large_crabgrass__largecrabgras__hairy_finger_grass__Digitaria_sanguinalis a European forage grass grown for hay; a naturalized weed in United States subtype: #lyme_grass a grass of the genus Elymus subtype: #giant_ryegrass__Elymus_condensatus__Leymus_condensatus stout perennial grass of western North America subtype: #sea_lyme_grass__European_dune_grass__Elymus_arenarius__Leymus_arenaria a dune grass of the Pacific seacoast used as a sand binder subtype: #wild_rye any of several grasses of the genus Elymus subtype: #Canada_wild_rye__Elymus_canadensis North American wild rye subtype: #Elymus_caput-medusae__medusa's_head weedy rye grass having long bristling awns subtype: #love_grass__bay_grass__baygras any of various grasses of the genus Eragrostis; useful especially for forage and prevention of erosion subtype: #teff_grass__teff__Eragrostis_tef__Eragrostic_abyssinica an African grass economically important as a cereal grass (yielding white flower of good quality) as well as for forage and hay subtype: #weeping_love_grass__African_love_grass__Eragrostis_curvula perennial South African grass having densely clumped flimsy stems; introduced into United States especially for erosion control subtype: #plume_grass__plumegras a reedlike grass of the genus Erianthus having large plumes subtype: #Ravenna_grass__wool_grass__Erianthus_ravennae grass often cultivated for its long white-ribbed leaves and large plumes resembling those of pampas grass subtype: #meadow_fescue__fescue__fescue_grass__Festuca_elatior grass with wide flat leaves cultivated in Europe and America for permanent pasture and hay and for lawns subtype: #sheep_fescue__sheepfescue__sheep's_fescue__sheep'sfescue__Festuca_ovina cultivated for sheep pasturage in upland regions or used as a lawn grass subtype: #silver_grass of Australia and New Zealand subtype: #velvet_grass__Yorkshire_fog__Holcus_lanatus tall European perennial grass having a velvety stem; naturalized in United States and used for forage subtype: #creeping_soft_grass__Holcus_mollis European perennial grass with soft velvety foliage subtype: #rye_grass__ryegras__ryegrass any of several annual or perennial Eurasian grasses subtype: #perennial_ryegrass__English_ryegrass__Lolium_perenne European perennial grass widely cultivated for pasture and hay and as a lawn grass subtype: #Italian_ryegrass__Italian_rye__Lolium_multiflorum European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure subtype: #bearded_darnel__beardeddarnel__darnel__tare__cheat__Lolium_temulentum weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonous subtype: #nimblewill__nimble_Will__Muhlenbergia_schreberi slender branching American grass of some value for grazing in central United States subtype: #dallisgrass__dallisgras__dallisgras__Paspalum_dilatatum tall tufted perennial tropical American grass naturalized as pasture and forage grass in southern United States subtype: #Bahia_grass__Paspalum_notatum perennial tropical American grass used as pasture grass in arid areas of Gulf states subtype: #knotgrass__knotgras__paspalumdistichum low-growing weedy grass with spikelets along the leaf stems subtype: #fountain_grass__Pennisetum_ruppelii__Pennisetum_setaceum tall perennial ornamental grass with long nodding flower plumes of tropical Africa and Asia subtype: #feathertop_grass__feathertop__Pennistum_villosum northeastern tropical African plant having feathery panicles subtype: #reed_canary_grass__gardener's_garters__lady's_laces__ribbon_grass__Phalaris_arundinacea perennial grass of marshy meadows and ditches having broad leaves; Europe and North America subtype: #canary_grass__birdseed_grass__Phalaris_canariensis Canary Islands grass; seeds used as feed for caged birds subtype: #hardinggrass__Harding_grass__toowomba_canary_grass__Phalaris_aquatica__Phalaris_tuberosa perennial grass of Australia and South Africa; introduced in North America as forage grass subtype: #herd's_grass__timothy__Phleum_pratense grass with long cylindrical spikes frown in northern