#family_Syngnathidae__Syngnathidae pipefishes supertype: #fish_family any of various families of fish member of: #order_Solenichthyes member: #pipefish__needlefish fish with long tubular snout and slim body covered with bony plates member: #genus_Syngnathus__Syngnathus type genus of the family Syngnathidae member: #dwarf_pipefish__dwarfpipefish__Syngnathus_hildebrandi small (4 inches) fish found off Florida gulf coast member: #genus_Cosmocampus__Cosmocampus a genus of fish in the family Syngnathidae member: #deepwater_pipefish__deepwaterpipefish__Cosmocampus_profundus 8 inches; from eastern Florida to western Caribbean member: #genus_Hippocampus__Hippocampus seahorses member: #seahorse__sea_horse__seahorse small fish with horselike heads bent sharply downward and curled tails; swim in upright position
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