#glycoside a group of compounds derived from monosaccharides supertype: organic_compound__organiccompound any compound of carbon and another element or a radical subtype: glucoside a glycoside derived from glucose subtype: amygdalin a bitter cyanogenic glucoside extracted from the seeds of apricots and plums and bitter almonds subtype: laetrile a substance derived from amygdalin; publicized as an antineoplastic drug although there is no supporting evidence subtype: saponin any of various plant glucosides that form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water; used in detergents and foaming agents and emulsifiers subtype: nucleoside a glycoside formed by partial hydrolysis of a nucleic acid subtype: adenosine (biochemistry) a nucleoside that is present in all living cells in a combined form; a constituent of DNA and RNA and ATP and AMP subtype: thymidine__deoxythymidine__thymine_deoxyribonucleoside__thyminedeoxyribonucleoside a nucleoside component of DNA; composed of thymine and deoxyribose subtype: deoxyadenosine a nucleoside component of DNA; composed of adenosine and deoxyribose subtype: deoxycytidine a nucleoside component of DNA; composed of cytosine and deoxyribose subtype: deoxyguanosine a nucleoside component of DNA; composed of guanine and deoxyribose subtype: strophanthin a bitter and very toxic glycoside derived from plants of the genus Strophanthus; in moderate doses it is a cardiac stimulant but in larger doses it is a powerful poison; used in Africa as an arrow poison
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