United States and Europe for hay subtype: #blue_grass__bluegrass__bluegras any of various grasses of the genus Poa subtype: #Kentucky_bluegrass__Kentucky_blue__Kentucy_blue_grass__June_grass__Poa_pratensis valuable meadow and pasture grass in Europe and especially central United States having tall stalks and slender bright green leaves; a chief constituent in lawn grass mixtures subtype: #meadowgrass__meadow_grass any of various grasses that thrive in the presence of abundant moisture subtype: #foxtail__foxtail_grass__foxtailgras grasses of the genera Alopecurus and Setaria having dense silky or bristly brushlike flowering spikes subtype: #meadow_foxtail__Alopecurus_pratensis stout erect perennial grass of northern parts of Old World having silky flowering spikes; widely cultivated for pasture and hay; naturalized in North America subtype: #bristlegrass__bristle_grass__bristlegras grasses of grasslands and woodlands having large gracefully arching spikes with long bristles beneath each spikelet subtype: #giant_foxtail__giantfoxtail two species of coarse annual foxtails that are naturalized weeds in United States subtype: #yellow_bristlegrass__yellow_bristle_grass__yellow_foxtail__glaucous_bristlegrass__Setaria_glauca common weedy and bristly grass found in nearly all temperate areas subtype: #green_bristlegrass__green_foxtail__greenfoxtail__rough_bristlegrass__bottlegrass__bottlegras__bottlegras__setariaviridi European foxtail naturalized in North America; often a troublesome weed subtype: #foxtail_millet__foxtailmillet__Italian_millet__Hungarian_grass__Setaria_italica coarse drought-resistant annual grass grown for grain, hay and forage in Europe and Asia and chiefly for forage and hay in United States subtype: #Siberian_millet__Setaria_italica_rubrofructa millet having orange to reddish grains in long bristly spikes subtype: #German_millet__golden_wonder_millet__Setaria_italica_stramineofructa millet having yellow grains in large drooping spikes subtype: #manna_grass__mannagras__sweet_grass__sweetgras any of several moisture-loving grasses of the genus Glyceria having sweet flavor or odor subtype: #reed_meadow_grass__Glyceria_grandis a pasture grass of moist places throughout North America subtype: #wood_meadowgrass__Poa_nemoralis__Agrostis_alba slender European grass of shady places; grown also in northeastern America and temperate Asia subtype: #munj__munja__Saccharum_bengalense__Saccharum_munja tough Asiatic grass whose culms are used for ropes and baskets subtype: #bluestem__blue_stem__Andropogon_furcatus__Andropogon_gerardii tall grass with smooth bluish leaf sheaths grown for hay in the United States subtype: #cordgrass__cordgras__cordgras any of several perennial grasses of the genus Spartina; some important as coastal soil binders subtype: #salt_reed_grass__Spartina_cynosuroides tall reedlike grass common in salt meadows subtype: #prairie_cordgrass__prairiecordgras__freshwater_cordgrass__slough_grass__Spartina_pectinmata North American cordgrass having leaves with dry membranous margins and glumes with long awns subtype: #dropseed a grass of the genus Sporobolus subtype: #smut_grass__blackseed__carpet_grass__Sporobolus_poiretii grass native to West Indies but common in southern United States having tufted wiry stems often infested with a dark fungus subtype: #sand_dropseed__Sporobolus_cryptandrus erect smooth grass of sandy places in eastern North America subtype: #rushgrass__rushgras grass having wiry stems and sheathed panicles subtype: #St._Augustine_grass__Stenotaphrum_secundatum__buffalo_grass__buffalogras low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America; grown as a lawn grass subtype: #cereal_grass__cereal grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet subtype: #oat annual grass of Europe and North Africa; grains used as food and fodder (referred to primarily in the plural: `oats') subtype: #cereal_oat__Avena_sativa widely cultivated in temperate regions for its edible grains subtype: #wild_oat_grass__wild_oat__Avena_fatua