#fatness__fatnes__avoirdupois__avoirdupoi excess bodily weight; "she found fatness disgusting in herself as well as in others" exclusion: leanness supertype: bodily_property an attribute of the body subtype: adiposity__adiposeness__adiposenes__fattines having the property of containing fat; "he recommended exercise to reduce my adiposity" subtype: abdominousness__paunchiness the bodily property of a protruding belly subtype: greasiness__oiliness__oleaginousness consisting of or covered with oil subtype: fleshiness__obesity more than average fatness subtype: corpulence__overweight__stoutness__stoutnes__adiposi the property of excessive fatness subtype: exogenous_obesity__exogenousobesity obesity caused by overeating subtype: plumpness__plumpnes the bodily property of being well rounded subtype: chubbiness__pudginess__pudgines__tubbines__rolypolines the property of having a plump and round body subtype: buxomness the bodily property of being attractively plump and vigorous and (of women) full bosomed
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