#genus_Pithecellobium__Pithecellobium__Pithecolobium__genus_Pithecolobium thorny shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical America and Asia supertype: #rosid_dicot_genus__rosiddicotgenu a genus of dicotyledonous plants member of: #subfamily_Mimosoideae member: #manila_tamarind__camachile__huamachil__wild_tamarind__Pithecellobium_dulce common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum member: #cat's-claw__cat'sclaw__catclaw__black_bead__blackbead__Pithecellodium_unguis-cati erect shrub with small if any spines having racemes of white to yellow flowers followed by curved pointed pods and black shiny seeds; West Indies and Florida
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