common in meadows and pastures subtype: #slender_wild_oat__Avena_barbata oat of southern Europe and southwestern Asia subtype: #wild_red_oat__animated_oat__Avene_sterilis Mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat subtype: #barley cultivated since prehistoric times; grown for forage and grain subtype: #common_barley__Hordeum_vulgare grass yielding grain used for for breakfast food, animal feed and in malt beverages subtype: #barley_grass__wall_barley__Hordeum_murinum European annual grass often found as a weed in waste ground especially along roadsides and hedgerows subtype: #squirreltail_barley__foxtail_barley__foxtailbarley__squirreltail_grass__Hordeum_jubatum barley grown for its highly ornamental flower heads with delicate long silky awns; North America and northeastern Asia subtype: #little_barley__Hordeum_pusillum annual barley native to western North America and widespread in southern United States and tropical America subtype: #rice.cereal_grass annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses; seed used for food; straw used for paper subtype: #cultivated_rice__Oryza_sativa yields the staple food of 50 percent of world's population subtype: #ricegrass__ricegras__ricegras any grass of the genus Oryzopsis subtype: #mountain_rice__silkgrass__silkgras__silkgras__indianmillet__Oryzopsis_hymenoides valuable forage grass of dry upland areas and plains of western North America to northern Mexico subtype: #smilo_grass__smilogras__smilo__Oryzopsis_miliacea perennial mountain rice native to Mediterranean region and introduced into North America subtype: #pearl_millet__pearlmillet__bulrush_millet__bulrushmillet__cattail_millet__cattailmillet__Pennisetum_glaucum__Pennisetum_Americanum tall grass having cattail like spikes; grown in Africa and Asia for its grain and in the United States chiefly for forage; sometimes used in making beer subtype: #Secale_cereale__rye hardy annual cereal grass widely cultivated in northern Europe where its grain is the chief ingredient of black bread and in North America for forage and soil improvement subtype: #millet any of various small-grained annual cereal and forage grasses of the genera Panicum, Echinochloa, Setaria, Sorghum, and Eleusine subtype: #barnyard_grass__barn_grass__barn_millet__Echinochloa_crusgalli a coarse annual panic grass; a cosmopolitan weed; occasionally used for hay or grazing subtype: #Japanese_millet__billion-dollar_grass__Japanese_barnyard_millet__sanwa_millet__sanwamillet__Echinochloa_frumentacea coarse annual grass cultivated in Japan and southeastern Asia for its edible seeds and for forage; important wildlife food in United States subtype: #yardgrass__yardgras__yardgras__wiregras__goosegras__Eleusine_indica coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers; native to Old World tropics; a naturalized weed elsewhere subtype: #finger_millet__ragi__ragee__African_millet__coracan__corakan__kurakkan__Eleusine_coracana East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient subtype: #panic_grass__panicgras any grass of the genus Panicum; grown for grain and fodder subtype: #old_witchgrass__witchgrass__witch_grass__old_witch_grass__oldwitchgras__tumblegras__panicumcapillare North American grass with slender brushy panicles; often a weed on cultivated land subtype: #switch_grass__Panicum_virgatum grass of western America used for hay subtype: #broomcorn_millet__broomcornmillet__millet__hog_millet__hogmillet__Panicum_miliaceum extensively cultivated in Europe and Asia for its grain and in United States sometimes for forage subtype: #Texas_millet__goose_grass__goosegras__Panicum_Texanum annual weedy grass used for hay subtype: #sorghum economically important Old World tropical cereal grass subtype: #great_millet__greatmillet__kaffir__kafir_corn__kafircorn__kaffir_corn__Sorghum_bicolor important for human and animal food; growth habit and stem form similar to Indian corn but having sawtooth-edged leaves subtype: #grain_sorghum__grainsorghum any of several