#fiber__fibre a slender and greatly elongated solid substance supertype: material.substance__stuff the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object; "coal is a hard black material"; "wheat is the stuff they use to make bread" substance: cellulose subtype: byssus__beard tuft of strong filaments by which e.g. a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface subtype: bristle a stiff fiber (coarse hair or filament); natural or synthetic subtype: optical_fiber__opticalfiber__glass_fiber__glassfiber__optical_fibre__opticalfibre__glass_fibre__glassfibre a very thin fiber made of glass that functions as a waveguide for light; used in bundles to transmit images subtype: nerve_fiber__nervefiber__nerve_fibre__nervefibre a threadlike extension of a nerve cell subtype: medullated_nerve_fiber__myelinated_nerve_fiber a nerve fiber encased in a sheath of myelin subtype: effector.nerve_fiber a nerve fiber that terminates on a muscle or gland and stimulates contraction or secretion subtype: axon__axone long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron subtype: dendrite short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron subtype: spindle.fiber (biology) tiny fibers that are seen in cell division; the fibers radiate from two poles and meet at the equator in the middle; "chromosomes are distributed by spindles in mitosis and meiosis" subtype: loofa__loofah__luffa__loufah_sponge the dried fibrous part of the fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer subtype: Cebu_maguey__cantala__manilamaguey hard fiber used in making coarse twine; from Philippine agave plants subtype: bassine coarse leaf fiber from palmyra palms used in making brushes and brooms subtype: coir stiff coarse fiber from the outer husk of a coconut subtype: raffia fiber of a raffia palm used as light cordage and in making hats and baskets subtype: fibril__filament__strand a very slender natural or synthetic fiber subtype: barb one of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather subtype: cobweb.fibril__gossamer filaments from a cobweb subtype: chromatid one of two identical strands into which a chromosome splits during mitosis subtype: myofibril__myofibrilla one of many contractile filaments that make up a striated muscle fiber subtype: rhizoid any of various slender filaments that function as roots in mosses and ferns and fungi etc subtype: leak_fungus__ring_rot_fungus__Rhizopus_stolonifer fungus causing soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables and rings of dry rot around roots of sweet potatoes subtype: hypha any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus subtype: conidiophore a specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia subtype: rhizomorph a dense mass of hyphae forming a rootlike structure characteristic of many fungi subtype: paraphysis a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia; may be pointed or clubbed subtype: lint fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers subtype: man-made_fiber__synthetic_fiber__syntheticfiber created from natural materials or by chemical processes subtype: acrylic_fiber__acrylicfiber__acrylic polymerized from acrylonitrile subtype: nylon.polyamide a thermoplastic polyamide; a family of high-strength resilient synthetic materials subtype: natural_fiber__naturalfiber__natural_fibre__naturalfibre derived from plants or animals subtype: pandanus fiber from leaves of the pandanus tree; used for woven articles (such as mats) subtype: New_Zealand_cotton a fiber from the bast of New Zealand ribbon trees that resembles cotton fiber subtype: bowstring_hemp__bowstringhemp strong fiber that resembles hemp; obtained from sansevieria and used for e.g. cordage subtype: bast_fiber__bast strong woody fibers obtained especially from the phloem of from various plants subtype: animal_fiber__animal_fibre fiber derived from animals subtype: horsehair.animal_fiber taken from the mane or tail of a horse subtype: silk.animal_fiber fibers from silkworm cocoons provide threads for knitting subtype: wool fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving subtype: Shetland_wool a wool obtained from sheep of the Shetland islands subtype: raw_wool__rawwool wool in its natural condition; not refined or processed subtype: alpaca.wool wool of the alpaca subtype: cashmere.wool the wool of the Kashmir goat subtype: fleece.wool the wool of a sheep or similar animal subtype: shoddy reclaimed wool fiber subtype: vicuna.wool the wool of the vicuna subtype: virgin_wool wool not used before; wool not processed or woven before subtype: plant_fiber__plantfiber__plant_fibre__plantfibre fiber derived from plants subtype: buntal fine white Philippine fiber from stalks of unopened leaves of talipot palms; used in making hats subtype: flax.plant_fiber fiber of the flax plant that is made into thread and woven into linen fabric subtype: cotton_wool__cotton silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state subtype: absorbent_cotton__absorbentcotton__cotton_wool cotton made absorbent by removal of the natural wax subtype: hemp a plant fiber subtype: kenaf__deccanhemp fiber from an East Indian plant Hibiscus cannabinus subtype: bowstring_hemp.hemp__bowstringhemp hemp obtained from the sansevieria subtype: Manilla_hemp__Manila_hemp__abaca a kind of hemp obtained from the abaca plant in the Philippines subtype: jute a plant fiber used in making rope or sacks subtype: kapok__silk_cotton__vegetable_silk__vegetablesilk from the kapok tree; used for stuffing and insulation subtype: red_silk_cotton from the red silk-cotton tree of E India; inferior to kapok subtype: straw plant fiber used e.g. for making baskets and hats or as fodder subtype: raphia__raffia leaf fibers of the raffia palm tree; used to make baskets and mats etc. subtype: sisal_hemp__sisalhemp__sisal a plant fiber used for making rope subtype: oakum loose hemp or jute fiber obtained by unravelling old ropes; when impregnated with tar it was used to caulk seams and pack joints in wooden ships subtype: raveling__ravelling a bit of fiber that has become separated from woven fabric
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