#genus_Aralia type genus of Araliaceae; large widely distributed genus of shrubs and trees and vines: spikenard; Hercules'-club supertype: #rosid_dicot_genus__rosiddicotgenu a genus of dicotyledonous plants member of: #family_Araliaceae member: #aralia any of various plants of the genus Aralia; often aromatic plants having compound leaves and small umbellate flowers member: #American_angelica_tree__devil's_walking_stick__devil'swalkingstick__Hercules'-club__Aralia_spinosa small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern United States member: #wild_sarsaparilla__false_sarsaparilla__falsesarsaparilla__wild_sarsparilla__Aralia_nudicaulis common perennial herb having aromatic roots used as a substitute for sarsaparilla; central and eastern North America member: #American_spikenard__petty_morel__life-of-man__Aralia_racemosa unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant distinguished from wild sarsaparilla by more aromatic roots and panicled umbels; southeastern North America to Mexico member: #bristly_sarsaparilla__bristlysarsaparilla__bristlysarsparilla__dwarf_elder__Aralia_hispida bristly herb of eastern and central North America having black fruit and medicinal bark member: #Japanese_angelica_tree__Aralia_elata deciduous clump-forming Asian shrub or small tree; adventive in the eastern United States
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