sorghums cultivated primarily for grain subtype: #durra__doura__dourah__Egyptian_corn__Indian_millet__Guinea_corn sorghums of dry regions of Asia and North Africa subtype: #feterita__federita__Sorghum_vulgare_caudatum a Sudanese sorghum having exceptionally large soft white grains subtype: #hegari Sudanese sorghums having white seeds; one variety grown in southwestern United States subtype: #kaoliang sorghums of China and Manchuria having small white or brown grains (used for food) and dry pithy stalks (used for fodder, fuel and thatching) subtype: #milo_maize__milo small drought-resistant sorghums having large yellow or whitish grains subtype: #shallu__Sorghum_vulgare_rosburghii sorghum having slender dry stalks and small hard grains; introduced into United States from India subtype: #sorgo__sorgho__sweet_sorghum__sweetsorghum__sugar_sorghum__sugarsorghum any of several sorghums cultivated as a source of syrup subtype: #Johnson_grass__Aleppa_grass__means_grass__meansgras__evergreen_millet__evergreenmillet__Sorghum_halepense__Sorghum_halapense tall perennial grass that spreads by creeping rhizomes and is grown for fodder; naturalized in southern United States where it is a serious pest on cultivated land subtype: #broomcorn__Sorghum_vulgare_technicum tall grasses grown for the elongated stiff-branched panicle used for brooms and brushes subtype: #wheat__corn annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and light brown grains subtype: #Triticum_durum__durum__durum_wheat__durumwheat__hard_wheat__Triticum_turgidum__maccaroni_wheat__maccaroniwheat wheat with hard dark-colored kernels high in gluten and used for bread and pasta; grown especially in southern Russia, North Africa, and northern central North America subtype: #soft_wheat wheat with soft starch kernels used in pastry and breakfast cereals subtype: #common_wheat__Triticum_aestivum widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important grain subtype: #spelt__Triticum_spelta__Triticum_aestivum_spelta hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed subtype: #emmer__starchwheat__two-grain_spelt__twograinspelt__Triticum_dicoccum hard red wheat grown especially in Russia and Germany; in United States as stock feed subtype: #wild_wheat__wild_emmer__Triticum_dicoccum_dicoccoides found wild in Palestine; held to be prototype of cultivated wheat subtype: #Indian_corn__corn__maize__Zea_mays tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in Mexico and Central and South America since pre-Columbian times subtype: #field_corn__fieldcorn corn grown primarily for animal feed or market grain subtype: #dent_corn__Zea_mays_indentata corn whose kernels contain both hard and soft starch and become indented at maturity subtype: #flint_corn__flintcorn__flint_maize__flintmaize__Yankee_corn__Zea_mays_indurata corn having kernels with a hard outer layer enclosing the soft endosperm subtype: #soft_corn__flour_corn__flourcorn__squaw_corn__squawcorn__Zea_mays_amylacea corn having kernels almost entirely of soft starch subtype: #sweet_corn_plant__sweet_corn__sweetcorn__sugar_corn__sugarcorn__green_corn__greencorn__Zea_mays_rugosa__Zea_saccharata corn whose young ears are sweet and suitable for eating as a vegetable subtype: #Zea_mays_everta__popcorn corn having small ears and kernels that burst when exposed to dry heat subtype: #wild_rice__Zizania_aquatica perennial aquatic grass of North America bearing grain used for food subtype: #zoysia any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia subtype: #Manila_grass__Japanese_carpet_grass__Zoysia_matrella lawn grass common in the Philippines; grown also in United States subtype: #Korean_lawn_grass__Japanese_lawn_grass__Zoysia_japonica lawn grass common in China and Japan; grown also in United States subtype: #mascarene_grass__mascarenegras__Korean_velvet_grass__Zoysia_tenuifolia Asiatic creeping perennial grass; introduced in southern United States as a drought-resistant lawn grass
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